Why is Space Malicious? | Three Body Problem Series

Warning, this video has spoilers. Cixin Liu’s Remembrance of Earth’s Past trilogy describes the journey of mankind through 8 distinct Era’s. The Common Era, the era most familiar to the one you and I know, before they knew what awaited within the dark forest beyond the stars. The year 201X C.E. or 2010 AD would mark the end of the common era. The Epoch C.E. stood for Crisis Era. This was the era directly following humanity’s discovery that not only was there other intelligent life in the universe, but it was vicious and hungry, determined to snuff out the human race and claim the earth for its own. The crisis era would last from 201X CE to 2208 AD which would mark the start of the Deterrence Era, which would last 62 years to be followed by a brief period of time known as the Post-Deterrence Era which lasted approximately two years from 2270 – 2272. The ages that followed were, in order, The Broadcast Era from 2272-2332, The Bunker Era from 2333-2400, the Galaxy Era which began in 2273 and continued indefinitely, and finally the Black Domain Era for the DX3906 Star System which last from 2687 through 18,906,416. We will discuss all of these eras in future videos but in this one we will hone in on perhaps the most crucial era of all for humanity, The Deterrence Era, which began with the Wallfacer known as Lou Ji.

Get This book: https://amzn.to/3xFTS6P


Links To Art: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uOPk3LEAxG7gIVS3rC8G-SedW1qEU5PLUIoltnC0ls0/edit?usp=sharing

Links To Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLJVGX3j5tY&t=984s

Three-Body Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRXGGVBzHLUfIzEhovpQJ2ENiNvJoOD2A
H.P. Lovecraft Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRXGGVBzHLUcMoc_ZljrDbgrRi3x_CLYD
Hyperion Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRXGGVBzHLUfgKLf-CBr5VCC2xM0qX8Xh
Dune Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRXGGVBzHLUdsgN_vFaZmfjc6bXxPqajV
Foundation Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRXGGVBzHLUeQMsBkZJ72aIIG8nR-No6J

Buy Quinn’s Comic Books: https://www.quinnhoward.net/shop

Quinn’s Website: https://www.quinnhoward.net

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25 thoughts on “Why is Space Malicious? | Three Body Problem Series”

  1. I don’t understand why earth couldn’t reveal the location of the trisolaran homeworld without revealing its own location given that it the spell was clearly able to do that.

  2. There's one thing I didn't understand, perhaps mentioned in the books (read them ~5 years ago) – how can the tri-solarens simultaneously not understand lies and non-transparent communication, and try to keep the human race from discovering cosmic sociology by all means poasible?

  3. But why didn't the trisolarian's just wipe out all humans on earth as soon as they got the sophon online? You don't understand human emotions, cant guess what theyre thinking, know about the dark forest and know they know you're coming? Chalk it up to lack of follow through from the author?

    Edit: apparently the sophon aren't capable of wiping out life on the planet.

  4. When Luo Ji first cast his "spell" I assume I wasn't the only person who was deeply confused. He had the epiphany when falling into the lake so I figured it had to be something. But I honestly thought that he was just buying himself time to come up with a real plan or something. The reveal of what his spell was is one of my favorite moments in any story I've ever read.

  5. I don't see why the Trisolarans would care about revealing their own planet's existence. They already left on their fleets, so there isn't much left behind anyway. Of course they wouldn't want Earth's location exposed since it was their destination. Also, with their technology, couldn't they just inhabit a planet similar to Mars or Venus? It should be easy for them to build cities on that type of planet. They have advanced tech, but they seem a little stupid at the same time.

  6. The flaw in the Dark Forrest theory of a hostile universe only works in a materialistic view of reality. It doesn't take into account that other civilizations may not just grow on a technological level but also on a spiritual level. A major flaw in the theory.

  7. Hi Quinn. Loved your explanations a lot. Though, I have a question. Why were the Trisolarans coming to Earth on receiving the signal sent by Ye Wenjie? This could never be their new home. If they can read and respond to the signals sent from Earth, what is stopping the hunters of the forest from responding to the signal or start searching for Earth and eventually destroy it?

  8. Given the book was written by a man that has been born and raised in one the most malicious regimes in history. No surprise that is how he views the universe. It's an interesting concept, but no more likely than the concept aliens would utterly ignore us if they learned about us as well.

  9. We assume every civilization is like us, greedy, fickle, murderous beings. Evil has always been defeated in human history and without money a civilization could flourish faster in the absence of greed. 👍

  10. The whole concept of a hostile universe is completely bonkers and is intimately tied to ideas that have been debunked in evolutionary theory.

    We will destroy ourselves way before we reach another star, because we've lost our capacity to control for our sociopaths. A race that would be able to flourish enough to last until they are advanced enough to leave their homeworld would need high levels of cooperation and societal dynamic equilibrium.

    Neoteny and the selection for cooperation is what leads to the highest forms of self-awareness. Not violence, aggression and sociopathy. They have an opposite effect. The more we revert back to violence, reactivity and aggression, the more likely we are to devolve back into neanderthals.

    The three body problem series is sociopathic ego projection at its finest. Completely ignorant of what drove the evolution of our intelligence and ignorant of what would also drive it elsewhere.

    And people lap it up thinking it's great scientific philosophy.

    I think it's far more likely that space, if such a thing is possible (time/space folding), would be populated by races that keep sociopathy in check. They keep infant races such as ours, at bay, until we either self-destruct or reach dynamic equilibrium.

  11. I hate this idea. It assumes that a human would knock over an ant hill. Why? If there is uncertainty in how another intelligent species responds, is it always necessary to destroy them to give our species certainty? That sounds highly aggressive despite intelligence teaches us that force is not always the answer

  12. This mind be rude, but I would have wanted the trisolaris fleet to dock close to earth, and then told them to drive it straight to the sun as compensations for the chaos they have caused previously. That is, I am considering their ships cant handle anything the magnitude of the sun.

  13. The whole concept of using what you don't know, but deem to be ultra powerful, to your advantage against those who know you — as a weapon, is very, very Sun Tzu.

  14. not trying to politicize the book series, but, I wonder how "right" is this work?
    – it's certainly scary! – it's scary because it turns our own fears against us. And fears can be projected into mathematical ideas, and then into literature.
    does this book wants to tell us that are no extrovert aliens, and if so, that introverts and conservatives are always the winners?
    is it trying to say that to "cooperate" with someone instead of competing we need "deterence power" like Switzerland, Singapour or Taiwan?
    Maybe we should make peace with ourselves about the fact this is the state of the universe. And work around it. If so, should we have sent the voyager probes and other signals out…?

  15. I liked the first one, but the more I read the less I liked it. The other alien civilizations were saying there were not enough resources sounds ridiculous. There are planets literally everywhere. Resources literally everywhere. If this particular species needed 400 years to get to earth why not take the giant AI's and terriform Mars. The first book is cool but that's it.

  16. I’m probably going to embarrass myself by asking this but, if the aliens can rehydrate themselves and they just need one to survive, why don’t the humans offer to host a small number of trisolarins on earth who can go back and rehydrate in a case of disaster?


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