Why is China Creating Artificial Islands in the South China Sea?

China has been working tirelessly to establish a nearly impenetrable anti-access/area-denial zone encompassing the vast majority of the South China Sea. The development of extensive infrastructure on these artificial landmasses is a critical component of this strategy. In addition to short-range weapons, China has also deployed long-range systems on some of these islands. The infrastructure is evidently designed to discreetly house these mobile systems when they are inactive or not on high alert, allowing for the rapid deployment of additional capabilities as needed.

China builds artificial islands through a process called land reclamation, which involves dredging and depositing sand, sediment, and sometimes rock to create new land in shallow waters. They select shallow water areas, typically around reefs, atolls, or other natural features in the South China Sea. Dredging ships, also known as “dredgers,” are employed to collect sand and sediment from the sea floor. These ships use large, rotating cutter heads to break up the seabed material, which is then sucked up through a pipe and deposited on the desired location. The dredged material is pumped onto the selected area, gradually building up layers to create an artificial landmass. This process can take several months or even years, depending on the size of the island being constructed.

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25 thoughts on “Why is China Creating Artificial Islands in the South China Sea?”

  1. To say the international court rule against China without say at the same time that the international court have no legal authority over China is just not be honest. It is obviously not telling the whole truth which is lying.

  2. Anyone that keeps of with the region knows China is the common denominator in all the growing hostility in the region. The destabalization of the region started when the CCP decided to build man made islands that are ruining the environment and pushing out militia fishing fleets that also are aggressive towards other countres. They illegally fish all over including violating others EEZs. The only way to push back is to have a coalition of countries like Vietnam, Singapore, Phillipines, Japan, US, etc all stopping China and taking the militia fishing boats away. The looming are with Taiwan is because of China and the more the try making silly claims the more countries will unite against them. Luckily, that is what is happening. The international community cannot allow China to claim the SCS/WPS due to all the trade and resources.

  3. I don't agree that China should do the reclimation due to harming the echo system. As far as doing it to claim that area as their claims for the area and protected by the military, shouldn't happen, period!

  4. The fact is ancient Chinese did live on the islands of South China Sea. Ancient Chinese relics like temples, coins, porcelains, china artifacts and clay makings were found. These relics are ancient Chinese because at their same time, no other countries reached the same smelting or china/porcelain/pottery making skills. Only China could do that. China owns the 9 dash area of South China Sea. UN and most countries admit this fact. For example, it was US warships that carried China soldiers cruising that sea in 1946 to declare China sovereignty over there. But later due to navigation improvement in other SCS countries, they wanted to obtain the islands so they denied their previous admittance that the islands belonged to China.

  5. We should also note that artificial islands do not have the 12 nautical mile buffer zone because it only applies to natural landmass which is granted and upheld by the UNCLOS (United Nations Conventions on the Laws of the Seas) and the IMO (International Maritime Organization) which China is a signatory and ratified country.

  6. I get a good laugh when the Americans say they are following International Law. The US is not signatory member of any of the UN's International Laws or Laws of the Seas it follow it's own version known as the US Navy's laws of the seas and it's so called international rules …rules are not laws !


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