Why India and Russia Were Racing to the Moon’s South Pole | WSJ

India became the first country to successfully land on the moon’s south pole with its Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft, just days after Russia’s Luna-25 crashed in the same region. Both countries launched rockets in recent weeks, hoping to be the first to successfully complete the mission.

Why were they racing to reach the lunar south pole? WSJ explains the significance of both missions for Moscow and New Delhi.

0:00 India lands on the south pole of the moon
0:53 Why the south pole?
2:37 Why Russia and India want to be first
4:32 New space race

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26 thoughts on “Why India and Russia Were Racing to the Moon’s South Pole | WSJ”

  1. India can grab the opportunity and export critical key components related to space exploration programmes to Russia…..but It only happens when India develops its own indigenously built technology otherwise foreign technology is sanctioned which ultimately restricted any kind of third party exports specially in the case of Russia………

  2. Chandrayan does not mean 'vehicle on moon' but instead it means "journey to the moon". If you break both the words, Chandra which means moon and Yan (bahan) means vehicle.
    Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong 😉

  3. India's ethos is about 'World is a family ' , India has no ambitions , does not believe in competition but on co-operation , that is why we gave free Covid Vaccines to so many countries . If you need to understand India , its simple . I remember all through my schooling , I was taught participation is important and winning is secondary . Good luck to everybody with good heart and good intentions .

  4. Nothing to do with politics please. ISRO is an insititute like any other in India and they are showing their talent. This has nothing to do with politics. PM as a representative of India attended via online and encouraged the team. Thats all. This has nothing to do with politics and election. Election should be based on how much satisfied and happy the youth and citizens of India are regarding their life. If they all are happy with their life and current services then PM will come into rule👍.


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