Why I didn't want to post an off road wrecker games video

There’s a lot of strategy that goes into posting YouTube videos, and I knew that holding off on posting the wrecker games videos …


27 thoughts on “Why I didn't want to post an off road wrecker games video”

  1. This where Mr.LaDelle’s analytics complaints fall on deaf ears with me. Since I can’t do anymore without Mr.LaDelle’s endless talking, I religiously watch all and anything Mr.LaDelle publishes, wrecker-whatever or not.

  2. Casey, I – for one – didn't watch ANY "black market" videos. Meaning videos from anyone other than the competitors or the judges. I remained true to my favorite YouTubers. Thanks for sharing your day.

  3. I had more fun watching you guys trying to get the old Cornbinder up and running in advance of the Wrecker Games. I didn't really care about the Wrecker Games as an event…maybe there's something wrong with me (my wife says "you betcha" to that, but ignore her), but I'm fine with what you've done. I haven't watched any of the other videos about the Wrecker Games…

  4. Ah, that sucks. Sorry Casey. I know you did this event out of a sense of community, which I’m sure everyone appreciated. But losing that amount of business is tough and we all know sometimes the sacrifice isn’t worth it. If they put on the event again pretty sure they would understand some having to hang back and handle the core business.

  5. 12:48 I think it was a good idea by whom ever came up with the idea using corrupt judges as if they were supposed to be fair the internet would have been screaming it was fixed, so right out of the gate have corrupt judges, then the internet has nothing to complain about.

  6. I waited. I wanted to watch only the official channels and watched every minute of every one from the competitors in the games.

    I didn't know people had to check a box saying they wouldn't post but to me it did not matter. I wasn't going to sanction the theft of intellectual property.

  7. I'm very much over all the "algorithm" stuff, but I deliberately ignored all the suggested stuff and waited for all the participant videos.

    Since it's part of a written agreement, would it be possible to assign somebody to look for the unauthorised posts and have them immediately yanked (and possibly banned) as they pop up? It seems like there should be some recourse.

    I know that would be a lot of work, but it might be worth it.

    I really hate how crappy and underhanded people can be.

  8. Frankly, the only thing you can do is to make a better product that people want to watch. Also, the games looked to be setup for fun, not views. That's fine and it was a success, but the video product quality between say MORR and some non competing YouTube channels was pretty even. I can think of many things that would give the insiders a big edge, but that may not be the goal. I will say that I will always watch the main channels of all the competitors no matter as I just like them, but can understand a views falloff as well.

  9. Casey, I have no idea what you deal with on a daily basis but, I can say I appreciate your content…. All of it man. Screw the analytics. I love your show and clearly so many others do.

  10. Casey, it’s not your show! Totally understand your frustration but maybe excepting it’s not about you for this particular event and just showing people how amazing Matt’s event was might have been the best move.


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