Why Humanity Is STAYING Sick: The Dangerous View That Keeps Us Ill- w/ Edward Goeke

Through years of studying chemistry, biochemistry, and human physiology, Edward Goeke now creates content on YouTube (@e.goeke_), Patreon (EddieGoeke), and X (@GoekeEddie), exposing the myths about human nutrition and health that have persisted for decades. We discuss Why Humanity is Sick and getting worse…

His book- https://www.amazon.com/Contraindicated-Revision-Mainstream-Perpetuated-Disorder-ebook/dp/B0CYB6PMHG?ref_=ast_author_dp
His Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/EddieGoeke

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Welcome to HomesteadHow/ Healing Humanity!

Here, I share my life on my homestead AND my journey exploring a proper human diet. From deep dives to everyday experiences, join me as we uncover the impact of this lifestyle. Subscribe to stay updated!


Content here is for educational purposes from my personal journey with the Carnivore Diet. It’s not medical advice. I’m not a medical professional. Consult with a healthcare provider for diet or health changes. Information is based on my views and for discussion and learning.
#carnivore #carnivorediet


42 thoughts on “Why Humanity Is STAYING Sick: The Dangerous View That Keeps Us Ill- w/ Edward Goeke”

  1. This is Awesome! I just bought his book, and am scarfing up his knowledge! I've been studying nutrition for many years, and have T1Diabetes for most of my life- I've been carnivore for 8 years now! Grateful for this knowledge, and eating this way has improved my life beyond belief! Eating red meat is a health food! 😎🎻♥️🥩

  2. I think for the Sunburn the Seedoils are a very likely Candidate . Bevore I changed my Diet I was pretty much allergic to the Sun from late Spring to Fall I had to wear armlong Gloves or I would get itchi red Blisters all over my Arms now I am totaly fine if Im in the Sun for an Hour or longer and Im going back and forth between Keto and Carnivore but I make an effort to not konsume Seedoils ,for the rare Occasion I want a Salad I use Avocado or Olivoil witch dont seem to bother me .

  3. Excellent! This sort of thing should help us as a culture to eventually grasp what (as I understand) was more typical in early America: that we don't have to have boatloads of official certifications and credentialing gatekeepers to find great sources of specialized knowledge. People like Eddie are very possible.

    Gifted people who want to help others can simply decide to apply themselves and develop their gifts diligently. And then, (hopefully) the society at large eventually recognizes such people, and thereby, benefits. The cream rises to the top.

    There is no particularly compelling reason to restrict the voices we (the general public) listen to exclusively to those with an MD or RD or other healthcare credential. We need to be more engaged in vetting to whom we give our attention. And we need to be willing to turn away from demonstrably terrible, uninformed nutrition advice from formally credentialed healthcare professionals. The time for extreme passivity as recipients of standard healthcare practices needs to be over.

  4. I haven't yet listened to the whole video but it sounds like he has ehlers-danlos. So many people with ehlers-danlos have POTS, as well as the cervical instability. I keep hearing of so many people, including myself, getting healing from these ailments using carnivore

  5. Born a fair skinned redhead. Burned so much over my life. Don’t sunburn now. !!! I was hours in the sun last weekend refinishing mom’s deck. She was so worried that I would be burned. No sunscreen no sunburn! Over and over this is true for me now.

  6. Awesome Interview! Purchased his book. I don’t know how much time we all have left in this world with all that is transpiring globally, and the fulfillment of scripture and prophecies pertaining to the end of days and the Day of the Lord,
    BUT we need to be as healthy as we can possibly be, in order to endure hardships we may face; Carnivore is that path to health.

  7. RE: what is fed to hospital patients (41:18). Sadly, we didn't start Carnivore early enough to prevent my husband from having a heart attack in March this year. (We started one year ago this month, but there was years of damage.) He was sent from our city hospital to a big city hospital in Cali. They provided a menu to the patient to order from and they could call down when they were hungry and order whatever they choose as long as they weren't on a restricted diet. However, they couldn't make changes to the food, it came as it was prepared period. The "standard of care protocol" for heart patients now is a high sugar low fat diet with blood sugar monitoring and insulin (both 24 hr AND instant acting) as if they were also diabetic. They also like to push brand named blue label shakes that are the worst possible unnatural multi sugar ingredients.

    In April/May, after his medication induced stroke, our city hospital (they still serve standard awful "hospital food"- which is also high sugar/grain low fat and taste, with very little meat if any) one morning they served my husband "scrambled tofu" with liquid oatmeal and another it was sloppy cold "scrambled egg whites" with cream of wheat. He didn't eat much that week, he found it all so unappetizing. And again, they also monitored his blood sugar levels and gave insulin when "needed" but he wasn't eating much that week, so they didn't give him much if any insulin. I took every opportunity to tell whoever would listen that if they dropped the sugars and grains they wouldn't have to worry about the blood sugar levels. Planting seeds wherever I go.

  8. Regarding not burning on carnivore (with enough animal fat), our cells are all comprised of a lipid bilayer, so when our cell membrane has excellent integrity and metabolic function, our skin can “eat” and “digest” sunlight the way it’s supposed to. Of course there’s going to be a level of excess, just with everything, and any human can still burn. But carnivores, eating enough animal fat, with resolution of systemic inflammation, it will take far more solar intensity to overwhelm the skin cells.

  9. Great interview.
    Thank you
    I am much older but similar.
    Not because I got sick but because of the people around me were sick.
    I spend a couple hours everyday on research.
    I get some information on YouTube then go find research papers to read about it.
    Or there is a problem I put somethings together in my mind to research.
    Foremost I look for deficiency, then toxicity, and finally parasitic action.

    Keep researching It is great to learn something new everyday.
    God bless

  10. Regarding not burning on carnivore (with enough animal fat), our cells are all comprised of a lipid bilayer, so when our cell membrane has excellent integrity and metabolic function, our skin can “eat” and “digest” sunlight the way it’s supposed to. Of course there’s going to be a level of excess, just with everything, and any human can still burn. But carnivores, eating enough animal fat, with resolution of systemic inflammation, it will take far more solar intensity to overwhelm the skin cells.

  11. I really enjoy Edward's story and really nice to listen without the jump edits normally on his own channel. The story of having to "rise above emotion" sounds like the origin story of Spock, or maybe the Cybermen. Glad to hear he rose to the challenge

  12. Great interview,
    AMAZING young man!!!
    Bless him Almighty God and give the world thousands like him, please Guide and lead him to become a hero for many young people in this world 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


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