Why Humanity aren't literal gods in Halo | Lore and Theory

In this episode: We dive into the deep lore of Artificial Intelligence and ask why humanity aren’t super advanced due to the influence of our AI technology. #halo #lore #halolore

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33 thoughts on “Why Humanity aren't literal gods in Halo | Lore and Theory”

  1. I've been listening to one of those reddit sci-fi stories that's been popping up here for the past few months. Some of these are straight up books! This one is called Terran Contact. Pretty much the plot of the human-Covie war but instead inherently on the back foot. Humanity is surprised and shocked by the first engagements. First alien contact and all. But after weeks to months of getting an understanding to the crisis and retaliate. With the deployment of proscribed weapons and the first Cortana-like AI that completely runs a muck with the aliens systems. Causing their building drones go on murder sprees within the populace hacking most if not all defense systems. Even "leaking" classified documents of weapons and vehicles being developed by the humans. Which were old specs and movie reels of 1930-60's jets and tanks just to really mess with these aliens.

  2. I mean. That makes sense. We're very self-destructive hairless apes. But at least could've allowed us to use or develop energy shielding tech. It's not a weapon. It improves our survivability as a species. Can be used in a multitude of different industries and everyday life. Yes we would no doubt use it military installations and ships in general because mirco space debris is a thing. And probably develop shield breaker weapons when we do use it in wars against ourselves. But you know how useful this tech and the resulting benefits of it would've been in the human-covie war.

    Please, oh, wise and amazing god-tier ancient AI. Can we have some more?

  3. I think we're gonna opps ourselves into making a true AI a la like the Quarians in Mass Effect upgrading the geth ever so slowly forwards and make them ever so more capable.

    Except we aren't doing just mere capable hive worker slaves. We are working towards True AI's like the Smart AI's in Halo, General AI like today which we kinda are bumbling along in our true understanding of it, Military AI Swarms with current military projects the globe over, Worker Swarm AI, Infrastructure AI, Curating AI, etc.

    But a True Above-Human Post-Singularity level AI we're probably gonna stumble, bumble, and opps our way into building. And it might or might not have negative consequences . . . .

  4. I don't know why most people in halo aren't actual cyborgs.
    I remember the prosthetic arm of some spartan 3s and am left wondering why most humans don't have machine senses like the adeptus mechanicus.
    Imagine, most humans being at least half as deadly as a Spartan 3s
    Along with having a simplified AI augment telling basic shit like sensing enemies through smell and heat.

  5. A very cool video thanks as always for the lore.

    Im not sure i really like the idea of the AI controling development. Be it either ours or our ancient ancestors AI's. I get the reasoning behind what they are doing but by trying to tailor us to become how our ancestors where is very unnatural and may be hindering it. Our ancient equivalents didnt have AI tailoring there development and decisions, they turned out that way naturally. Through trial and error.

    As other comments said, other species where far more advanced than us through exposure to Forunner tech.

    The AI tied our hands and forced us to fight as if in a war from a previous time in the galaxy, one without the relics of the Forunners, but that's not the reality we are in anymore. Dont get me wrong I like the non advanced style and ascetic of human tech. But its still limiting.

    Honeslty not really a fan of the way some of the lore has gone. Especially in this regard. But I can still appreciate it.

  6. Has anyone told you that the intro snippet is beautiful? I love the theme from "Unforgotten" and all the other takes on it, and they all makes me cry. And as memed as "Tribute" is, it too, makes me cry, all it takes is a snippet. This snippet to be exact. Halo is gold and Marty O'Donnell is absolute gold.

  7. Some science can't be done a million times faster no matter how smart the AI is. You can't go from our current tech level to mastery over physics with just thinking. Simulations are only as good as the data input and will remain incomplete until actual experimentation is done. I feel like this is a point often missed in discussions about artificial intelligence.

  8. Completely off topic but I’m new to Halo. This goes back to a video from years ago who the best Spartan was. IMO I think Noble-6 from what I’ve heard but everyone says Master Chief. Anyone have anything to say why?

  9. See, now if they went after the assembly and servitors, that’s an interesting take i wouldn’t mind exploring. The data pads of the assembly on reach was really interesting and if we got to explore a… expedited maturing caused by those servitors given the aftermath of Halo 3, that would be interesting game. Planet by planet and eventually we discover lost human tech and the story advances by figuring out what it does before it sends us to another location with a servitors watching over… I’m spitballing, but it’s an interesting take. 343 should just hire you to be their story writer… I don’t think you’d give us some bullshit in our feelings type stories or marvel superhero spartan stories. I like to think if bungie kept the halo franchise, it would’ve evolved into a destiny hybrid and exploded with the amount of story in that game alone, even though activision destroyed the story board for Destiny, can you imagine what they could’ve done for halo with that format?

  10. My prediction is that it either will not happen in my lifetime or possibly ever. The are machine learning algorithms, they are not intelligent what so ever, I don't look at a mathematical function and call it intelligent.


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