Why God Can’t Kill Lucifer the Satan And Stop The War In Heaven, Falling Angels, and Demon Slayer

This is why God can’t kill Satan and Stop the war in heaven.
Falling Angels, Demons And Demon Slayer

~ Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Super Natural Days
~ Music: From YouTube Music
~ Animation: Leonado
~ Writer: Super Natural Days

Our goal is to create educational and motivational videos that are of the highest quality possible. We are passionate about sharing these videos with our viewers, and we work tirelessly to ensure that each video is informative, inspiring, and engaging.

Created by ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@SuperNaturalDays

#history #fallenangel #demonslayer

“Our work is completely original and has been significantly rearranged with unique editing to bring out the best from the message. We have added creative effects to highlight certain areas in the message. When there are two or more speakers, we ensure that they complete each other’s sentences while staying on topic. We also apply intermittent sampling to ensure that the message flows seamlessly.”


22 thoughts on “Why God Can’t Kill Lucifer the Satan And Stop The War In Heaven, Falling Angels, and Demon Slayer”

  1. He would b breaking his commandment 2 kill and Yah is good not evil ! The devil comes 2 kill , deceive and destroy! Yah is truth and will not break his words! His words r Truth !

  2. It was a disagreement cause he felt like th one who became th light cbeated him so he told him to give it to him he wouldnt and an appeal was made to God and then God sayed th guy had earnest gained th light and thats how it would be but he aint like that thought teamed up on him and he said he was gone get them so he and th other one got into a fight he was one of th light man angels and also his brother they were both tryin to help th foundation guy perfect th work God had given him to make happen.
    Ironically, its more of a conflict between positive and negative energy than with light and darkness think about those angels were all around th light. It wasnt his will free took him there it was exposure to a negative charge in order to bring about th light need to see.
    He became seven beings one th light filled th void and caused forms to happen.
    It was all up to th foundation who would be or not be as he was himself all creation and destruction. GOD KNEW that Satan and th other six beings to objects occupy one place same time deal would serve a purpose in rebellion by separating opposers of God from followers by recruitment ridding God of blemish. Thats down th line as everyone is brought into being to reatore something stolen from God they all were ordered to out do th devil who is different from satan and them th light man th light barer human woman and wat have u are all of th same dysfunction team . It had all started prior wen Gods seed didnt realize th power that had been given to him and so once its all corrected th light man will maintain this universe and th human and woman will go and begin new universes for each of them selves on behalf of God it was all about building gardens for God

  3. Lucifer became Jealous of Gods creation. He hates loathes & detests humans. Why? Because all the Angelic realm stopped and was in Awe of what God had done! He wants every living soul to take with him into the Lake of fire to suffer for all eternity! Lies deceit manipulation jealousy hatred & torturing souls is his goal.. sadly many think & believe he is an angel of light and worship this beast both deliberately & blindly!

  4. Free Will that answers it all. Anyone 1 could have a wind up toy. To watch a child grow and learn and fill there soul. The chance is worth it. U can only teach and hope 4 the best. Hopefully they know they can always come home. Good Night and God Bless.

  5. As a Theologian for over 40 years there are a few flaws in your theology.
    1. Satan was cast to the Earth ( not Hell which is Hades or the grave)
    2. At the Return of the Messiah he will be bound for those thousand years.
    3. After those thousand years he will be released and he will gather the Nations for war against God's Holy one, Yeshua the Messiah.
    4. God who is the Sovereign Creator will destroy the wicked.
    5. Death, the Grave and that ancient dragon (more accurately translated The light bearer) will be cast into the lake of fire 🔥 which will destroy body and soul..
    6. For it is written, do not fear him who can destroy the body… But FEAR HIM who can destroy both body and soul in the lake of fire 🔥
    7. Then all things will be made new and there will be time no more. (The dimension of time will not exist)

  6. "God" can do nothing because "God" is not an actual being. "God" is more of a concept or a notion. The word "God" is used to exclaim disappointment ("… Damn It!") Or to express luck or relief ("God was looking out for me") There is no "God" that lives in the clouds to control your lives. That would be childish and ridiculous.

  7. Because Lucifer is a creation of God. Of course God can finish Lucifer, but he is necessary in the process of creation…without Evil people would not know their weaknesses, and without it you would not want to improve, to be better, to evolve…The force of Darkness is necessary in God's Creation…


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