Why everything you buy is worse now

From clothes to tech, why is everything so poorly made? Subscribe and turn on notifications so you don’t miss any videos: …


31 thoughts on “Why everything you buy is worse now”

  1. I think a lot of people are starting to recognize quality again and are willing to pay the extra cost. Getting a great jacket or pair of boots is very painful for the pocket, but time it lasts and way it feels is worth it. RAAB, Patagonia, RedWing, and other a bunch of other brands still make amazing things if you can afford the price tags and are willing to ignore some people for judging you for wearing the same items often.

  2. Miele is a German Waschmaschine manufacturer they build stuff so good that they nearly lost everthing i own one and its like 28 or 29 years old and still runs without a Problem in Engineering class for like Master degree it is a good example to show that you never should build stuff so good that you never have work again

  3. who buys clothes once a month 😭😭 i mean who even buy clothes, all i have are my sister's second hand clothes, which I've been wearing for years that they barely even fit

  4. Im really sad that we live in a time we most switch to more durable items and produce less trash but still its seems the world just moving in the wrong direction. in this rate we will not recognize the world in 20 years.

  5. Microsoft wised up when they made Office a RENTAL instead of something that you hadda buy an upgrade to every other year. I just hope that doesn't a business model for everything including cars and clothing!

  6. You guys know you don't have to buy things right? I haven't bought a single new article of clothing in about 15 years. If it function, i.e. it covers my body, then there is no reason to buy a new one. That is my one and only consideration. If your goal is also to be fashionable, but you don't want to pay more money, then yeah the functionality is going to be poor. I promise you can find cheap clothes that last a long time if you don't worry about the capitalist brainwash that is fashion.

  7. I only shop at thrift stores when I am on vacation. I do it for a reason. I can’t take back the whole store and I always, always find excellent vintage garments and accessories. The sewing and fabric quality are almost always better, the older the garment. Even a 15 year old H&M tee has better quality 100% cotton. I have silk scarves, wool vest, linen tops I sourced from traveling. I love recounting how I found these pieces. They are the best kind of souvenir.


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