Why Everyone Will Soon Doubt Everything They Can See

I didn’t expect to find this out when I studied both history and the Bible together.

#history #bible #offthekirb


27 thoughts on “Why Everyone Will Soon Doubt Everything They Can See”

  1. thank you for watching 😎






















    Nothing to see down here…


























    Seriously, no need to keep scrolling.






























    You are at the end. Nothing more exists beyond this.
































    What are you looking for? There is nothing else here.




















































    OK, since you are persistent….






















    🔴 Here's an invitation to subscribe to my channel 😜 https://www.youtube.com/offthekirbstreetpreaching?sub_confirmation=1

  2. Thanks Jo , as a 60s scoop native coming from a residential school father who it took me years to meet listening to my birthmother who lied on him and after meeting him he told me truth as sad as it was I already knew he was not aloud to see me because of her, as like many others her & her sister pregnant with my grandfather were like many that if were not scooped up as an infant by an indian agent and put in a school beaten hair cut name changed to a biblical name raped starved as well as everything about who they were stripped no love except the sex from a nun or priest that made getting married and doing the same things to your children or grandchildren that when the schools started closeing down up to 1990s being the last ones closing we were still being sold to only WHITES that were with the program of Kill the Indian & make them like us. Causing trauma as well as substances , I dont even know what father I feel worse for the one I Hated leaving @ 13 for good because of the beatings his wife a teacher who I believe never wanted children by the way she let us be abused by everyone in every way & wanting him to do the beatings as he came from that being a Scottish man born in the 40s who just drank more so both having horrable wives & kids as my half sisters I met with him and there mum trafficed kids & drugs probably why he was drinking himself to death, So both fathers & my Fin sociopath brother all died from basicly drinking @ 46 & the 4 kids I took in as well as my 2 spending my life breaking those generational curses but because I married the son of a generational Catholic political World Leaders son , I had a front row seat my whole life to the evil from asking what he ate when dinning with the so called Druid Queen who in Oct 10 1964 went with her hubby to Kamloops to eat a picnic of the smart group & the wittness a brave William Coombs was killed before he could take the stand , while Justin Castro Sinclair spent tax payer $100 million to have that demonic Pope come to retraumatixe & Mock most of us. Sorry about the grammer but I know my people were not the only ones still being murdered and worse every day. So to keep the temple clean is an impossablility for so many that have never known self love. Ty for your videos though as I learned alot as the years go by. I really like testamonys like Shalom Girl who was Elon Musks nanny named by his mum already knowing Justins story having Pierre asking me to go canoeing my futer fatherinlaw there. Seeing the video on Fed Vid called native rights 1983 funny that being the same year . These Satanic families or Pharaoh bloodlines who have always ruled having many non humans that have always walked amoung us. Again Ty

  3. How do you reconcile the involvement of the Catholic Pope and many of his senior officials in the troubling events involving children? It's hard to believe that anyone with a relationship with the Creator would commit or cover up such acts, knowing the divine consequences. My fear is that evil has already infiltrated the highest levels, and by supporting them, we may be enabling these actions and becoming accomplices ourselves. We are cautioned not to follow blindly—just look at the social media trends and the vast number of followers people have.


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