Why doesn't Chief Talk? And other Questions | 00 Quora

In this episode: we answer some questions pitched to me on Quora regarding numerous things in the Halo Universe!

00 Hub on Quora:

0:00 Introduction
1:11 Longsword Thruster
1:58 Why Halo is Successful
2:41 Hayabusa
3:16 AR Inaccuracy
4:11 Banished Spartans
4:52 Human Technology
5:51 Human/Covenant KDR
7:37 Covenant Resilience
8:02 Why Chief no Talky
9:12 Cosplay Companies
10:39 Harbinger a Precursor
11:57 Longsword Effectiveness
13:01 Skulls and Easter Eggs
13:27 Flood dominate in Dune
14:44 Zack Snyder
15:17 CTF no capture
15:46 Jun returns
15:55 Safe from the Halos
17:00 Assassinations
18:17 Human Advancement
20:07 Mass Driver in Mass Effect

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43 thoughts on “Why doesn't Chief Talk? And other Questions | 00 Quora”

  1. I think the reason Hayabusa hasn't come back and might not is because it was a collaboration with Team Ninja & Tecmo, the helmet is based on the character Ryu Hayabusa from the Ninja Gaiden & Dead or Alive series, the former being MIA since 2012 and the latter being a bit of a PR nightmare as of recent times. Its also where the Halo 3 Katana is from, its the Dragon Sword Ryu uses in the games. It's also why there is a Spartan character in DOA4.

  2. I'm not sure what the point of asking why he doesn't speak is. He speaks quite a bit in all the games. No less than a normal hardened soldier would. He speaks when spoken to, and that's pretty common

  3. the problem with the Hayabusa armor is that it is copyright locked exclusively for Halo 3, not the entirety of the Halo IP. TECMO and Team Ninja were very specific to their agreements.

    as was likewise, the permission to have Spartan Nicole, debut as the only non-Halo character to ever be seen outside of a Halo game.

  4. Silent Chief topic:
    Putting aside the fact that the VA for Chief is white. I never liked that 343i removed our illusion that Chief is "us" but with a different voice, by revealing at the end of Halo 4 that he is white. Sure, there may have been depictions of him as such under Bungie, but as I recall, Bungie treated non-game content as "other" aka non-canon.

    For director(s) of a Halo movie/TV:
    1.) I think (1985 – early 1990's) James Cameron would be excellent for a 'Halo CE' adaption.
    2.) I'm questionable with Ridley Scott nowadays.
    3.) Steven Spielberg would be best suited for a Insurgent/Rebel project, Steven, imo does best with human-on-human interactions, I don't think a human vs. other would be a good fit.

  5. In bungie's halo games Chief always speaks when directly spoken to. It's just the games are written in a way where that rarely happens. In the halo:flood novel chief talks all the time and quips back and forth with cortana constantly.

    This idea that chief never speaks morso applies to Linda as shes the one who actually spoke the least of any spartan.

  6. I actually like that bit of mass effect lore like mass effect of one of my favourite sci fi games and to hear a bit of lore and theory on it was really awesome. Is it possible you do someone like that again on the future like the lore and theory for halo but for mass effect

  7. Regarding mass accelerators from mass effect.

    The largest known mass accelerators in mass effect are the spinal mounted main guns of Dreadnoughts. Which typically have a muzzle velocity of at least 4025 km/s. In the lore it's stated that Dreadnoughts are able to effectively trade blows with one another from 10s of thousands of kilometers away. Putting the effective range at anywhere between about 20,000 and 80,000 kilometers. Any lower and they wouldn't say "tens". Any higher and they would just say 100,000.

    It's also noted that Cruisers and Dreadnoughts rarely engage at combat ranges less than 10 km as they are too slow to effectively aim their fixed weapons. So there's your minimum effective range.

    As for something like a tank gun, it's impossible to tell. My own tests with the M-35 Mako in Mass Effect 1 show the time delay between pulling the trigger and the target being hit to be so small that it's practically instantaneous regardless of distance. Though that might be more to do with the fact that the Mako's cannon might be hit scan.

  8. If the Halo array works by starving the Flood, wouldn't the Flood taking over a galaxy result in the same starvation? What did the Forerunners gain other than speeding up the inevitable?

  9. Tech is held back by the UNSC/ONI and thus Innies became a thing. There were wars before then where alot was deatroyed. Collonies are held under threat. An Alien invasion is what made a difference. Super suits all failed, though PSI armor existed and ODST. Still, war needs the tech it has and stays that way. Like a gas operated AR that can not be EMPd.

    As for troopers needing to talk about what low tech weapons they have or a new toy to get a family member, is irrelivent when the Innies are being starved out and mopped up. Even without the super suit for the Chief, the rebellion would be smothered innsecret from the training of Spartans. Their augment took hold and at that, no need for silly banter. Just the mission. Yet, if they were told to conduct a war crime, they wood. Yet the Innies do war crimes.

    It is hard to know who is right even if they speak. Silent and sneaky troopers, do not nessasarily have good morals. They just hide it.

    In game, we assume that the Chief has morals, and all we know is his fight against the Covies. Sergent J…That story would be great and hard to swallow. Funny enough, he is a loudmouth, though I with to hear his philosophy in such a situation as fighting Innies with their scavange tech from threatend collonies from epic corporations, tied into ONI and the UNSC.

    We humanise the Chief, and that is not because he is stoic. We all know that even loudmouthed silly butterfly people can be secret phycopath. It is all the Beautuy and Beast play every day at work, at home, or on stage. People prop them selves up as a better peraon because they think they can be more harsh to their children and know right brom wrong. Any one of them can pull you out of you bed by your hair at 3 am, and have pride over it.

    Do we really know Chief? Parangoski ordering familes silence. Haha we do not know the threats the leaders make do on.

    With Chief, for the game. Yeah, bust Aliens all day long and not a word.

    Least in my head, it is like that Guy in the tunnels for Starship Troopers on planet P.

    Get some…yeah get some ..ya like that…ya like that…ya…get some.

    Sometimes complicated people even if quiet, do not matter in life and at times, the loud gossipers also mean nothing to life and have no worth. They fail too, rent and have troble from their own choice to talk or not.

    It is good the Chief was not a talker and mostly an indoctronated robot. I bet he is actualy nice and worth it in life, considering that he was chosen by Cartona, a Super AI. But, she liked to talk and tryed to opress all of the Galaxy.

    Good game. But the lesson is to never trust Stoics as they may follow a phyco woman!

  10. Always felt that humanity should've had higher technology by the time they were in the 2500's. Like Starfield is like a century or more from now. And they have energy based weapons and shields. Unless we really were just enjoying the fact we got FTL we were like, this'll be fine for a bit.

  11. My question is: we have unmanned drones now. Halo tales places far in the future. They have space ships. Why don’t they have tech that are unmanned drones or robots to do the work. The flood can’t infect a machine and use it to add it it’s army. So is tech advanced but not advanced enough to relate information and to so espionage. They have tech to create ai. So why not put that ai in a drone since the ai can technically “take over” the system or the person.

  12. With all the Flood's knowledge of combat and skill, why are they still losing to Master Chief? If they r aware of how good he is then why are they not snipping him like sniper jackals during Halo 2 to 3? Plot armor?

  13. I think if they ever bring back assassinations I would like it to not just be cosmetic but have a gameplay application where as successfully completing an assassination would instantly regen part or even full shield depending on balancing and if shields are full give a partial overshield. Lore wise it could be said that we have understood portable shield tech so well that we upgraded regular spartan issued combat knives to be capable of stealing part of the shield energy of a stabbed target. Campaign wise this would mean assassinating other none shielded enemies would yield no shield regain and no overshields but also only have fixed assassinations for enemies while your crouching, sliding, running, walking, or above them. But multiplayer wise they can sell assassinations that are different per slot and can be selected manually or randomly by a player. Say sliding slot has this one assassination so it always does that when you slide into an assassination but over enemy slot has it set to random so all the animations you own could trigger whenever you assassinate someone you are above of say from an incline or by jumping on them this system is quite similar to how Apex Legends has different finishers and finishing enemies refills shields as both finishers and assassinations would take a bit longer than a regular back smack. Also diff animations for diff slots could open a lot of revenue for 343 and even a lot of new sizeable rewards added to any currently existing progression system.

  14. The closest we have (and ever will get) to Hayabusa was the Shinobi armor from Halo 5. Halo 3's Hayabusa was technically part of a deal, and as such it can't be reused because its not part of MS' intellectual property anymore. Weird legal jargin

  15. the got a Questions were the forerunner species are villains from book and game take mantle of responsibility away Precursor Genocide them imprisoned Xalanyn species and Didact experimentation use Composer on his loyal soldier and humans turn into promethean build doom day weapon


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