Why Does Evil Exist? (Full Episode) | The Story of God with Morgan Freeman

Where does evil come from? Morgan sets out to understand the root of evil and how our ideas of it have evolved over the millennia. Is the devil real? From the underworld of ancient Egypt to a modern-day maximum-security prison, Morgan discovers that evil might be more than a supernatural force. The birth of religion may be inextricably tied to the need to control evil.

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About The Story of God with Morgan Freeman:
Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman explores the meaning of life, God, and many big questions in between in an effort to understand how religion has evolved and shaped society. A different divine subject is covered in each hourlong episode, titles of which include β€œCreation,” β€œThe Devil Inside,” β€œAfterlife,” β€œApocalypse,” and β€œWho Is God?” To explore these topics, host and narrator Freeman visits nearly 20 cities in seven countries to see some of the world’s greatest religious sites, among them Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall, India’s Bodhi Tree, Mayan temples in Guatemala, and the pyramids of Egypt, and he immerses himself in religious experiences and rituals. β€œIn some places I found answers, and others led to more questions. The constant through it all is that we’re all looking to be part of something bigger than us. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that we certainly are,” Freeman says.

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Why Does Evil Exist? (Full Episode) | The Story of God with Morgan Freeman

National Geographic


49 thoughts on “Why Does Evil Exist? (Full Episode) | The Story of God with Morgan Freeman”

  1. The first Ten Commandments says: THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME! second commandment: THOU SHALT NOT MAKE UNTO THEE ANY GRAVEN IMAGE. People tend to forget about the LAWS of God (Ten Commandments) and just start believing/doing their own Laws and then pretty soon you have a whole nation believing this image instead of God himself! He is the BEGINNING and the END, the ALMIGHTY GOD!

  2. And with a confirming message
    Of you cant be vulnerable enough and Don't just ask you will get NO answer and if you don't take heed to my comment patchimamma will provide tou love but go angainst it you will be scolded not in a good energy either keep pachimamma happy dont go places mamma says not to go

  3. If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them.
    But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.
    And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?

    –Alexandre Solzhenitsyn
    Famous right-wing writer

  4. The way I understand evils is like this, evil feeds on fear that is the waste byproduct left behind. So, if you look at segregation bak in the day, you can understand that alot of racist people were not evil, they are afraid of something ot someone they do not understand. Those who acted violently towards others of different races, now, I believe they were evil. Hitler was both, afraid and evil. He was evil incarcerated to human form. These are my beliefs as best as I can infer the datasets over my short life that have been fed to me.

  5. Why is an atheist giving his interpretation
    Of what God πŸ€” Thinks? Makes u think don't it. Laughable that he us the expert to the world of things of God. Very telling!

  6. There is no good or evil.
    There is only the situations we find ourselves in.
    People say that they would never steal. Until they end up broke, desperate, and homeless.
    Nobody ever says that they will abuse drugs. Until your the pariah of society and homeless.
    Everything is governed by the most supreme law of all. Survival!!!
    It’s kill or be killed
    Survival of the fittest!

  7. Comes from hate
    What we've been living through for the last 5 or 6 years
    And it's bought and sold
    Since the BEGINNING OF TIME.
    WAR AND Peace.
    In life THERE is always an opposite.
    And that's the way the story goes……….
    THEN OFF…………..

  8. I appreciate these series so much. I am a Deist, don't believe in religion but at the same time I never ever thought of myself as a good person per se. I can honestly say l had a divine miracle happen to me 9 years ago and still never stopped to think that maybe the reason was because l am actually a good person. Yet this has finally made me realize how grateful I am for being blessed with the soul I was given because I have never in my 42 years of life ever felt tempted to hurt anyone or have evil thoughts or evil temptation. I never really thought about this until right now because in my mind l seriously thought 99.9% of people are just like me.

  9. i love this series,i love to think about how the world was made and who is god or who is the devil.but each time i want to think about it,it's just so confusing.every religion has its own belif and that makes it so difficult to have the actual answer. half of the history and beliefs that different cultures have are generation loss anyway(in my opinion).
    also,i'm from iran and there was this moment where someone was i think praying in farsi and i literally got excited cause i can understand my native language lol help i'm a child.

  10. Why evil exist ??
    Simple , as long as mankind exist there will be rivalry.
    Evil is not something of today society , Do you read the Bible ?
    There is a lot of evil there !!
    Read it and convince yourself don't let a preacher read you the loving part of the Bible.
    The story of God… !!
    Do you believe in God ?
    The ignorant human bean had created 24 thousand Gods on paper ony to justify what he doesn't understand or can't comprehend.
    TradiciΓ³n and ignorance is the Mother of all Religions.
    Persecution and death is what religions around the world have created against the ones who opoussed to the new belives.
    The Christian inquisition torture and even burnt alive their opositors.
    Islam cut opositors's heads without thinking it twice.
    All base on a Relgion , base on a God which Noone in the whole world had ever proof exist.
    Think about all this , is true history not something I just made up.

  11. One of the best narrations ever by a real pro very astute and full of wisdom renewing faith in humanity for sure ty Morgan we all bleed Red and we all put our pants on one leg at a time

  12. Gregory the Great 1.5 thousand years ago, changed 8 demons into 7 sins because of pastoral concern. People were illiterate after the fall of Rome. Even kings could not read and write. You had to show with your finger what is right and what is wrong. Unfortunately, this brings the spiritual life down to simple morality. Btw. if people concerned about 7 sins, the world would be completely different. It is enough to look at a list of 7 – pride, greed, greed, impurity, etc. The ability to write and read at the level that was in the Roman Empire in the 2nd century appeared in Western Europe only in the first half of the 19th century. If we are wiser now, it may be time to go back to our roots and get interested in what Evagrius of Pontus wrote about the 8 evil demons.

    It is also worth realizing that the word "demon" is no less scientific than the terms used in psychology or science. The word demon or spirit refers to the common phenomenon of the appearance of intrusive thoughts that come over a person when trying to focus on something. Distractions come as stubbornly as if someone were imposing them. The statement that these thoughts are imposed by demons allows you to express and understand the phenomenon itself well. In this statement, we do not decide what corresponds to these concepts and how these demons exist, any more than what the subconscious is and how it exists. The concept of a demon or evil spirit is so much better than, for example, the subconscious, as it reflects well the intrusiveness of these thoughts and the specific logic that can be recognized in them.

    And of course, Morgan Freeman is genuinely the perfect storyteller πŸ™‚

  13. This means that my ex-abuser ex-husband was and is a Phychopath. Because he would verbally and physically abuse our 3 daughters and I, for 33 years. He should have stay behind bars for all the evil he did not our 3 daughters and I.

  14. Looking at religion through secular glasses is the best way to end up believing in nothing… Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and nobody comes to God without Him.

  15. Morgan Freeman stated this person gave me a chance as an actor in the beginning of my acting career. If you go into a grocery store his face is on salad dressing,, popcorn, etc. which proceeds went to children. Newman’s Own: Paul Newman.

  16. Mr. Freeman thank you very much for your endeavor to tell the whole world about your study of God and everything else. In 2011, I discovered a movie that was about the Life of Saint Padre Pio. In that movie, Padre Pio answered the question " why does evil exist ?". I hope you can get a copy of that movie. It truly enlightened me and gave me so much hope and peace.


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