WHY IS THE NAVY SO REALISTIC I NEED PLOT ARMOR! 1k Subscriber Special 2h video hope you enjoy the chaos.
Our NEW SERIES! Playing on the largest map with 190 Planets (Expert Difficulty)

Welcome to Empire at War Awakening of the Rebellion a mod for the Classic RTS game Empire at War. 2.11.2 THE NEW UPDATE

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  1. If you really want to take on the SSD, take a few pages from Shack's book. Wait until the SSD is rather isolated, or at least doesn't have much in the way of starfighter support, build up a massive armada composed of starfighters (no starfighter carriers, those'll get picked off by the SSD and any of its support ships), and throw them at the SSD to pick it apart piece by piece. I'm talking Y-Wings for bombing runs against hard targets, B-Wings for overall damage output H-Wings for a hell of a lot of damage output, X-Wings as support, A-Wings to intercept any additional enemy starfighters, and just about anything and everything else for additional damage and support. It'll be a long fight, but if you really want to take out the SSD with minimal significant casualties (remember, SSDs will rip apart anything larger than a starfighter in two seconds flat), then that might be the best way to do it.

    And again, like I said before, you really need to start thinking of investing more into raids on enemy planets. The Empire are chipping away at your territories piece by piece, and you need to start investing in using your heroes and covert ops units to begin raiding their planets and crippling their production, either on the ground or in space. I'd advise starting with smaller worlds with less on the ground, as they can help serve as bases and deprive the Empire of any shipyards in orbit and cripple their population and income, if only slightly. It'll also serve as training for larger worlds and targets. Again, this might seem slow and a slog, but at this point the Empire is trouncing you in space and are on a march to completely annihilate you, so what other option is there?

    And lastly, you need to stop retreating from space battles so much! A lot of other Youtubers who have used the free units that their space stations have given them to either hurt the attacking forces in some way or even cripple them and send them on the run. You can do the same with yours if you use them and the station effectively, thus slowly bleeding the enemy of their assets.

  2. The reason your ships die immediately when they hyperspace in is because all ships start with no shielding and take double damage so its recommended to not hyper your units in unless you already have the ships turbo lasers attention

  3. Even though the defence of Mon Cala didn't go as smoothly as I predicted (rip Venator, MC80 Freedom, and Liberty), that was a lot of ISDs you took out. While there may be many more ISDs ready to replace them, that's more ISDs that they can't use elsewhere for a period of time. This has to be the EaW campaign I'm the most on the edge of my seat.

  4. Stop hyperspacing your ships really close to the stardestroyers. Even with just fighters you can kill an ISD easily all you need to do is send you fighters against their fighters and bombers on any important subsystem, taking out the engines prevents the ship from escaping.

  5. Also bonuses don’t stack for heroes. The first hero called in is the bonus that will be activated so if you call in rogue squadron for fleet lead it will only be the bonus to fighters and bombers. Also if you bring ground forces with you in space they will prevent you from calling in important ships so keep them separate from the fleet


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