Why do people play MMO's solo? [MMOPINION]

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Just because the โ€˜MMOโ€™ bit means massively multiplayer online, you donโ€™t always want to play with other people, you sometimes want to adventure SOLO.

But why do people want to do this, the entire point of an MMO is to play together, to team up, to become part of a community, right?

Letโ€™s examine the reasons people play solo, and then weโ€™ll look at and see how solo play has always been supported, even back in everquest.


37 thoughts on “Why do people play MMO's solo? [MMOPINION]”

  1. I don't have friends, and when I do have a friend I play with, it always ends up as me not leveling up when they are not on with me, and them not giving a shit about me and getting to max level when i cant get on, them getting bored because of that, then pvping for a week and never getting back on again. fun stuff.

    i like it being online because it just feels more real. also like talking from time to time.

    playing MMO games for party play is equal to suicide. LITERALLY.
    i spent 9 years playing MMOs and i regretted every moment i spent in them!
    now i officially quit online gaming altogether. playing with others IS disgusting. playing and chatting with others will only lead to inner fights, curses, battles, and broken friendships, guild building is literally a job within a game, partying with others is literally equal to selling yourself on the streets, and the SPAMMING BOTS CURSED NIGHTMARE .. online gaming IS CURSED by design!
    also sooner or later the game will start forcing you to play within a party .. in which time.. it's your flag to quit!
    why do we play solo? because humans by design ARE disgusting! and when questing forces you to party.. it's the same as saying .. go BEG for others to join your sorry ass loser!
    and when the auctions enter the fry .. it's officially pay to win.. death to multi play. all of it.

  3. The only 2 MMOs I play are Star Trek online and Neverwinter. Rarely would I team up with others because I didnt feel I needed to. If there was a event or something yeah I would jump in a group. Even more rare was actually talking to another person. In STO I asked for directions to the neutral zone lol. Its not a bad thing to play solo in a MMO. I use t play SWTOR with some people I knew in real life and they almost killed my love for Star wars with all there elite crap.

  4. I used to party with random people a lot back then, but nowadays that seems mostly unlikely to happen. Vast majority of players just don't care about talking or meeting with others on an MMO anymore, they just wanna get their stuff done and the way they want.

  5. i think people are just tired of dealing with other people in real life, so why would they want to deal with more people in their games as well? so that's the main reason why solo mmo players are on the rise, people are still social in public chats, they just don't interact in the world in large groups anymore

  6. Personally the closest to mmorpgs Iโ€™ve gotten to is ESO, and Diablo immortal. I like the rewards and the idea of other players being there. But I hate the chats systems. Either I dnt have the gear for audio and mic for that or the chat system is so chaotic and intense that I avoid them a lot. So I end up doing everything as solo as possible. Until itโ€™s required to do groups. I hate depending on other players because everyone plays differently. And so many players rush through the dungeons or bosses that I feel overwhelmed and like I missed something. Iโ€™m a completionist . I want to kill ever enemy and gather all loot and get all submissions done! In ESO, Iโ€™m on ps4, have no mic or camera, no head phones. I played for 2 months. I hate the subscriptions for ps plus. Iโ€™m disabled and on limited income. I have 100$ a month only to play with. So I hate constant monthly payments and then I game stores, and paywall mechanics and loot box stuff. So besides all that, itโ€™s kinda hard to jump in as a new player when you do not know In game lingo, or whatโ€™s solo and whatโ€™s group required. And the entire clan and warband and multiple shop types let alone crafting and alt accounts!!! Itโ€™s too much! When all they want is your money in the end. So I stopped. I tend to leave mmo to my iPhone games. And solo offline game on my ps4. So pissed about ps5 price. Iโ€™d have to save a year to get one. Not worth it.

  7. Doing things at your own pace, no responsibility towards other players, freedom to fuck around without using cookie cutter specs etc etc
    That's the reason I want half capable bots that can help you do everything except say the very highest level of content

  8. itยดs not really complicated:
    – The majority of people like to play solo because of their personality, probably more introverted people play video games than extraverted ones
    – They tend to be very open to experience so they like the very big open world, character customization and exploration, quests and crafting systems that mmorps do much better than any single player game out there
    – A world filled with other players is much more lively and realistic than a world filled with predictable and repetitive NPCs, so most players really just like to have other people around to feel that "human touch" of realism, but without having to interact with them
    – Many people actually donยดt mind to play with others but group finders in mmorpgs often take too long. And what does the "normal" mmorpg player does? Probably joins a guild, discord or other socials, they have fixed schedules for raiding or pvp, they have a secondary way of communication in order to play said game with friends. And the reality is, the majority of the playerbase just wants to have some fun at the end of the day, and finding a guild and other people to play at the same time, coordinating stuff for raids and pvp, coms, etc, all that stuff is actually a big hassle for them and they just choose to play alone and relaxed instead of all that pressure and time lost on groups
    – That is why a lot of people love when an mmorpg implements things like "solo queues" and other stuff that makes the whole "finding friends to play" thing a lot easier and less time consuming and stressing. Letยดs not forget people with a vast majority of personalities play mmorpgs, and different people have different things they want to experience from the game. Some are hardcore and skilled competitors who only play with or against others, other are really more "story mode" people who play alone at their own pace and/or roleplay

  9. Because once upon a time MMOs were where you made friendships and bonds. Nowadays you join in with a pre-made group of friends via discord, ignore everyone that's not on voice-chat and only communicate in voice-chat. Once upon a time the idea of venturing out on some grand quest and encountering people who would either help or hurt you along the way was always a real-world possibility. You never knew who you were going to meet or talk to. Nowadays it's "Joine our group, I'll send you our discord so you can join voice chat." Joins voice chat and is now able to be fully immersed into FFXIV as I hear Joe screaming at his wife to shut the kids up, Jeremy with the smokers cough hacking up a lung every 25 seconds, Brett who can't speak without vaping so he always sounds like he's drowning in smoke and none of them can stop cussing for any amount of time "WoHOO! We got ourselves an adventuring group, lets go!"

    Pass, i only play them solo from now on and if I have to get into a group I get kicked for not wanting to use discord.

    Oh yeah, my other favorite part, having to participate on discord with your guild! My favorite part I scream sarcastically. Gotta love the edgy mix of people who don't butt heads in game but absolutely do in real life. Your favorite temmate to party up with is a raging furry who can't stop saying incel things on "General Chat" suddenly has you second guessing the company of people you've found yourself in. It's all cringe now.

  10. I would say im a solo MMO player as most of them give me that option. If there is no urgency to team up i see no value in doing so. That said i do play MMOs as you would figure these games would try to incentivise creating player connections. So in a way i do want the social aspect, but only will do so if the need to do so is there. That said i do think that WoW actually did it as one of the best. As there where many situations throughout vanilla that basically needed another person or 2 to go through comfortable. Also having a mage friend was handy for teleports/water, or a warlock for calling you towards them. Same goes for healers and tanks. Having people on your friendslist as it was needed to get forward has mostly been removed by a dungeon finder that instantly teleports you towards the dungeon. Its handy to have dont take me wrong, but it does remove that urgency or necessity to make connections to people. Allot more of these systems are in place which are handy to have and respect your time as a player, but on the flipside do not add towards community building.

  11. I never liked a single true MMO, just can't stand people running around, shouting garbage… I played first Guild Wars for a long time, because I could play it as a single player game – I haven't finished most dungeons, because I couldn't be bothered to play with people and I mostly stopped playing after Nightfall/EotN. When GW2 got released, I tried it… and I couldn't stand all those people ruining my enjoyment of it, later that whole living world crap where I never had time on weekends and I missed ton of stuff just made me uninstall it. Last MMO I tried was TES Online, it was ok at best, but same problem. So I haven't touched MMO for a long long time and I can enjoy single player games without others ruining it for me.

  12. Honestly, I think MMOs just tend to do class variety and appeal pretty well. I love MMO classes. DFO is the peak of that for me, but most others have a lot of appeal in that still.

  13. My reasoning for playing MMO's solo is that quite often it's difficult to find games in a wide variety of genres or even individual IPs where you can make your own character within certain parameters. As an example, if I want to play a Star Wars game where I can make my own character, my options are KOTOR 1 and 2, Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, and SWTOR. If I want to be a non-human species it's just SWTOR and Jedi Academy. As another example, if I want to play a fantasy action rpg that lets me play as an orc without automatically making me be evil, my options are The Elder Scrolls. And in my personal opinion the gameplay in ESO beats the hell out of Skyrim and it's not close. There are a lot of common MMO mechanics I don't particularly enjoy, but if I want a remotely recent fantasy arpg where I can make my own character from a variety of interesting races that isn't Skyrim, MMO's are the only game in town. When you add in wanting to sometimes play with friends or family on top of that it really is the only choice that fits my needs.

  14. A simpler reason people prefer to play MMOs solo? The content is worth enjoying. Sometimes a game is just so good you can't pass it up. But make no mistake, if I wasn't given the choice to play solo or with others, it matters not what the mainstream says about it, I am not playing. I like my ability to be a human and actually use my free will to pick what I'll do, not being a robot and forced to comply with some lousy game developers.

    Aside from that, and negative remarks out of the way… I hope you're having a great and blessed day.

  15. The mount system is so good, that people who initially bought this game back on release and played it for a couple years, have no access to mounts, till they buy an addon… yea…

  16. I love the mechanics of MMOs but I rarely interact with people anymore in them outside of noticing that I'm headed for the same mob someone else is and generally yielding it to them to find a different one. I'm currently in a play through of WoW and I'm almost on finishing the new campaign for my second character, save for any dungeons, raids, PvP, or any optional quests that aren't really balanced for a single person.
    I'm aware of guilds and the group finder, but I'm casual AF. I get about 3-4 hours a week of play time and that makes playing with a curated group of friends a challenge since that would reduce all of our time to only playing those characters when we were all available to stay in the same range of levels and content. It also limits my involvement in most of the guilds outside of making some messages a different color than general chat. As for pick-up groups in the group finder, the dungeons are all new to me but random groups tend to try and speed run them and trying to take the time to type it out in chat only serves to slow me down more. This often makes me feel like I'm an escort mission for the others that offers no additional reward.
    All in all, I'm happy with what I get out it, there's plenty of single player content for my money. Sure, I won't have the best gear that can be had and I won't get the whole story but I know that going in.

  17. I do like playing alone because that way I can decide what I do, when I do it and how fast I do it. I don't want to be forced to do something just so I can play with other people, like rushing through the story or something like that. That does not mean that I don't play with other people. I do. I just want do decide myself when to play with others and when to just do my stuff alone. MMORPG's like Final Fantasy 14, Guild Wars 2 or Elder Scrolls Online are giving me the opportunity to do whatever I want however I want. And I love it.

  18. What's the difference between a wikipage saying a single class is easier to solo with and one click dungeon queueing? "Nothing", says the redditor, "for my brain was a consolation prize".

  19. People play solo because they want to play the game, but the other people on the game are so fucking toxic that you wish games weren't anonymous so you could go hunt them down and make them eat the keyboard that they use to be so toxic.


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