Why Did Wendi Adelson Drive to Dan Markel's Crime Scene?

Charlie Adelson is accused of orchestrating the kill on Dan Markel. His former brother-in-law was in a bitter custody battle with Charlie’s sister, Wendi Adelson. She testified she had no involvement but she did say she drove past the crime scene before being notified of her ex-husband’s death.

#CourtTV went to the crime scene to investigate why Wendi Adelson drove through Dan Markel’s murder.

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#DentistMastermindMurderTrial #danmarkel #wendiadelson

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21 thoughts on “Why Did Wendi Adelson Drive to Dan Markel's Crime Scene?”

  1. She used to live at Danny's house and that was the liquor store she used when living there. She knew where that liquor store was and used it. She's helping prepare for her dad's surprise party and had a list of things to do without thinking about Danny.

  2. Wendy was not involved. Everyone is pointing to these coincidences that make her look guilty while also calling her a mastermind that left no hard or digital evidence. If she had been part of this, there is no way she would have repeated the hit man joke or told her bf that her brother looked into a hitman just days before he was killed, or gone near the crime scene or bought the bullet bourbon. She is far too intelligent to do those things while being part of some conspiracy that left zero evidence of her involvement.

    All she had to do to avoid all suspicion and hate was grab her laptop and go work in Starbucks or something just to been seen. That’s a fool proof plan. But that’s not what she did. And that’s why I see these things as sings of her innocence and not her guilt.

    Her interrogation looks completely genuine to me. If you have ever experienced that kind of grief and shock then you know it takes a while to process all of those thoughts and emotions. You fluctuate between sobbing and also trying to function. She was doing her best to help the cop, which is what he asked and expected her to do. She’s a lawyer so she knew what she needed to provide in order to clear her as a suspect and go home to her kids. She didn’t lawyer up when she had every right to. Also, Dan was her ex. They had been separated for 2 years by then so it’s not like she lost her husband. She lost her ex and the father of her kids so I wouldn’t expect to see her completely breaking down.

  3. How is it that you see police tape at the very street that your kids stayed at over night and you don’t call the father or go see if everything is ok? Very very suspect if you ask me…If I see something like that on my kids block I will be calling right away to see if my kids are ok point blank period. I don’t buy that she just seen tape and kept it moving and not making a call

  4. She told the DA point blank, she did not travel to the crime scene, she said that’s not true. Why are you floating facts that are not true or accurate, Court TV is a hack amateur train wreck. What a pathetic lineup of hacks, gossiping and speculating based on invented facts, conspiracy behind every bush. Garbage TV, I hope you get sued out of existence.

  5. The "TV Repair" metaphor is an inside joke when Charlie bought Wendi a TV set as a gift & said "I wanted to get you a Hit Man but the TV was cheaper" 🤨
    If you put it into contex with the Adeson family texting straight after Dans Murder – You'll see what kind of Psychopaths we're dealing with! "How Sweet" 🤔


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