Why did the US do BRUTAL ATROCITI3S and have NO problems?

In 1944, the American intelligence service was convinced that Hitler had prepared a fleet of submarines loaded with missiles. It was supposed to be used to bomb the city of New York, completely destroying it and wiping out the population. As expected, the U.S. government planned a military maneuver to defend against the threat before it was too late. Thus, Operation Teardrop was born, a campaign by the American Navy to hunt down German submarines lurking in the waters of the North Atlantic.


33 thoughts on “Why did the US do BRUTAL ATROCITI3S and have NO problems?”

  1. In the attack on Dresden the Luftwaffe did have planes ready for taking off but a flight of other planes had to land first and whilst they waited the first wave of Lancaster's showed up and bombed the city. The post office telephone electrical system was completely wrecked in the first bombing wave so there was no warning when the second bombing wave arrived because the telephone electrical system also operated the air raid warnings. The German pilots were still sitting in their planes as they'd not been given any orders to take off and from their cockpits they watched the city being annihilated. The American B17's showed up the next morning for their part in the bombing as the Americans only bombed by day. Dresden was a city with little to no defence measures as the Germans thought that the allies would never bomb the Baroque city. All sorts of old wives tales were going around Dresden from the allies never wanting to destroy the Baroque city to Churchill having an aunt living in Dresden and all BS. What anti aircraft guns Dresden did have had been taken away to other cities. There were no bunkers for the population only cellars and in the subsequent firestorm they proved of no use as all the air was sucked out of them feeding the firestorm and the people in them suffocated. Others caught outside in the firestorm melted into the bitumen sidewalks. There was however one proper bunker deep beneath the streets for the exclusive use of the Nazi Gauleiter or city leader and no one else so the city's population never stood a chance.

  2. If you are not in the financial market space right now, you are making a huge mistake. I understand that it could be due to ignorance, but if you want to make your money work for you…prevent inflation

  3. Obviously who ever posted this video has NEVER been to war let alone EVER been in the military. You have no clue what it is like. Please do your homework before you post another BS video!! I was subscribed, but NOT NOW.

  4. 5:00 This was behavior they had to have learned from inferior people. (I believe propaganda is still legal, am I wrong?) The soldiers were probably paid extra for each body part by the commanding officers.

  5. First of all, what is the objective
    of this? Is this another “hate
    America first” video? Second,
    we were forced into WW2. We
    were attacked by the Japanese
    and then their allies, Germany
    and Italy declared war on us!
    Then, during the war, unspeakable atrocities against
    our prisoners of war and soldiers in the field; even sailors
    in our navies. Things such as
    strafing our pilots in their para-
    chutes by Germans and Japanese. Things like machine
    gunning our sailors in the water,
    instead of rescuing them; we
    tried to rescue theirs and most
    of the time they committed
    suicide instead of letting us
    rescue them. Things like tortur-
    ing our pow’s. How about them
    mutilating our dead soldiers?
    How about starving our pow’s
    in concentration camps? How
    about the Malmedy massacre?
    Where our soldiers were herded
    into a field, lined up in rows and
    then machine gunned to death?
    How about the Holocaust, that
    some people try to say never
    happened? I could go on and on! I know we probably had some bad apples in our military!
    Most of them were decent men!
    There are instances where our
    guys found out what they had
    been doing to us and vowed
    revenge and no more mercy to
    be given. Like when the Japanese would feign surrender, only to machine gun
    our surrender accepting party.
    After that, no prisoners would be taken. After our guys found
    out about the Malmedy massacre that had been committed by SS soldiers, they
    vowed to not taking any more
    SS prisoners. Also, it just occurred to me that the SS were guilty of murdering thou-
    sands of Belgian civilians during
    the Battle of the Bulge at the end of 1944 into 1945. This was
    to keep them from collabor-
    ating with us. Anyway, enough
    said. We are the best nation in
    the world and a lot of people
    hate us for it!

  6. I wonder how it might have turned out for the world if America and its allies had lost the war to Germany? Claimed war crimes in this presentation with no real proof, what an interesting so called docu-film.


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