Why Did The PS Vita Fail !? – Gaming History Documentary

In today’s video we look at the PS Vita and why it failed to be the smash hit system that the PlayStation home consoles tend to be.

#psvita #playstation #gaminghistory

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Additional Gameplay & Footage Sources
My Top 100 PSVita Games Of All Time!
2 old 4 gaming

Top 25 PlayStation Vita Games of All Time | 2021

#PS Vita – Inside PS Vita Episode 1

Inside PS VITA


Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 playthrough (PS Vita)

Darius Burst: Chronicle Saviours (PS Vita | PSTV) Video Review
Reviews 2 Go



37 thoughts on “Why Did The PS Vita Fail !? – Gaming History Documentary”

  1. I was really tempted to buy a psvita at that time, the expensive memory cards put me off. I still own a psp 1000 with a copy of mhf2, Follow the series to the 3ds. Looking back the majority of the games on the vita was mostly visual novels with a handful gems.

  2. Sony's downfall has always been their expensive proprietary formats that they love to force on people. I loved my original PSP when it first launched but never had the Vita as I honestly found it to be a poor replacement. I'd really love to see Sony give handheld gaming a go again especially given how well the Switch has done and the Steam Deck seems to be selling pretty well so far. If Sony wants to try again now is the time, but if they do they must not use proprietary formats again. If Nintendo which can be a very stubborn company use off the shelf SD Cards then so can Sony. If Sony goes proprietary again then it would be dead on release.

  3. Still have my LCD Vita that I upgraded to from the White OLED Assassin's Creed edition. My wife and I gifted ourselves each a Vita for our anniversary. Awesome handheld overall and will always be my favorite Sony handheld over the PSP.

  4. Yeah the Vita was failure, and it's full potential was never reached to levels the PsP reached, the PsP had almost every major franchise represented, some games made specifically for the system, across all genres, the Vita paled in comparison, however the Vita really is a beast for what it can do and what it has available on it, with the homebrew scene and seeing ports such as the GTA trilogy, Bully, Max Payne, Fahrenheit etc, we can just imagine what else could have been on the VIta.

  5. i have two ps vitas and i still playing those two even on 2022 and 2 years ago i hacked them and use for everything i dont know what you going to say on the video because i dont gonna watch it and only i am here because the youtube algorithm

  6. I am a huge Sony fan but what gets me very upset is that when you purchase a game on the playstation store let's say for example for this handheld in your video even though the game certainly runs on the hand hills like the safer example street fighter anniversary collection would obviously run on the sand hills They don't actually allow you to use the the digital content that you purchase through their playstation sthrough their playstation store which also does not specify a specify that the content being bought is specifically for plabefore playstation 3 it obviously just says playstation store so they're wrong for allowing you to shop at a store to purchase content that just content that they try to restrict you from being able to use on whatever Playstation hardware that you have even though it obviously would be able to I don't understand why they're so restrictive like this to the very fans that helped build-up their entertainment

  7. 56 I'm like I was saying before you know the playstation store does not Uber does not specify that when you purchase content on this playstation store it's going to be restricted to They never really specified anything like that the thing that obsessed me is as a fan I already own pretty own content that they're basically Through a subscription service is the only way I could be able to play the very games are already on through the playstation store and unfortunately not only is that wrong but it's just a stream of the game as far as I know so it's not even a 100% lag free and for fighting games that's a necessity because it relies heavily on timing like almost every other game does But more so in fighting games to win against the best the best the lag really ruins your chances a lot of times of winning it's happened to meet hundreds of times already

  8. Basically what I'm saying is it's sad that as a consumer I literally have to take a company that I'm I'm a fan of to court and Sue them just so that they can release content that can easily be done by them just doing it through an update or whatever they have to do to make it possible to wool and them as a company deny the fans this opportunity to enjoy games that they purchase an own and a really being Unnecessarily controlled by Sony corporation I feel the same way about nintendo Microsoft as a company at least gives the fans what they want and that's why I do respect the most out of all the gaming companies they offer true backwards compatibility which is really what all the true fans of gaming want they just want to console that basically that basically has all the games that they grew up and you know love to this very day on one council you know and they don't have to switch through you know Trying to collect games from the past that are almost impossible to get your hands on nowadays when these games can just be put out there digitally and everyone can enjoy what they like which is the way it should be

  9. Also street fighter 2 super street fighter 2 Turbo H you're better too terrible HD remix is another game the other game that I'm a huge fan of it's way better than the original in my opinion especially for people that play on controller such as myself I know this game can also run on the last handhold that Sony did unfortunately did unfortunately they just don't release the content on there when they say playstation store it should run on whatever hardware is able to run it I wish I would have had the mortal kombat collection that had the original arcade mortal kombat's honor because I could also play that on this handheld but unfortunately they deleted it and I just don't understand why mortal come back Still don't know why WB games does not re release the release the mortal kombat collection with AK so that I can also play that collection of mortal kombat games which I think are the best is very day on the handheld and even on my playstation 5

  10. I think the funniest thing about all this is that I have an amazing console with the playstation 5 but I still play games that basically could run on a playstation one and that's basically all I ever play on it anyway lol I should just bought a playstation 1 and I could have saved about $450 Lol

  11. Unfortunately almost every lawyer in this country is Caucasian white and for whatever reason they just don't like to bring other white people support and bring him to trial like they do to everyone else you know I am also part of the European community and they have no shame in their game when it comes to bringing me to trial and making me feel like a criminal out there without thinking twice but unfortunately but unfortunately you know there's really no job When it comes to really bringing situations like this to trial in the 1st place you know no lawyer ever wants to accept you know they're duty as people who represent the law and try to seek Justice for those who are questioning you know flaws in peoples of people's approach in society you know whether it's a company or just an individual and hopefully things like this can change in the future because sir because it has nothing to do with where you're from but has everything to do with who you are as a person

  12. I've asked Sony corporation numerous times although they may have never even seen my message in the 1st place It's kind of confusing to me because as a corporation you would think that you would have people on top of every single message that goes to them and really having a year to what's going on and they just don't do it

  13. If like for example the little Jew that I worked for you know if you really understood how much which he should because he always bragged about working for like one day when he 1st started a company which I highly doubt which I highly doubt I believe he instantly after realizing how hard it was hired a bunch of Mexicans to do the work for him you know if anyone should understand it would be him obviously he had to hire other people to do it because of how difficult it was so you would think if anyone would understand hes we don't understand these kind of situations will be a guy like him but I received you know the deciding factor goes into a bunch of you know people that really are undeserving of what they get unappreciative unappreciative of I'm appreciative of the people that do make it a reality you know they really tend to look down on people as if they are more significant just because of this delusional status that they believe that they really have a life which kind of alienates them from you know the rest of society you wish they also are part of and it's like just kind of childish and ignorant you know there's no one that's really more important than anyone else We're all valuable as human beings here's society in this world you know we're all blessed to be a part of something that really never even happens in nature such as the planet that we're currently enjoying right now

  14. So yeah You know I mentioned to you know whether they saw it or not I'm pretty sure they did have see my messages that I've been leaving for important stuff like this like for example the car wash all of them should be shut down federally shut down you know there's no need to waste precious water to make our vehicles look brand new and sparkly clean let's waste all this soap and water on our vehicle set when we drive around everyone could go wow look at him hes in his freshly washed brand new car and it doesn't even matter And we're wasting the most important things on this world and what's the too late is too late and it's very sad that lake that lake there even has to be some sort of federal regulation for these kind of things For easier for me to raise awareness you know I would obviously do it but you know I feel like me telling the people that do matter are supposed to matter rathe matter rather because if they did matter they would change it instantly as soon as they heard it but they pretend to matter and pretend to care they allow terrorism in the very country that they are supposed to be defending wow I'm on the other hand though say that they constantly have A-war on terror you know that they'll stop and nothing no matter where it isn't the planet To defend against but they won't stop it where it's most crucial

  15. 😂 (@ 20:50) you do realise that the two oval pads on the back of the unit aren’t touch sensitive right!! It’s the glossy area in the middle that is used for
    L2 and R2. Sorry I couldn’t watch anymore after that.

  16. homebrew community is keeping the Vita alive. A dreamcast emulator has just been showcased by a well known Vita developer and it looks very promising.

  17. complains about touchpad, proceeds to not even touch the touchpad lol…those two oval shaped things on the back aren't touch pads, those were grips so the device didn't slip out of your hands, the touch pad is the entire back part between those grips where the top sections were mapped to L2 and R2 and bottom half L3 and R3. They could all be mapped to any of the corners of the front touch screen. Maybe that's why you had a hard time playing those games.

  18. The region locking and whitelisting differences were horrid. North American Vita users could play a lot that we never even knew were possible on the unit. In Europe we were a bit in need of a sit down.

  19. Everyone seems to only talk about how expensive the memory cards were. But fails to talk about how unreliable the memory cards actually are. I still own the 64GB memory card that I imported. Many many times the memory card would corrupt and loose all its data. I would format it. Download all my games again. Some time later it would corrupt again and all my data was gone. Once I was able to mod my Vita and get a SD2Vita. I never had to deal with a corrupt memory card again.

  20. Lol, absolutely loved FF10 as well! I was vary surprised to hear that i was in the minority of my opinion, and wondered why. It was such a graphical jump ahead of previous titles and the blitz ball mini game i thought was simply brilliant and fun to play!

  21. The backwards compatibility with PS1 and the ports of many PS2 games like MGS2 and 3 and the FFX games was a selling point for me, but the DS was much more fun and the fact that it had NES and SNES games popping up on it that worked either through cartridges you bought or digitally through the 3DS Eshop made that have a vastly more appealing library. But I use my Vita to play PS1 and PSP games including Beaterator which is useful for making instrumentals!


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