Why Churches That Compromise Always Die

Church history teaches us that each generation of Christians will face unique assaults upon Biblical truth. These attacks rarely manifest as open rebellion to core Christian doctrine, but instead, especially in our age, often take the form of subversion, deception, and misplaced emphasis. They wear the guise of “love”, “acceptance”, and “inclusion” all while tearing down foundational truths that safeguard true virtue. Even the smallest of compromises from the greatest of institutions have ultimately resulted in their downfall to theological liberalism and neo-orthodoxy. Tune in now as we discuss the importance of taking a stand on the issues where the battle rages the fiercest.


17 thoughts on “Why Churches That Compromise Always Die”

  1. Churches come, churches go, churches die, new churches are started. This is a never ending process. No church last forever. Show me one that is 500 years old that is still sticking by the stuff.

  2. It’s because compromise starts with the old expression “Give them an inch; they’ll take a mile”.
    -“Shout Your Abortion”!, “My Body My Choice”!, 9 month abortions, etc, all started with: “Oh no! Pro choice isn’t pro abortion”! “Safe, legal & rare”! etc.
    – Make pretend marriage, Drag Queen Story Hour, Pride Parades, California’s legalization of pedophilia, etc. all started with: “Oh no! Just civil unions! Just Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”! etc.
    -Abolition of the death penalty, of police, of prisons, etc. all started with: “Oh no! We still need life without parole! We just mean reallocation of police funds”! etc.

  3. When my husband recently asked a United Methodist minister where he stood on the sin of sodomy he said that the Bible says we shouldn’t judge. He said, “I preach on Jesus’ love & let Holy Spirit convict the person.” He then went on to say that he only preaches from the Greek translations. And he said that in the Greek it says homosexuality is not necessarily a sin. He said the Bible, in the Greek, says sodomy is only wrong if a same sex rapes a same sex. If it’s consensual, then sodomy is not a sin. I couldn’t believe it! This man has a congregation! It makes me sick. Oh, icing on the cake- his wife is also a United Methodist pastor.

  4. I've grown up in the church, yet with every RR upload I'm learning something that was common knowledge to our forebears and completely unknown to me. I weep at the sublime beauty of a quoted hymn, or passage in a book I didn't know existed, yet our churches sing shallow "Jesus is my boyfriend" songs every week.
    Truly we live in a Spiritual Dark Age.
    As you said in your recently uploaded Christianity 2.0 session: I can at least raise my kids well, catechize them prayerfully, and by God's Provenance these links will endure and preserve His chain through our stunted age.

  5. Well done – as a saint – I have had 7 pastors scold me over the past 5 years – moved my family from 3 churches – over the past 5 years) – as I have taken biblical stands on feminism, androgyny, wokeness, etc.. – every time I got yelled at, my faith got stronger!

  6. Thank you for the great history lessons with discussions like this! Many laypeople are at best getting watered down milk from their church "leaders" on Sunday mornings. Messages like this are an oasis of Truth in arid times.


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