Why China's Global Times is worried about the INS Vikrant

Foreign ambassadors praised, India’s rising military manufacturing capabilities, and promised to strengthening cooperation with New Delhi, in light of fast-changing geostrategic, and security issues in the Indo-Pacific, and Indian Ocean Regions.
Furthermore, observers believe that the Indian Navy’s second aircraft carrier, will pose a challenge to China’s objectives, in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
The article published in the Global Times, has warned China, to be wary of the West’s appreciation of ‘I N S Vikrant. It stated, This praising of the West is part of a larger plot, against China, and may be a preparation for action against China


50 thoughts on “Why China's Global Times is worried about the INS Vikrant”

  1. It's not a make in India campaign sangi admin , this INS VIKRANT project started in Congress period but completed in Bjp so don't bark much for Coward sawarkar party members 🤪😆😆🙃🤣😉😀😄😝😅🤭🤭😄😀😉🤣🤪🤣🤣🤪

  2. India is not going to attack anybody unless she is attacked. But we will not allow China a free run across the Indo -Pacific. The security of this region is vital for our existance and also to maintain global order.

  3. This is new India and we have seen some historical surgical strikes and actions against our enemies.. Yes, we won't attack any country first but will definitely strike back if threatened and messed with us that threatens our national security, freedom and peace.. And this is why I'm saying its a new India cuz we won't sit back and see our enemies entering our land illegally by force..

  4. China is worried about that their steam powered largest air carrier is nothing in comparison to indian carrier as Chinese carrier is steam powered which means Chinese air carrier is inferior. Steam powered aircraft carrier is limited in capabilities and inferior to conventional aircraft carrier.

  5. Still not joining a military alliance against China is a failure of India as i say. China will attack India along with Pakistan and India will have to fight a two front war alone. If we don't have allies we will not even get weapons and logistical support from anyone

  6. The fact is india is in no one’s camp neither the west nor Russia it’s in it own camp. It’s not going to let the west play it like canon fodder, India will only retaliate if provoked and wether it’s China or paxtan, India is capable of more than just fatally wounding them. Jai hind! 🇮🇳

  7. China does not have an answer to a possible Indian blockade of Chinese merchant navy and crude oil shipments back to China.
    China will not have an answer in the foreseeable future. So, China will not dare to start a full blown war with India.

  8. India will never bite the anti China bullet due to Western pushing but rather due to Chinese pushing, itself.
    what is the need for them to talk nonsense and employ their 50 cent gang all the time

  9. India always act with its own interest in mind without bothering much about unnecessary rhetorics. A very strong lndian Navy will serve its maritime interest & contribute to peace & stability in the entire lmdo-Pacific. As such, around 70 various assets are under construction in various shipyard and in various stages currently. These consists of more powerful Destroyers, Frigates, Nuclear & Diesel attack Subs, Missile Vessels, Corvettes, Petrol Vessels & so on.

  10. India is a sovereign nation. It is no one’s cannon fodder, and will NOT act as a western mercenary to further the agenda of the “Liberal World Order”.

    India understands perfectly well how the “Great Game” is played, and wants no part in it.

  11. We will have to stay alert from west, Europe, China and Bhikaristan. Bharatiya’s should do their best to manufacture and buy as many home manufactured good and services as they can even if they are expensive. Our goal should be to reduce the trade imbalance in our favor. All Bharatiya’s will have to work together

  12. Because global times is china(ccp) and Visi-versa. It was the west which sent Chinese forces in Laddakh in 2020 may and that to when India was under lockdown due to shoul I say Chinese virus, they appeared to have taken a trick from the page of their iron friend of playing victim card.

  13. Bharath has many natural unsinkable aircraft carriers all around the Indian ocean… they should focus on that more than building vulnerable aircraft carriers… at the most, India only needs 3 mobile ones for power projection..

  14. Just because there are foreign lackies inside bharath trying to divide people, does not mean the majority are idiots to believe that the CCP never crossed the redline too many times to just ignore it…

  15. Such a bullshit remark to give morale to the India navy. Vikrant is totally no match with any China aircraft carriers. Locally built but too many imported materials and knowhow from
    overseas . Pls don't compare with China. China is well ahead of India difficult for India to catch up. That's why she needs to join QUAD to try to contain China.

  16. i naver see or hear that china ever complain/worrie on india building they ship,,india is the one that beeing stupid because let itself became dog of the west,,and eating westren narative,


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