Why Can’t the US Stop Mass Shootings?

From Sandy Hook to Uvalde: the US is the only country in the world to experience mass shootings with such shocking regularity. Ten years after the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary, VICE News investigates the culture of no-compromise gun ownership, industry money, and political dysfunction that has made it so difficult to make meaningful change.

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45 thoughts on “Why Can’t the US Stop Mass Shootings?”

  1. U think bamning certain guns and parts are gona stop violent crime. Ya im sire the gangsters and extremists are gona file the new pistol brace rule… or ya 10" rifles will raise violence the longer ones wouldnt do anything… its the person. Mental health

  2. Ok it’s the guns take them away and it’s a matter of time before all Americans see that’s not the only way to do harm to people your car can be a weapon speed up to 100 and you could take out a crowd of people faster then a gun at least with a gun you hear the first shot people where killing people long before the gun but if you want to stop people from killing each other let’s just kill off all humanity it’s in are DNA and that’s just the hard truth about it

  3. The U.S. cant stop mass shootings because every time we have one, we get new legislation to take guns away from lawful owners. Disarm the general public and no one can fight back, waiting on police response of 10+ minutes.

  4. $$$$ that’s why, mass shooting to me seems normal as of now. Just the same as alcohol, people get drunk and drive then killed innocent people. Government aren’t doing anything about it because that’s where some of the money generates from.Does these government care of course they don’t they only care about the numbers that are going up in their bank account. Where does the politicians kids go to school? For sure not a public school.

  5. The status quo is untenable. Year by year, support for the purchase and sale of AR-15s drops among Americans. In the long-term, the only way the Republican party can maintain general access to semi-automatic rifles is through a licensing scheme similar to the one that exists for automatic weapons. In the event that the Federal government passes a national "assault weapons ban", Red states will likely choose to 'nullify' such laws by following the Missouri model. Nonetheless, it's unlikely that Federal law enforcement will focus its efforts on firearms owners but instead manufacturers. The industry will be entirely crippled. When we inevitably reach an inflection point on this issue, gun manufacturing companies will have to choose between risking a legal battle they could lose in the courts or pressuring GOP legislators into a compromise that implements some sort of licensing scheme for the purchase of such weapons. It will be interesting to see that play out sometime in the next decade or two, particularly as the Sandy Hook generation starts replacing Boomer/Gen X politicians.

    Additionally, eventually the Supreme Court will swing left again. Particularly post-Roe, it isn't hard to see a liberal Court revise the precedent set by Heller in 2008, particularly given that historically the courts have upheld Federal firearms regulation by citing Miller 1939.

  6. well let's see…

    hop on giggle news and you get: political nonsense from both sides. Memphis. Paul Pelosi. more political nonsense. fake nursing degrees and almost at the bottom: HMB s-bird shooter cries in court he was bullied.

    nothing about Monterey…nothing about the shooting at the rap video in Houston…nothing about South Shore in Chicago…and on…and on…

    see…none of those have what the "ban the guns" people need to fulfill their narrative. a big scary black gun.

    it's not the responsible law abiding firearm owners that are the problem here.

    go start with some "Drill Rap" videos…or the state of mental health care.

  7. Outright trying to take something away from people is not going to work. I wish dems would work on more compromises than demonizing the right and claiming moral superiority. It’s the same thing Republicans do with abortion, and how much does that morally superior attitude and cut throat legislation make you want to listen to them?

  8. Because the "common sense solutions" they keep coming up with and other restrictions already in place make it hard for "gun free zones" to allow legal firearms on the premis making them soft targets for people who want to have a sense of ultimate power for 15-70 minutes before someone WITH A GUN shows up to shoot them or they kill themselves

    Good people with guns make a difference, the shooting in Indiana not too long ago is a great example, it was in a mall where guns are almost always prohibited, yet our defender had it with him anyway JUST INCASE, and that "just in case" happened to pay off that day because a gunman was there at the same time, and our defender STOPPED him early, lives were still lost, but countless lives were saved. We saw the failure of a response in Uvalde by police, so if we can't expect the police to put our lives above their career, then why should we not be able to use the most effective tools to save our lives and the lives of others?

    They wont take mental health seriously in this country (54% of all gun deaths are from suicide), they wont take a strong stance against crime, and they want to take away our guns at the same time? The inanimate object is not the problem, literally round up every single one and they'll use blades as in the UK, round up all the bladed items and they'll use blunt, round up all the blunt and they'll use improvised items, remove every tool and they'll use rocks, now, on the flip, start arming everyone competent enough to handle a weapon and suddenly people are a little less likely to lash out knowing they would get smoked almost immediately unless they had john wick accuracy.

    Also, talk all you want about the AR-15 and "high capacity assault rifles" (they're standard capacity RIFLES) but most murders are, by a huge margin, done with handguns (8,035 deaths in 2020), "assault rifles" (semiautomatic rifles) account for 300-400 deaths a year, drunk drivers kill 10,000 a year (25x more deadly than all rifles in the US) yet we aren't banning alcohol nor are we restricting vehicles to have additional safties to prevent operation of a drunk driver, we also aren't talking about banning handguns, no, lets focus on the weapons that kill the least amount of people a year, lets ban the weapons that could EFFECTIVLY fight back against invading soldiers or a tyrannical government, that's the one that we should remove, not the ones that account for 20x more deaths per year.

  9. They don't want to solve it cause it was played out . They use a system to push their ideals government wants power once guns are gone they have that power. Once a government has power they become a Dictatorship.

  10. It's ThE gUnS.. sound stupid asf. Yes shooting someone is probably easier and faster for people when it comes to mass killings. But people will always fucking find a way. If u take away guns people would probably be burned alive in buildings or more mass vehicle killings. People will find a way. Not guns it people.

  11. I hate to say this, but with this level of violence and the expertise of militias and previous service people; it makes me want to own a gun and be able to defend my family in the face of people who’s lives revolve around firearm proficiency and extremist political views.

  12. No crime can be totally stopped but unless cities and states are preventing from undermining the 2A so people can defend themselves the shootings will continue. The only thing a gun ban will accomplish is disarm the law abiding but those who would be so inclined to commit crime will barely be affected and if they don't have a gun they will use another method.

  13. I'm only 1:53 into the video and I can already tell this is going to be all against guns! I'll erase this if not! It's not a gun problem, it is a human problem! Dive deep into the statistics and really look at the numbers. Not just a stat that you like. Then start going after the real problem!

  14. THIS IS HORRIBLE REPORTING! Really look at these stats that they claim. Mass shooting stat that they claim happens! Handguns are used in more of the shootings than AR's! Not that that is better. But lying to try and get your agenda done, is just a low move. So many gun controller lies in this. When did journalists stop being neutral and only report on what is really happening. CRAP REPORTING!

  15. I love how they makenit sound like the mass shootings happen at schools more than 5% ….. but no most of em are gang banger drive bys. And i bekieve i mt used to be 2 or more so thats why the number is high

  16. The Second Amendment isn't going away, unless totalitarians just ignore it. Then the Second Amendment kicks into high gear.

    You have to understand that this isn't just keyboard commando talk. Millions of Americans really believe this way and are not going to just give up their rights. For these people gun control is simply out of the question. Period. It is almost at a religious level, and outlawing religions never works unless you kill a LOT of people.

    So, are you going to kill millions of people to save them? Pretty Orwellian if you say "yes".

  17. Why can't the US stop mass shootings?

    Because the citizens are PISSED!!!

    Maybe if things were put in place that did not put the entire burden of the rich having their parties and the poor doing nothing but stand on exit ramps the People would not be so pissed off.

    How many 'mass shootings' happen on a regular basis in Scandanavian countries that are not based on some ideology of Hate (anti-semitism, et al)? NONE.

    Only in America do people fly planes into IRS buildings and randomly shoot up places where they are the most likely to find unarmed people (schools, churches, ect)… because they feel TRAPPED.

  18. I've been to these schools and lived through these threats. This is the product of an unstable and broken generation. We need to help these younger generations how to cope with stress and problems. As a result of this run-down generation, they are retaliating and using that tool for revenge. Most mass shooters are mentally unstable kids who have been bullied. They are the unpopular kid. EVEN if you manage to take all of the firearms away they will retaliate from bullies. They'll use something else to mass kill everyone that did themselves wrong. This is a band-aid on a big cut. I suggest the school system teach young adults how to compromise, communicate, and control themselves not others. Instead of these unnecessary things….

  19. It is the Decline of The West in every sense of the word. Pure and simple. There is no other explanation.

    You have the Western world, the land of “Milk & Honey” where the entire third world wants to run to if given the opportunity, and yet you have these horrific incidents taking place in the West which defy any reasoning/explanation.

    Apparently, not all is well in the land of “Milk & Honey.” You have a killings and murders in the third world as well, nothing different there. However, in the third world these incidents all have a history behind them. People are assaulted-killed for purely criminal reasons (theft, robbery, land disputes and so forth) or for “honor,” perceived insults, vendettas, religion etcetera. There is generally a “reason” behind these acts and I realize that these “reasons” have nothing to do logic or sanity. Nevertheless, in general these killings are for material reasons or material gain.

    In the third world, a person does not walk into a market place or any other establishment and starts shooting/killing people because he/she was “bullied,” is an “incel,” “hates people-society-the world in general.” This is a uniquely Western creation.

    It appears that a hedonistic, mollycoddled, soft, and weak society run by corrupt elites produces such individuals who are alone, extremely frustrated and lonely. Humans are social creatures. A life without real meaning and connections is not good for them. Add to this a culture (which is more and more accepted) of drugs and alcohol to exacerbate the situation. This includes all the non-essential prescription (mental) drugs handed out by physicians as well. Thus this “mental loneliness” coupled with drugs, alcohol and a general “hatred” for society lead to these mass killings.

    There will be no end to this. It has become so commonplace that it generally unfolds as follows:

    -A mass shooting takes place; several die and the shooter may be captured or commit suicide.

    -the chief law enforcement officer/politicians make standard statements condemning the act and bemoaning as to how this has “affected their community” and how they are in “shock.

    -Further discussions may take place in the media regarding the mental state of the shooter and on the “whys” of his/her act.

    -The standard “gun control” arguments pro-con fly back and forth

    -A candlelight vigil normally follows

    -Then the incident slowly melts into the background of other news until a new one erupts.

    What nobody ever talks about is that there is something very wrong at a much deeper level in Western culture. The West is quick to criticize other cultures but balks when it has to look inward.

  20. America is NOT the only country where "scenes like this play out on a daily basis" are you serious rightnow??? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT GOES ON IN OTHER CONTRYS? SOME WILL KILL YOU IF U ILLEGALLY ENTER THERE COUNTRY!

  21. There is no such thing as a mass shooting. The weapon doesn't matter. Only the heart matters. Total homicide and total violent crime has absolutely zero correlation to privately held firearms. Your question is ignorant.

  22. The founding fathers were very aware of the military industrial complex. They did not want this country to maintain a standing military, so it made sense for individual citizens to own firearms, provided they were part of a well-regulated militia.

    All gun advocates hear is "shall not be infringed" while conveniently completely ignoring the part about a militia. But the Second Amendment was never intended to give literally anyone with a pulse the right to own a firearm. Many gun advocates will murder to keep their right to murder. Its insanity.


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