Why can't the US agree on gun control measures despite the rising death toll from mass shootings?

Another spate of mass shootings in America has sparked a renewed debate over gun control. Mass shootings in Buffalo, Uvalde, Tulsa, and Highland Park generated calls for common-sense gun regulation to curb access to firearms and slow the surge of gun-related violence. There have been more mass shootings in America than days in 2022.

The outcry did help bring about Congress’ first major gun control legislation in nearly 30 years in June, breaking a long-running gridlock over any regulation on firearms in America with measures such as expanded background checks for those under the age of 18 and more funding for mental health programs.

Yet in the very same week, the Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling on gun control: in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, the justices struck down New York’s stringent rules for obtaining a license to carry a concealed handgun in public. The diverging paths on gun control underscore the widening gap between red states and blue states in the US.

We explore the story behind the current debate over gun control, and why guns have become a central piece of America’s culture wars.

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#GunControl #2ndAmendment #MassShootings


36 thoughts on “Why can't the US agree on gun control measures despite the rising death toll from mass shootings?”

  1. If I were the Chinese and Russian I will just give free millions of guns to kids in school legally. No need for expensive nuclear bomb, we are already literally killing our future with our gun law🤦‍♀

  2. If they restrict gun port rigth , the rap industry will fall down .because rap industry rely on gun violence to go viral and bé crédible . If gun port is redtricted , violence will stop and rappers will not know which subject to rap about .

  3. Daryl miller doesn’t understand the idea of a cop trying to murder you and you defending yourself from him. There is legal precedent for this circumstance, for example the breonna Taylor shooting where her boyfriend shot an officer in the leg thinking he was an intruder rather than a cop serving a legal arrest warrant.

  4. Senator Chris Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut objected to the biggest School Safety Bill in History in the Senate.

    Because he would rather have our kids as martyrs to push his gun control agenda rather than to protect our kids.

    It's time to protect our kids like we protect politicians and judges. MUST READ!

  5. If a kid hits a kid in school with a baseball bat do we punish all kids in school who use or own bats as guilty. NO, the same is true for gun owners every gun owner is not evil some just want to protect their family.

  6. Gun Type/Rounds Fired – Gun Regulation Needed:

    1) No Ban or Limit on the Type of gun one can own. Not all gun types allowed in all areas/public places.

    2) Punishment and jail time are set by the criminal and is determined by the number of rounds fired by any firearm during a crime that resulted in injury or death.

    3) Formula: Injury/Robbery with any Firearm – 2 years minimum for every round fired that caused injury. NO shortened sentence for good behavior. Sentence must be served to term.

    4) Formula:Death – Crime resulting in any death: 5 years minimum for every round fired that caused a death, times the number killed. NO shortened sentence for good behavior or appeal when convited by a 15 panel jury. Sentence must be served to term.

    5) Death of 2 or more people with a weapon or firearm: Punishable by Death Penalty within 2 weeks of proven conviction, 21 Panel Jury. NO Appeal!

    6) Rounds fired over 25 resulting in any death = Death Penalty. NO Appeal if convicted by a 21 panel jury.

    – We do not need to regulate any gun type, just the actions and behaviors of those using the firearms. Illegal activity and disregard for life MUST be met with strong, harsh punishments that do not punish law abiding citizens/gun owners, only criminals. Laws for self-defense also need to be revised. This idea on punishment per bullet fired puts the criminal in the position of setting their own maximum sentence. Gun type does not matter, rounds that are fired does. All shooters will need to think very hard before unloading a high number of rounds or firing the gun at all.

  7. Used to hear it a lot when I was a kid when people would ask me if I actually had a lick of common Sense you know hey it's common Sense hey you know not doing that just common sense well it took me a little while until I was about 30 or so to realize common Sense is a euphemism for control and the reason we have all of these problems these days is because the government took the control out of the parents' hands by telling us we're no longer allowed to discipline our children now I'm going to say I'm not a parent the only children I have are my four-legged fur babies currently but I had parents and grandparents who taught me the difference between right and wrong and when I did wrong they busted my butt they put me in a corner laid ground me depending on how severe the problem was depending on how severe the punishment was heck my grandparents turned me into the police once when I did wrong so did my mom other times if it was mild they'd give me a Stern talking to but the more you look at it each one of those is actually illegal according to the feds which is why you end up with a bunch of entitled Yahoo's doing horrible atrocious acts like that

  8. And when New Zealand banned semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles and other military style weapons six weeks later a terrorist goes into a store and starts stabbing people with a knife on the shelf what was their answer you now have to have a license to own kitchen knives think about that as Thanksgiving comes up that you might end up one day here in America having to purchase a knife license so you can carve the family turkey that is what news channels like this are not telling you and that is what our government currently wants you to end up having to do paying four or $500 annually just to continue owning the knives you used to cook with because guns are already gone so what's the next thing stabbings what's the next thing after that blunt instruments like a hammer what's the next thing after that well if we look to China martial arts were banned while England was controlling Hong Kong knives swords bows blow guns daggers Spears martial arts these are all banned by England when they control Hong Kong then they were also banned by Japan when Japan controlled Hong Kong and most of China the moment we surrender all rights is the moment we are all controlled and at the mercy of tyrants so if you're going to wash this channel just remember you can teach yourself what to do when something goes wrong and you can respond within seconds you could call for help but it will take minutes and in the case of uvalde hours because people were so scared of the woke BS blue side of the aisle and worried no matter what they did they'd be fighting thrown in prison that they did nothing crime is always going to happen because there are people out there too lazy to work so why should we leave hard-working citizens suffer because criminals keep doing thanks against the law

  9. Now this man Anubis hero actually has a good idea this is how you go about it I haven't even heard anything but his name and the fact that he owns a firearm education place this kind of guy is the kind of guy you need making love someone to teach and educate let you know that they object it's not dangerous it's the person holding it

  10. 😤
    I am tired of people forgetting that the USA fought a tyrannical government. The people that stood against the red coats were farmers that had muskets the same weapons the enemy had. With the victory of the people we were free. The second amendment was placed in the document so if enemy’s foreign or domestic try to take the right of the people they can fight back with what they have.

    The more gun control causes places to get worse. Weapons can kill people and protect people.

  11. We have a right to bare arms. They can't take that away. Period. We have the right to arm and protect ourselves. First. The world is NOT getting better. It's getting worse. With the Government breaking every law there is, on every level. They use ways of thinking that entertain others thought process to bring them to believe they're creating discipline and consistency etc. But it's not what they think. There are laws already in place that limit those who have criminal history from having guns. The problem is- They don't do their job to ensure they don't get them. There is a line of responsibility that trickles down all the way from the Top to the bottom each and every single human being having a role in ensuring these criminals do not have access. But they're lazy. Look at evvverything else in the world how horrible, inconsistent they are on anything else. The ones they have to worry about are also the crazy ones who ploy mass attacks. The ones who do not have a criminal record. The ones who seem like a nice normal simple human being from the outside. How do you stop that? It really is almost impossible. At this point there really isn't anything they can do. American citizens will fight to protect themselves and the Government underestimates them severely.


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