Why Blue ISO-4 Is So Important – Offer Review – MARVEL Strike Force – MSF

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28 thoughts on “Why Blue ISO-4 Is So Important – Offer Review – MARVEL Strike Force – MSF”

  1. I look forward to Scopley taking the War Credit purchasing out of the store by the time the Victory BP event comes around again. Every time some CC's highlight some of these helpful things they Nerf it into the ground.

  2. The war credits choice is massively intentional, and claim all is part of that. They could easily go with war attacks, but this way you have to hoard, and if you accidentally claim all you KNOW you're screwed unless you spend. It's power offers 2.0. they're monetising claim all. It's 100% intentional

  3. these month long events, the main goal for Scopely is the level of complexity and inability for people to number out the events ahead of time…
    it allows Scopely to "move the goal post" in multiple ways throughout the month in an effort to "encourage"/guarantee spending
    it completely goes against everything they've said they are trying to improve -> player time commitment, hoarding, sense of community
    why, they don't give a shit about anything they've responded to the community with promises of trying to do better

    lol, character availability

    they need to develop a profitability plan beyond dumping more and more characters (all needed) a month down our throats (time commitment and stress)

    this plan needs to literally needs to drop EVERY in game item/currency's STANDARD pricing by at least a factor of 10-25… that's not "special offer" pricing, but regular horrible, always in the store pricing… they literally are at everypoint in this game manipulating their player base with FOMO… don't miss this character!!!! don't miss hitting this level of the monthy reward!!! to do all that you better buy these event "special offers" that won't be offered towards the end of the month long event

    their "research" says 99% of players don't spend, but do they actually question the pricing they offer everything at? is it perhaps, 99% of players actually have some rational idea of the price of these things? and the remaining 1% of krakens and whales are either lacking in self control, value appraisal, or literally have addiction problems?

    the only way we'll get way from the month long mental manipulation of month long events, is for everyone to just play the game normally, and not care about FOMO or progression on the month long "offers", sorry… i meant event

    focus on the actual game, players

    the developers have got themselves trapped in milking krakens, and krakens have the least amount of ability to alter the direction of the game unfortunately, because they are the weak minded least likely to change

  4. You complain about the $100 offers yet you still spend ANYWAY. The fact that people spend allows scopely to put out these offers. its because you cant afford that package. That 100 offer is for premium buyers. The 100 offer will be tracked in their head office. They'll know EXACTLY how many times that package was bought and by who. Theres no need to complain because you don't consider yourself a premium buyer and that there is another level of kraken.

    I remember one of your last videos you went to your "F2p" account yet u had still spent money on it? do you realise that you aren't supposed to spend money if you label yourself as "F2p"

    Just remember, that 100 Offer………………"it is what it is and do what you gotta do" (keeps on spending money ANYWAY)

  5. This farming fomo bs design hopefully goes away, because I think people are onto this for a good while, and the only ones buying the offers are the ones who'd buy them anyway.
    Or maybe I'm underestimating the number of insane, exploitable people playing this game..

  6. I quit today!

    17m tcp f2p. The month the game is pushing too much, the dh blitz webmilestone. and i couldnt see it getting any better soon.

    I watched your video when you are doing swgoh and i will still watch you videos even though i quit the game.

    Keep up the good work! Whale Whale Harder!

  7. So 15 mins before the Victory Blueprint event went live, I went to open the offer section which the is directly next to the inbox button on my cell. I pushed the button once and only once. My finger was hovering above the button after I opened it also. Well, it opened my inbox instead of the offer section and without pushing it a 2nd time it immediately claimed all because on an iPhone the inbox button, once opened, has the claim all button strategically placed in the exact same location. So all 3 wars worth of rewards gone! I was so pissed I didn’t even want to play today. I still don’t understand how the button clicked without me even pushing it. It was like static from my finger must’ve clicked it. I contacted Support but obviously they didn’t do shit. Fuck me right!

  8. Fleet Command has a Vault. The more you spend the more stuff goes into the Vault. Then when the vault becomes available to open. It's $99.99 to unlock. Or like 12 months FTP

  9. Sometime last year, Mr. Hartgrave did a video with a CC for the Star Trek mobile game. The CC mentioned that Scopely pushed all of their offers to $100 a piece. He said that it wouldn't be long before they started doing that with MSF. He was right.

  10. did anyone ask for the "read all collect all" button? NO … nobody… let me turn this off, and while youre at it move the delete my account button somewhere else also…

  11. Exactly right we need full disclosure and transparency. Its a management game. They already got me tricked because of covid/fomo/etc. I regret giving hundreds probably thousands of dollars to them. If you do stuff honest and correctly you get less headaches and salt.

  12. Legendary campaigns should fall under the Epic Campaigns section and should also be made constantly available, like the Sagas.

    Also, if Scopley can put a collect all button in a location it wasn't asked for (the mailbox) then why can't they add it to places it was wanted (milestones).

    At this point blitz should be further streamlined, there should be an option to change the auto feature so that it runs through the entire blitz roster with just one click.

    Penultimately, if scopely is so gung-ho about offering macro transactions and bleeding the player base dry of its finances, why even put a time limit on the offers… Artificial urgency? They'd sponge more money by doing away with time limits altogether. I may not need this or that item when it was offered just to realize that i needed it a day after the offer expired.

    Lastly, when collecting pieces to craft and equip gear or shards to level up I often find myself in a situation where I'm literally waiting and eternity for rng to produce the shard or one piece I need in order to craft the last gear item or level up… when this happens there should be a "grace" offer for 50 cores for that last piece or shard.


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