Welcome to MTG Malone, your daily MtgA channel!

Today I present to you: MONKEYPAW! You can make one wish, and the outcome will always be the same: YOU LOSE TO ME!

CHECK OUT MY SPONSOR: https://shorturl.at/oGHJ4

Decklist: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/why-are-you-not-playing-this–curses

3 Curse of Silence (MID) 15
2 Island (ONE) 268
3 Curse of Surveillance (MID) 46
2 Swamp (ONE) 269
4 Curse of Leeches (MID) 94
4 Plains (ONE) 267
2 Faithbound Judge (VOW) 12
2 Path of Peril (VOW) 124
2 Sunfall (MOM) 40
2 Cut Down (DMU) 89
3 Wedding Announcement (VOW) 45
3 The Wandering Emperor (NEO) 42
2 Elspeth Resplendent (SNC) 11
2 Make Disappear (SNC) 49
2 Dissipate (MID) 49
3 Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim (BRO) 66
4 Raffine’s Tower (SNC) 254
4 Shattered Sanctum (VOW) 264
4 Shipwreck Marsh (MID) 267
2 Devious Cover-Up (MID) 48
1 The Celestus (MID) 252
4 Deserted Beach (MID) 260


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Please subscribe, leave a like and let me know how much i misplayed in the comments, see you tomorrow :*

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MTG_Malone
Aetherhub: https://aetherhub.com/User/MtgMalone
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/mtgmalone

#mtg #mtg_arena #decks

So proud the be part of TEAM ULTIMATE GUARD! Being in a Team with such amazing players as Reid Duke, Gabriel Nassif, LSV, Andrea Mengucci, Voxy, Filipa Carola, Sol4r1s and many many more is not only an honor, but also a darn good feeling!

00:00 – Deck Pic
08:58 – Cursed Games
51:31 – Get Outta Here


46 thoughts on “WHY are you NOT PLAYING THIS?! | CURSES | MTG Arena (S)”

  1. I love your channel man and cos of that I will be frank.

    For newer players it is almost impossible to get to play historic, too many resources needed. There's a certain feeling like, look them the cool guys playing their cool format that I can even touch a ten feet pole, screw em and their fancy cards.

    Maybe it is just me.

    Hope my feedback helps.

  2. Malone always with the drip. Thanks for sharing your intentions with the channel. Look at all these comments Malone, we love you and will always support you.

    And as always, what a great and unique deck.

  3. Its a pity that people dont like historic brawl. I can read a lot of comments of people saying that for new players it difficult to have the cards, but I think its worst in standard. In brawl you only need 1 copy of any card, whereas in standard you need 4. Son people, believe me that the cheapest and more balanced format is Historic Brawl.
    Anyway, keep it up Malone, apretiate your work.
    Saludos desde España

  4. Love your work! Maybe try tossing in a random game or two at the end of your standard videos with other formats to ease your viewers into them. Even better if its a modified version of your standard deck that works even better in that format.

  5. how can anybody not like you? the energy you bring is top notch and the jokes keep everyone on the edge of their seats just waiting for the next crack to happen. you are one of the best mtga creators and most entertaining

  6. I just got into magic within the last year, so I know all of standard, but nothing outside of it. I think once standard rotates out and I know some more cards I’ll be more interested. I do like the idea of it. Ever thought of trying draft videos? Could also be cool to watch or try out. Keep up the great content.

  7. I may not be interested in historic brawl (it was worth a try) but you are my favorite content creator on Youtube. I had watched CGB in the past and he is okay, but you are a lot more fun. A day without Malone is a day without sunshine.

  8. All your videos get watched by me. Multiple times. I can't say that I'm AWAKE while they are playing lol. But I def play them through to the end.

    I find your voice drowns out the sound of the interstate really well while I'm trying to sleep in my semi truck at a rest area off the highway in random town America.

  9. We will still love you no matter which format you dabble in from day to day. I dont play historic, but i do occasionally watch videos from it to learn some different cards and play tactics, and to break up monotonous lulls in standard. That said, i will always watch a new standard video, but i will only occasionally watch a historic video. Now let me explain why:

    I've been on MTGA for about a year, i started right when standard last rotated. Originally i played alchemy, but quickly discovered that building a card collection is expensive if spend money, and very slow if you dont. Standard quickly became my home format as realized an important fact:
    Standard cards are legal in standard, alchemy, and historic (i believe). However, alchemy cards are not legal in standard. Historic cards are also not legal in standard. So as player with limited funds to burn on a trading card game, and not having years of collected cards to work with, standard actually requires the fewest number of cards collected to still be competitive. And with that, wildcards go further bc i am pulling from the smallest list of legal cards in a format. As these sets release and rotate, i slowly build towards historic play. But having to only focus on the smallest card list in any format, each card, each wildcard holds more weight than it otherwise would.
    Now if i could through $100 at the game each month I'd likely dabble in more limited, and alchemy events and eventually historic. But I'm a widowed father of 2, working 80+hr weeks and dont qualify for government assistance of any kind, so money is super tight. A good month (or my bday or something) I'll splurge and throw $20 in on a gem pack and play some quick drafts of the new set and try to up my collection that way.
    Point is it sure feels like (at least to me) that the historic community is aptly named, bc they are the ppl that have been playing for much longer than most of us, and have amassed enough of a library to be competitive there. When i tried historic, i literally took 1 turn and got killed by the opponents turn 2 infinite loop. Thats not fun. At least in standard i can make diamond or platinum without really dedicating all my free time to it, mythic if i have the extra time to put in (not likely tho).
    The whole point is that standard is the cheapest format to stay competitive in bc requires the lowest amount of cards collected and time invested. When i switched from alchemy to strictly standard my win rate shot up and the amount of cards i needed to craft and grind cut in half. And I'm confident the majority of players who have been in Arena less than a year will agree with me here.
    Gold packs where such a good thing for us too, glad they did that much for us at least. I burned a large pile of wildcards just building a solid mana base for future decks. Felt like forever before it paid off, but it did. Ok, enough with the yammering, thank you Malone (& Evil Malone) for all your amazing content, your energy and humor and for fruits of the day lol. We do appreciate all your efforts and the awesome community that this channel has grown over time. Watching your evolution from the early days to the present has been a wonderful experience. Dont ever change, and we'll see you tomorrow!

  10. Hey dude… listen to me,… im brazilian… and you have all my respect for what you have done….. THIS VIDEO, of you explaining the reality… man…. Very brave by your self and, all the respect man…… DO what you do and is very good for yourself and every one….. be happy friend.

  11. Like your content mostly for your personality, the game is just becomeing unbearable and the economy is just too bad to justify spending on it, btw this decks has almost no synergy between it's cards, but the format and constant churning of new decks will make some more hit and miss than others. I would gladly see you play other games, even single player games.

  12. you cant have any chance to win as a free to pay player, be interesting to know the win rate of people who spend over $300 vs just those that just get the pass. If there was a deck that used no mythics and less the 5 rears and would have win rate over 50% Wizards would shut it down immediately

  13. Honesty it's the fruit of the day that keeps me here 😂….

    Also really happy to be back in standard, I'm not a huge fan of brawl, wish they'd find a way to incorporate proper commander though

  14. I think standard is so popular because we can watch videos and get ideas and inspires building a deck around something we seen, at least that's the reason I watch vids, love yours bro very entertaining

  15. Man, sorry dude, I likely have done this to a few creators… I never get into brawl… And don't like commander all that much. I get bad enough luck with 4 ofs in my deck… Going to 100 cards with nothing but 1 ofs just seems like my luck will be worse, even with having 1 card I can get out all the time.

    I've had no luck creating one, and can't bring myself to spend the wildcards to build someone elses…

  16. Historic Brawl would be better without Alchemy. I"m also just not a fan of the LoTR set so I don't watch content that covers it. They need to release more playable formats like Commander (no alchemy) and my personal favorite, Pauper (standard, alchemy, historic, etc.)

  17. It’s a massive shame the views aren’t there for Brawl I love it it’s great fun. You definitely need to do what’s best for the channel though and I’m here for whatever you put out (unless it’s maybe Alchemy that’s really not for me)

  18. You should play whatever You want Maloney. If you want yo play Historic Brawl, Standard, Alchemy or pauper just do it. Of course you are not CGB but You are MTG Malone so you have your unique vision, mindset and fun experience which I think is unvaluable and should not be compared with others. I'm having fun watching You having fun and that's what matters at the end of the day. Thanks four your unique content and humor sense 🎉

  19. Love to see you revisiting this deck archetype, Malone! It was the first alchemy deck to take me to mythic, and I still play a variation of that on Explorer sometimes

  20. I really appreciate you be so honest with all of us. It takes a different kind of person to take the time to go the extra mile and explain why things are the way they are. I love historic brawl and even 1 video of historic brawl each week is enough for me. I hope you channel continues to grow in popularity.
    I am curious though, are there any videos where you're dueling other mtg arena content creators? I think that could also be pretty cool.
    Anyways, I hope you have a great day. Remember to take care of yourself!

  21. Hey, Maloney. Thanks for sharing your stats. I can see my channel is not the only one struggling lately. Obviously, I'm nowhere near your level, but viewership is definitely struggling with the stagnant standard.
    And don't worry, most people will understand that you gotta make money. Do what you need to do.

  22. Durch die Vielzahl an Karten muss man in Historic vielleicht deutlich mehr erklären bzw. hast du vielleicht Zuschauer, die etwas neuer sind in Magic und nicht seit 1000 Jahren spielen wie CGB – er spielt ja auch schon lange Commander mit seiner Crew auf YT. Ich z.B. schaue mir auch mal Historic oder Limited Videos an, aber der "Value" für mich selbst ist deutlich geringer, da ich am liebsten Standard spiele. Vielleicht hilft dir dieser Einblick für die Zukunft – du machst einen großartigen Job und das hoffentlich noch ganz lange 😎👌

    Das Curse-Deck ist ziemlich gut. Würde es gern sehen, wenn du Proliferate mit einbaust. 🙂

    PS: Maloniac


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