Why Aquaman 2 is the BEST DCEU movie | Review

Aquaman Sinks or Swims? Dive into the Depths of WORST MOVIE 2023!
Is Aquaman the king of the box office or the ruler of Razzie territory? Buckle up, oceanographers, because weโ€™re diving deep into the murky waters of whether James Wanโ€™s underwater epic deserves the crown of WORST MOVIE of 2023! Shark bait for critics?
#aquaman #aquaman2 #review


2 thoughts on “Why Aquaman 2 is the BEST DCEU movie | Review”

  1. I'd say for best DCEU movie, its a tie between Man of Steel or ZSJL. But that 1st Wonder Woman movie was a banger too. ๐Ÿ˜ TBH, whenever the studio didn't interfere with Snyder's ideas or creative vision… the movies turned out pretty well!

    Snyder's Director's Cuts are way better than the versions the studio forced him to release to the public. He was producer on that 1st WW movie actually… which is why its sooo much better than it's sequel, which he didn't produce at all.

    Same w/the 1st Aquaman movie. Director James Wan actually went behind the studio's back to work w/Zack on the project to get ideas from him, cuz he wanted the film to stick as close to Snyder's vision & aestethic as possible. But you see how the sequel turned out, once Snyder wasn't a part of things.

    Conclusion: they should have just let the man cook!

    Warner Bros should have NEVER forced him to do team-up movies right away in an attempt to compete w/Marvel ffs. That was such a stupid idea. They also shouldn't have meddled & interfere w/his films either, chopping them down for runtime, and making so many cuts, that they didn't even resemble what Zack had invisioned. WB really sh*t the bed w/all those movies… and then let Snyder take all the heat for it.

    But ever since they fired him & got rid of his formula … all of the DC movies have been unwatchable TRASH, and thats an undeniable fact.


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