Why Allah Allows Earthquakes and Suffering | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman

In this khutbah, Sh. Omar Suleiman unpacks 3 powerful hadiths about the divine wisdom behind earthquakes, and the required response of the believer.

For more on this topic, read the paper, “Why Do People Suffer? God’s Existence & the Problem of Evil,” by Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy here: https://yqn.io/e7fcf7

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33 thoughts on “Why Allah Allows Earthquakes and Suffering | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman”

  1. Thanks sir please tell me about . is there any things discovered who can perfectly predict earthquake at the correct time . I mean after disaster earthquake in turkey, Syria scientist argue that 7.9 magnitude earthquake is predicted in Pakistan from 8 to 25th February ? Can you explain please

  2. Who are we to question what Allah allow or not upon his creation ? We had no say when we were given this life and so we should have no say on how it s supposed to be taken. We must prepare for the day we meet Allah subhanah wa taala, because the Creator is not a relative or someone casual we know. He is everything and without his order and decree there is nothing. Stop your kind of questionning, you are sounding like spoiled kids. Some of you in every social médias comments getting too far now. Oh why Allah allows this ? Oh are all those victims bad people because this happened ? You guys are starting to lose sense of who Allah is. Its very concerning. This is not a joke.

  3. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Sheikh Omar, I want to ask one very important question to you regarding giving Dawah. Can I have an official email id to be able to communicate with you in detail? Please I have been looking for a way out since long..
    May Allah S.w.t. reward you for all of your efforts to bring Ummah of Prophet Muhammad S.a.w together and Increase them in their knowledge of Islam.
    Best Regards

  4. The prophets themselves suffered immense hardships and tribulations as part of delivering the message. They endured things like ageing and conflict and disease, just like all humans do. Some of the prophets perished during these hardships – the Qur'an says some prophets were murdered by the disbelievers. Some of the prophets were saved – for example, Sayyidina Ibrahim was delivered from the fire he was placed in by the disbelievers. Allah does as He wills.

    The existence of hardship is just part of being in this world – it was never intended to be Paradise. The proper perspective is important – this life is just a small dust-speck, a tiny moment before Eternity. Hardship is a test, just like blessings can be a test, and you pass the tests by drawing closer to Allah.

  5. Brother, god gave us earth to live. What will god do if we don’t take care of what is given. It is up to us. Don’t blame god for everything. May there souls rest in peace.

  6. This is a wake up call for all of us. We are nothing and only exist with Allah's mercy. I am terribly sad for what happened and the suffering but happy at the same time because those people have been promised jannah. We, who stay behind, are the one tested. We have to embody islam teaching and help as much as we can for as long as we can. Charity purifies. We also needs to learn helpful skills, look at those rescurers, medics. They used their time to learn skills to help their community and may Allah reward them immensly. Tell the kids and adults alike to stop wasting their time on tik-tok and other useless platform learning stupid dance and use their limited time on earth to learn a useful skill. Why not sponsering orphans, why not adopting orphans? There is so much to do, look around Allah is giving us billions of opportunity to earn Jannah but we are blind. May Allah give the victims the highest degree in paradise.May Allah forgive us all.

  7. إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ ۚ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا (56)

  8. Shame on you Mr Suleman for dividing the Muslims further, by accusing the Syrian government of unproven western accusation while supporting the ISIS Rebels shame on you!
    No wonder the Muslims get nowhere. The enemies of the Muslims like Israel and the West are trying to bring down the Syrian government with internal strife like they did & destroyed Libya. They're continuing to destroy the Muslim world and so-called Muslims like you "useful idiots" are helping them.

  9. Barakallahu fik Sheik. May Allah bless you, your family, and all the people of Yaqeen. And may he have mercy on those people who died in the recent earthquake. This was said in a way that is so succinct and approachable. The message came through so clear for me today. Thank you, sheik. Allah, forgive our weaknesses and inaction.

  10. The ottoman empire destroyed millions of human lives in the past. Cx your history books.
    Now karma has to be paid in full by turkey.
    Everything is recorded in heaven. Allah knows and you do not know.


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