Why a 'Pokemon Killer' doesn't exist…

With Pokemon Scarlet and Violet coming out, ALONG with some more Pokemon clones coming out recently, we as a community have to stop with this Pokemon Killer narrative everytime something new comes out. Things like TemTem, Nexomon, and Coromon can exist on their own.

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27 thoughts on “Why a 'Pokemon Killer' doesn't exist…”

  1. I have played Pokémon-like games before and fan games like nexomon and have always gone back to Pokémon afterwards. I think it might help to get opinions from others with different views of Pokémon because the nostalgia is not the only reason. Many people aren’t fans of Pokémon for gameplay as much as the world, designs, themes, and feeling that other similar games don’t hit on in the way that Pokémon does.

    They were able to create a beautiful world that feels almost real in the roots that everything has been designed off. It’s a world where the everyday animal and objects are living magical monsters that all blend well together with a lot of though to each one and how they function in the world.

    I think many that try and make an improved Pokémon game often focus on Pokémon’s gameplay and how to improve on what they’ve done and not the world, designs, and themes that have been woven together with a lot of understanding and thought. There was a trailer for a robotic themed Pokémon like game that seemed like it was doing it well but I don’t remember what it was or how it went.

  2. Pokemon not being tied to 1 version helps alot.
    Sword and shield is not a good game, but in the meantime people still play past gen. Gen 3 and 4 are paradise for rom hack and nuzlocke. Not to mention competitive singles with 0 entry barrier is bigger than ever.

  3. 528….. tbh I don't play pokemon games anymore. Outside of you n Shady I don't really get that nostalgia hit. My only other interaction with pokemon is showdown. I would pay to just have that concept expanded on console!

  4. Honestly I’ve always been more of a Digimon fan than a Pokémon fan. I LOVE Cyber Sleuth and as a kid I played the Digimon World games up to Digimon World: Dawn on the DS. I adore both franchises, but Digimon (ESPECIALLY THE ANIME) just hit different. I’m still a Pokémon fan obviously though lol

  5. It's not nostalgia, it's just, TemTem will never be Pokemon, Coromon will never be pokemon. Even the worst pokemon games (sw/sh, LGPE, base su/mo) I'd rather play than any poke clone. It's the polished battle systems, the creatures etc. Sw/sh were not revolutionary and not even "polished" by most standards, but it just has a certain je ne sais quoi. You can play any fps and have a better time than COD, you can play any driving game and it be better or comprable to Forza. Nothing compares to pokemon, I don't know why, it just doesn't.

  6. People seem to forget that Pokemon is literally the biggest media franchise on the planet and the 2nd biggest video games series behind Mario. It ain't dying anytime soon.

    Personally, I have no interest in all these pokeclones. Not because nostalgia or fanboyism, but because if I wanna play a Pokemon-like game, it's right there. People keep saying "Pokemon's ruined" and blahblahblah, but I've enjoyed most of the recent games, especially vanilla SM. Yeah, they could definitely be better, but I also don't think they're anywhere near as bad as so many people make them out to be. Also, the monster and human designs all look really bland and boring, and basically like knockoff Pokemon. The whole conceit of "Pokemon but better" is admittedly a turn off as well.

    On the other hand, I absolutely love Digimon and Megami Tensei. They're two of my favorite franchises and outside of simply being in the same genre (and a suffix for Digimon) they have nothing in common with Pokemon. They're very much their own things. I also love the overall design philosophies of both. The human characters too, especially in the case of Persona and Cyber Sleuth (which I'm pretty sure were designed by the Durararararararararararara artist).

  7. Since branching out my gaming catalog, I must say Nexomon is a good ass game. I don’t really get into the pokemon stories like i used to as a kid but Nexomon had a good ass story. As gamers we gotta try different types of games because you never knw a big company may see a game get alot of traction and include elements from that game into a banger title

  8. For me pokemon just hits different if I really want better story, graphics, and stuff I'll just play a different game. Pokemon could be better but legends arceus shown me that pokemon wants to try something new that should be enough. I rather these monsters collecting games to succeed on their own besides the "pokemon killer ". It's pokemon they can't kill a series that has shaped a whole generation of people pokemon is just that iconic. I love pokemon and I love the games. Plus just not interested in those types of games.

  9. Other monster collectors don't have competitive scene like Pokemon. Digimon CS was and is a great game but after you end the games there is not insentive to complete the compendium or even raise strong Digimon.

  10. It’s because a lot of people aren’t interested in the genre, it’s just the franchise that we grew up with. I kinda see this as no different than telling someone who really likes Star Wars and is upset with the way it’s been handled recently that they should branch out to Star Trek

  11. Let's be honest. You are not a true monster taming fan if you just play pokemon and think that is the only true monster taming game. That is just close minded thinking imo. What pokemon has over all these other monster taming games is just years of experience and time to become what it is today. There is No such thing as a pokemon knock off when this is an actual universal genre which pokemon does not own. Just apart of.

  12. I feel like these games would be better if they didn't try to one-up the franchises they're clearly based on. Spark the Electric Jester does this really well with Sonic. It has elements reminiscent of Sonic the Hedgehog, but still is separate enough to feel distinct and unique. A fresh perspective rather than trying to create a better experience. Pokemon is strange in this regard, because it's kind of hard to not almost completely copy the formula. But that's what I think about Major Franchise-esc games. Like they're fun, but they don't hit the same way.

  13. I’ve been playin Pokemon since sapphire days and personally I love every single game. People always complain abt anything and tthts ok but I love every Pokemon game. Some more than others for sure.

  14. One of the things I think Pokémon has over other new monster collecting games is world-building and lore, and that's in a huge part because Pokémon has had DECADES to feel things out and figure out what works and what doesn't. Even when Pokémon has bits & pieces that contradct each other, the multiverse aspect or retcons later on can fix it. Another thing that Pokémon has gained over the years has been cohesiveness, the more obvious one being in designs. The only other series I've seen have these same traits I like has been Digimon, and that franchise has been around for as long as Pokémon has.

    Whenever I think about buying a new monster collecting game, I hold off on it because the monster designs feel so random, overdesigned, out of sorts with the environments, or at worst that they were made by different artists who didn't try to find a common ground. What I see of the settings don't make a lot of sense to me, like monsters being free in the wild until capture while at the same time one monster of some species has a shop in one of the small towns you visit– do these monsters have human-like intelligence? Is THIS one in particular special like that? Is it a DIFFERENT type of monster? I have a feeling that because it's a minor role-just a shopkeeper in an early town- I'll never get answers, and thatr ruins the whole game for me.

    These are just personal opinions, and I could definitely work towards ignoring some of these hang-ups; I could give one of these games a try and help it stay afloat for long enough so that it has a chance to come into its own. But why do that when I already like Pokémon and I have less problems with it than the "average" player? Better the devil you know than the one you don't and all of that…


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