Who's to Blame for Raiders Disaster in 2022 + NFL Safety Nick Ferguson

While Raider Nation tears each other apart on why the Raiders are 2-7, host Scott Gulbransen, and special cohost Evan Groat of Just Pod Baby, discuss why multiple failures are the real reason. Former NFL safety Nick Ferguson joins us to talk AFC West & why the Raiders opponent Sunday – the Denver Broncos – have lots in common with Josh McDaniel’s team. Follow Scott on Twitter at @LVGully & Evan at @egroat5.

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31 thoughts on “Who's to Blame for Raiders Disaster in 2022 + NFL Safety Nick Ferguson”

  1. How can anyone win when every great play gets called back? Adams catches a great pass and its called out?if that was G/B It would have been called in? Young Leatherwood was called for everything even when he dident do πŸ’©

  2. I think the obsession with blaming just one thing is simply a continuation of the Carr "discussion". In the previous decade, it was clear to EVERYONE that our QB (any of the 50 of them) weren't good enough, and it was also clear that the roster wasn't up to the job… it's only been since Carr came in that some of the fan base has said "this QB IS good enough if we put together a great team around him", and when there is that divide over one player, then everything devolves to a disagreement about that one player.

  3. The Carr vs the Defense argument is silly… if you choose to move on from DC (playing at his level before this season) then coaches and GMs are essentially saying two things…
    1 – "We think it's easier to draft an all-world QB than to build a defense", and also…
    2 – "We are simply incapable of putting a decent defense on the field".
    There are far more "good" defenses than all-world QBs – several every season, whereas you might get one great QB every few years… by deliberately entering the QB carousel when your defense sucks, those running your team are saying: "We are bad, we cannot build a good team, so we need a hero QB to save us and make us look good". If you have a solid roster and a great defense, and are in the play-offs every year, but find there's always one game too many (the 49ers), THEN you gamble to get better at QB.

  4. I want to stop watching the Raiders. I don't know if I can. I wasn't going to watch last week… I did, but like the rest of the games aside from the Broncos & Chiefs games, I haven't gotten excited about any of the games this season… I wish that I hadn't allowed myself to have gotten excited about those 2 games, but whatever… I'm done with getting excited.
    I have been a huge Raiders fan since I was a young kid, 44 almost 45 years in total, but I found that I have never actually loved any of our QBs, aside from Gannon, although I never liked his weak arm, and my All-Time Favorite QB Carr who has a huge arm and WAS ELITE in Crunch Time… I would rather see Carr stay and McDaniels go… just watch his Eagles 31 of 34 Work of Art Performance… that was Ruggs' last game, right before the tragedy… but he had everything working perfectly and Ruggs opened the offense up… now without speed on the outside, crap pass blocking and add the McDaniels/Carr disconnect and the whole thing sucks. When the run blocking faces an above average defensive unit, they flat out suck and can't get anything going.
    The fact that Zeigler didn't upgrade or even fill the holes during preseason is baffling and then his Yannick/Chandler swap absolutely destroyed this defense, so the defense took a huge step back… I think Carr would be great if he got another OC, but McDaniels is supposedly not going anywhere, so idk what to think.
    I don't think that this team will be a competitor for at least a couple of years. This whole thing is incredibly disappointing, but that's been the case with the Raiders dysfunctional organization since 2002. I am sick of it. I wouldn't care to watch, but I have a feeling Carr is going to ball out, so I would like to see him succeed. Who knows what the teams end up doing in the future, I just want to see Carr succeed and play well.

  5. Come on. Being devoted to this team is a bad life choice like staying in a toxic relationship. The entire fan base should take a break. Its not fair to be this dysfunctional for this long. Not our fault. And we have no control. I support fans in stepping away.

  6. Multiple fans from other teams have told me Carr is the main problem and the rest follows just like the packers in my opinion if they don't divorce from Rodgers this off-season they are ultimately on the same situation Raiders are in but with less money tide up to a single player

  7. I don't see how people keep saying that they did not or they do not have their guys to run the defense or offense last time I checked they had an offseason to sign players and to bring in players that supposedly fit the scheme they chose those players that supposedly don't work anymore. So this excuse saying that they don't have their players well why did you bring in players that don't fit πŸ€”πŸ€‘

  8. Has a 50-year-old football fan I just wish we would get a complete team around #4 at some point. Gannon our last successful quarterback had that. Special teams was great, defense was I believe ranked number 16 or 17 in the league. Basically middle of the pack. Plus he had Jerry and Tim. Derek is just one of the fingers on the hand. You need the other four to make the thing work and become a fist and punch through people. Plus the past regime burning those first round picks like firewood at a campfire did not help. That really hurt but people don't want to talk about that. It's always Derek's fault somehow.


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