Who's the strongest fictional character


44 thoughts on “Who's the strongest fictional character”

  1. me just creating some random op character in my mind left the chat:so basically this character is the god of a gods gods gods gods gods gods gods gods gods gods gods father who is an experienced asian father and his most powerful attack the belt is so powerful it destroys existence in 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001 nano seconds and he has literally travelled everywhere and he knows everything there is and he absorbed physics teacher,maths teacher,PE teacher and also will emotional damage you which will painfully kill you and he is invincible and if you attack him he will insult you like you’ve never heard before,his speed is unmatchable as he reached the end of the afterlife and his tier is ASIAN you cannot time travel as he time travels aswell and he will absorb the powers of each Asian parent or Hispanic parent and his signature move is the famous ASIAN BELT 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 BREATHING AIR STYLE

  2. This is very accurate and I’ve seen characters that some posters don’t even think exist but I think that Jehovah from WoD or Black Architect may be able to extreme-high diff

  3. But also SCP 3812 trascends everything (even himself), also in other universes.
    Azathoth is an entity that bulds the multivers in his dreams, and he's superior compared to everything, he lives in infinite dimensions (literally nothing can go above).
    So why is this entity more powerful?

  4. Its all just made up overpowered fiction characters , which are not even close to the actually well written characters . So its not worth arguing over them. I mean anyone can create a " Boundless hyperspeed 🤓🤓🤓 planetary destroyer ATA destroyer multiverse destroyer 🤓🤓🤓🤓 " characterand post it on google for professional youtube vs battle short edits to argue.

  5. Auren was described as "the true absolute" without proper mathematical scaling on the verse whilst I Am That I Am (World Of Darkness) has a cosmology so big it's still not been completed in scaling even today. Without layers of mathematical scaling, a character could literally be wall level due to low dimensionality even if it's infinitely above a supposed plane of existence. I Am That I Am doesn't stalemate when SCT (Schrodinger's Cat Theory) doesn't exist within I can tell u what's killing the stars. IATIA devours the verse no diff, creation of meaningless narratives scale nowhere especially when supposed narratives have no dimensionality.


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