In this video, I will try to analyze who would potentially emerge victorious in case of a military conflict between the United States and China over the island of Taiwan. TAIWAN is an island that could plunge the world into a third world war. Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the island last year almost led to a full-scale confrontation between the two most powerful armies in the world. But who will win this showdown?
This question interests many people. Both countries have powerful defense capabilities. For example, the US has been developing its military potential and creating new weapons throughout its existence. The US defense budget for 2023 is $797 billion. Meanwhile, the Chinese are expected to spend about $224 billion on their military sector in 2023, which is half as much as the Americans.
Nevertheless, this will be a confrontation not only between the two largest armies in the world, but also a clash between the two most powerful economies. And I will try to answer the question of which one is stronger.
The United States and China have always had complex relations, including a trade war, border blockades, and mutual tariff increases. However, the possibility of a military confrontation was almost never discussed until Taiwan became a sticking point. China considers Taiwan its territory and openly talks about annexation, while the United States has stated that they will not allow it to happen. Although the United States does not recognize Taiwan independence officially.
Military Strength of the US and China
Let’s start with the military capabilities of both armies, using the 2022 Global Firepower annual ranking as a basis. The United States currently has 1 million 830 thousand military personnel stationed around the world, almost 13 thousand 500 aircraft of various types such as fighters, ground attack aircraft, and heavy strategic bombers as well, over 6 thousand 500 tanks, over a thousand, and almost 1 point 5 thousand multiple Launch Rocket Systems MLRS.
US Army has:
Military personnel – 1,830,000,
Aircraft – 13,500,
Tanks – 6,500,
Artillery systems – more than 1,000,
MLRS – almost 1,500.
It is evident that a confrontation between the United States and China will not be as we are used to seeing. These are countries located thousands of kilometers apart, and the use of artillery or MLRS would be entirely inappropriate.
It is more likely that aviation and navy will come into play in this confrontation. So let’s break down these capabilities. So, for the US:
• 13,247 aircraft, including almost 2,000 fighters,
• 774 special aircraft,
• 627 refueling tankers,
• nearly 5,500 helicopters and 910 attack helicopters,
• 484 ships, 11 aircraft carriers,
• 9 helicopter carriers,
• 92 attack ships, 22 corvettes,
• 10 patrol ships and 68 submarines.
Now, as for China. In terms of human resources, the Beijing army has more than 3 million servicemen. But they only have 5,000 tanks, 3,000 rocket launchers, and 35,000 armored vehicles.
China’s military doctrine is more focused on equipping each individual soldier rather than on technology and modern combat systems. However, this does not mean that they do not have missiles.
If we talk about aviation and navy, the situation in China is as follows:
• military personnel – 3,000,000,
• 3,285 aircraft, including 1,200 fighters,
•370 bombers,
• 3 tankers,
•281 attack helicopters,
•777 ships, including only 2 aircraft carriers,
• 1 helicopter carrier,
• 41 assault ships, but 49 frigates,
• 70 corvettes and 79 submarines.
As for aircraft, their total number is much lower than in the US – only 3,285 aircraft. Of these, 1,200 are fighters, 370 are bombers, 3 are tankers, and 281 are attack helicopters.
In fact, it’s hard to imagine a confrontation between such giants. During the ongoing war in Ukraine, we have seen that smaller does not mean worse. Technology is everything.
Adding to this, both the US and China were preparing for a possible war. In the US, for example, there is a special strike carrier group named after Ronald Reagan. It is called an anti China force, as it includes the most powerful ships in the American fleet.
Additionally, the Ronald Reagan, Theodore Roosevelt, and Nimitz aircraft carriers together can carry hundreds of fighters, missiles of various classes, and support aviation operations. In particular, they are constantly covered by the airborne fortress AWACS, which tracks not only enemy missile launches but also monitors the situation on land, air, sea, and even underwater.
It is worth noting that the US has never lost a battle at sea. As for the air, the US has the most powerful planes in the world, which have already proven their effectiveness in wars around the globe – F15, F16, F22, and F35, which can be delivered to any point on the planet within 24 hours.
Strategic bombers B2 Spirit are considered to be the most expensive and powerful aircraft in the world today.



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