Who Were the Sea Peoples?

Uncover the mystery of the Sea Peoples in this riveting exploration of their role in the Bronze Age Collapse. From coastal raids to decisive battles, delve into the chaos of 1200 BCE!

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38 thoughts on “Who Were the Sea Peoples?”

  1. A combat veteran of WW2 explained his belief in God as follows …. Not believing in God is a suckers bet ! If God don’t exist you will never know so no loss , but if there is a God and you don’t believe in Him then that will play against you . Play the odds kid .

  2. The 'Sea Peoples' were obviously Ancient Aliens from Atlantis who vanished from history when they went home in their Pan Dimensional Flying Saucer.
    Or maybe they were just Immigrants and as we know, Immigrants are just BAD PEOPLE!
    Problem solved, question answered, move along, nothing to see here…

    Oh, and Bigfoot. Just…Bigfoot.

  3. One of my history professors showed the class a relief of a battle with the Sea Peoples and told us, "we don't know who they were or where they came from or where they went, but thanks to the Egyptians we know what hats they wore."

  4. Steve, you need to publicize the names of Representatives and Senators when you find out they support turning the federal agencies into organized crime families stealing money for their own use.

  5. In 1972, MIT predicted wide-spread societal collapse by 2040, due to environmental, political, social and economic issues. KPMG's report shows our current system is economically fragile, with declining population and resources, as well as pollution. The end of our current civilization is closer than you might think.

  6. Assuming you grew up in the UK, if you studied Ancient Greek history in University or a good Public School, you would have learned about Thucydides in your studies. You were probably in your teens or early 20's. His name sounds different than it reads. You had me dying hear you try to say his name. This is awesome by the way!!!

  7. Danes and Norwegians raided France by sea in waves, for years. Fighting them was really expensive, even when the King of France won. Eventually he realized it was cheaper and better to buy them off with a little money and a lot of newly emptied land on the coast. In exchange they had to swear loyalty, pay taxes and defend the coastline from their Kinsmen. As you know they became the Normans and conquered England. It would make sense that both Ramsey's the 2nd and 3rd had the same problem, with numerous groups from the Northern Mediterranean. They also bought those groups off in the same way – land and money for , taxes, loyalty, and military service.

  8. I know that Simon is suspicious of the Bible, and for many good reasons. The old testament has actually proven to have had some historical accuracy. So if it speaks about a group of people we can assume someone existed that the story is based off even if the details aren't accurate.

  9. 16:52

    Yeeeah, duolingo is more of a study aide (or to help maintain your language skills if you don't have the opportunity to use them regularly) than an actual language course.

    I've been doing the French course for a year, I'm not significantly any further along than I was when I stopped taking French classes in school. I can remember that stuff more easily and quickly though.


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