Who Lives on the Moon? The First Real Photos from the Other Side of the Moon!

What if we told you that the moon was once inhabited and that even today, foreign life forms are cavorting on the surface of this celestial body?

NASA and official science have been denying such observations for decades – but there are enough indications and witnesses who speak of space stations, strange lights, and mysterious occurrences on the moon.


45 thoughts on “Who Lives on the Moon? The First Real Photos from the Other Side of the Moon!”

  1. While you're at it you could speak of the enigma that all craters are exactly the same depth regardles of the size. Because it is a metalic sphere. Not a planet. And by the laws of astrophysics the size of the moon would have crashed into the earth rather than establishing orbit. Dandahermit

  2. When Russia launched the Sputnic it was a big pie in Americas face as we didn't have a " space" agency so we had to show them up fast to save their Global face. So they made up an agency to account for a sudden creation of an agency. The entire "space race" was fiction. Even the name "space" was incorrect as we never departed our own inner space so no one was ever any farther than the stratosphere. Never " Outter Space' so just cruising our neighbor hood. All illusions to be recognized as the greatest nation. Wake up monkies.

  3. None of those flights were ever space flights. They were simply high altitude flights in our stratosphere. No outter space flights or trips. Nasa ever pursued the cause because rhe propaganda was sucessful.

  4. They are still lying to us. The people who live there are well known. David Adair told us more about the Moon than NSA, get David on youtube and you will learn most of the truth. The real story is still not known to us.

  5. We were warned to not return.They are our overseers. If we go ip there and destroy it it will destroy the entire dynamics of our planet.mankind will not be allowed to go there. We can',,t can't even kearn to live on thus planet. This is all bull and typical of mankind to deplete the resources of every new territory they didcover. Never in sync with its natural dynamics.expliit abd destriy as we travke.

  6. One of the buildings on the other side of the Moon is in the shape of a swastika which explains why Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin appeared down at the mouth on their return to Earth, they knew the USA was not the first country to send men to the Moon, Germany was.

  7. It doesn't seem too far fetched for ancient structures and mining equipment on the moon. All the ancient texts tell of beings that came from the sky, and could fly around in various types of craft. If there is recent modern technology there then it might pose a problem.

  8. Does anyone wonder where all the money that went to NASA, since the old moon explorations, where nothing seemed to be going on, whether there were, and are, wondrous secret discoveries by secret ops? Could NASA be covering up these cover ups? Souldn't those that fund these things by tax monies , be in the know?

  9. Unfortunately, the truth to Neil Armstrong's death is not just simply a result of heart surgery. The actual reason for Neil's passing was complications due to negligence as the fault of the hospital and staff charged with his aftercare. Fact is, because papers were signed pre surgery, stating that if something were to go wrong during surgery that they wouldn't be held liable. That somehow applied to even after the surgery somehow but, you'll never hear the actual truth because of it.

  10. Do you see my profile picture that is an in-your-face ship that was on the moon during the Orion Orbiter Artemis One mission YouTube won't show it again, and NASA won't talk about it. it was live on YouTube. I have pictures of one other ship as well

  11. And if" you watched it live, you would have noticed NASA turned the contrast really high on the camera, put lines through it and back to view off of the Moon

  12. Food for thought: Seems to me that any life encountered, anywhere in the universe, falls in one of three groups, those who remained loyal to the Heavenly Father, to not lose their happy Heavenly home, those of the angels, then there are those of the condemned, who opposed the Father, as in Lucifer and his demons, then, our group, who are the redeemable, having taken the middle of the road, to not side with Lucifer, but didn't remain strong on the Father's side, either, thus offered a second chance, through a crucified Savior, who gave His life, in our place, to take our deserved punishment. We, as in inhabitants of the earth, have to be the only ones redeemable, as I doubt that Christ paid the price, for sin, on the cross, more than once, anywhere else in the universe.

  13. Nice. You. Needed. To. Lessons. But. Also. Listening. Together. With. Me. So. Now. I. Just. Needed. To. Getting. To. My. House. In. Palm springs. To. Organization. All. Space. Front. Tears. I'm. A. Outerspays. Favorite. Family members. Loud and clear

  14. theres nothing on the moon other than urine collection system , vomit and poop bags and stuff left by astronauts. there is no air so life is impossible.


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