Who killed Muhammad? Ask David Wood


44 thoughts on “Who killed Muhammad? Ask David Wood”

  1. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

    I see he was not covered by the protection of the real living god and was put to shame

  2. Can any man receive phone from Saudi Arabia from the people of 1400 yrs now that means David has gone mad now no test or lab test is required he should be admitted in lunatic ward otherwise he will eat every

  3. really gives, All to the Snack bar, new meaning 🤣😂🤣😂 Seriously if you look at the acts of the religion of peace, in history and now, you can not see that islam is evil. From the treatment of non believers, to terrorists mandate to kill Jews, there is no denying the force behind mohammad and his followers.

  4. Mohammed was murder new storyline cool plenty of them around out there about different individual and anyway nothing better than a ear tickling,,, thought it was written in his book of down right trust ever man history version book seriously went to heaven Riding a winged horse, Yes i feel allegedly think the Long Hair was driving know likes them White horses and being LATER in history im sure horse was pulling a Cart not for sure made fillped Roman coin on position headed up ill have to clearify that with my numoruous Muslim associates that don't exist in my life at present time,, for sure for surely God Bless the Children of the Beast 👍

  5. Um 😳 if the crucifixión of Yeshua was ANYTHING likeThe Passion of Christ bro u cray 🫣😭. POISON ☠️ ME INSTEAD… This man just said our father , Lord in heaven, whisked Yeshua pbuh to heaven ?! That’s not cool , he earned a place for his love ❤️thru that horrible suffering . Remember the Sabbath, & remember his pain ❤️‍🩹💛❤️‍🩹Sephardic💙🤍❤️

  6. I am an arab athiest ..and this is the first time in my life, where i hear that Muhammad was killed… in schools we were told that he passed away even in religion lessons that what teachers told us… it was a normal death.
    I do not belive in god however i think what you are trying to do is spreading Islamophobia.
    Despite beeing an athiest .. i did not find your joke funny.

  7. So, Muhammad was such a terrible person that God actually fulfilled his words as a warning to all who would follow after him and believe him.
    So that, they may have a witness against Muhammad for all generations, that only the most corrupt should follow him.

  8. Mohammed killed a lot of Jews. It caught up with him when he totally pissed off a Jewish woman when he killed her entire family. She didn't get mad she got even. Its also funny how you have never heard any response from any Muslim after Mohammed was poisoned. With the the only exception being Mohammed didn't die from being poisoned because he lived after he ate the poisoned meat. Muslims will say their allah kept Mohammed alive as the poison was killing him slowly. I will wait for a muslims rebuttal on this.

  9. I’m trying to follow along with you. Yes, so you say Allah was responsible for taking Jesus up to heaven but still, he died in agony on the cross. So Mohammed died in agony from poisoning. What happened to his body? By the way, I’m a Christian, so I don’t believe in Mohammed. But I’m just trying to follow along with your train of thought. God didn’t save either man from agony. But one ascended into heaven.


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