Who is The Armorer? | What Proof can Mando Bring Her? (Mandalorian Season 3)

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28 thoughts on “Who is The Armorer? | What Proof can Mando Bring Her? (Mandalorian Season 3)”

  1. While the traditions of the creed are important the way the watch practices the creed it's also a shackle or prison it's black and white with nothing between that makes it dangerous and can lead to easy manipulation. Example Dinn was kicked out just for removing his helmet why or how didn't matter it's about extremes. No to was trapped in her on idea of traditions just from a different PO perspective so are her sect. Of peaple. Bo while trapped in her on view of traditions has see the dangers of the watches extremist views and the watch are extremist. In the end it will be about balance between both sides both sides believe "this is the way" but that are trapped in thinking their way is the only way.

  2. It seems mando(Din) travels more then other mando's and still holds his creed closely. The others who follow the creed have to protect their integrity, to the creed, by staying hidden and close together.

  3. The Mandolorian culverts are scattered. If Din comes back and proves that the air is breathable, and the fact that life still exists in Mandolore, then all the Mandolorians can return to Mandalore and rebuild the planet.

  4. Zabrac horns on her helmet, from when Maul led death watch, they are Children of the watch, not OG mandolorian, they didn't remove their helmets for fear of reprisal by actual mandolorians.

  5. The Armorer is the Merlin of this story, the Darksaber is the Sword in the stone and Excalibur rolled into one, Din is Arthur, the living waters is the Lake and the Mythosaur is a really strange and giagantic Lady of said lake! 🤣 So Bo Katan can be either Morgana, who was also a princess and older than Arthur, and had a hatred for Merlin echoing whet the Armorer and Bo have. Just saying this is an Arthurian tale straight on bolted on to Star Wars more than A New Hope ever was, and that one also had similar elements. Magic Sword, Wizard, Lady, Black Knight, hero's journey, Dragons, Holy waters/grail and all the great stuff from Myth and Legends. BTW Excalibur was said to be heavy and difficult to use for it had great power. I think the easier someone uses the Darksaber the less they can tap into its potential, and thus why Din struggles so much with it, the Darksaber is testing him.


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