Who is Dead by Daylight’s Scariest Killer?

Who is the scariest character to enter the Entity’s Realm? Today I’d like to find that out by combining the backstories and lore as well as the visual and design aspects of these characters to determine which is the scariest. We’ll start out with the least scary and work our way up to the most, covering all of the base game killers as well as the bonus ones available through cosmetics.

At the time of this video’s release Chapter 32 has been announced as Dungeons & Dragons! The PTB is out and the new killer is Vecna, as well as an elf Survivor and castle map!

Thumbnail renders by:
JMotionZ: https://twitter.com/JMotionZ
JDSpirit: https://twitter.com/renderedbyjd
SacrilegeGG: https://twitter.com/SacrilegeGG

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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Mysterious Strange Things – Yung Logos
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Night Run Away – An Jone
Dead Wrong – Jeremy Blake
Missing Persons – Jeremy Blake

Intro 0:00
Twins 0:26
Skull Merchant 1:26
Ferryman 2:07
Trickster 2:54
Naughty Bear 3:44
Jabberwock 4:16
Legion 4:43
Eddie(s) 5:49
Clown 6:17
Spirit 6:48
Tiffany Valentine 8:05
Chucky 8:49
Artist 9:31
Pig 10:36
Plague 11:35
Bubba 12:48
HUNK 13:31
Titans (Armoured & War Hammer) 14:20
Cenobites (Pinhead & Chatterer) 15:01
Mordeo 15:38
Baba Yaga 16:06
Billy 16:42
Minotaur 17:43
Nemesis 18:17
Trapper 19:01
Wraith 20:10
Michael Myers 21:41
Xenomorphs (Drone, Queen, Clone, Grid) 22:21
Albert Wesker 23:13
Krampus 23:49
Hag 24:23
Nurse 25:31
William Birkin 26:46
Look-See 27:52
Ghost Face 28:41
Deathslinger 29:53
Huntress 30:54
Demogorgon 31:49
Pyramid Head 32:27
Blight 33:13
Singularity 34:22
Freddy Krueger 35:20
Sadako Yamamura 35:58
Knight & his Guards 37:07
Were-Elk 38:18
Oni 39:09
Doctor 40:02
Dredge 41:01
Vecna 42:08
The Scariest 43:55
Outro 45:13


46 thoughts on “Who is Dead by Daylight’s Scariest Killer?”

  1. The Doctor is the scariest killer in my eyes. His backstory and his literal thirst for torture in the name of science is so creepy. PLUS HIS CREEPY SMILE WHILE HE BREATHS AND LAUGHS WITH PIERCING EYES IS JUST WHAT GETS ME THE MOST

  2. I think you hit the nail on the head with Legion. I often see people saying that Legion are not scary at all as it’s “ Just teenagers with knives “, but that is the exact type of horror they are meant to represent; realism horror. There’s not anything supernatural like Dredge or something shocking and horrific like Wraith crushing his boss in a car compactor. They’re not even especially complex characters, just average people that bonded over the shared desire to cause chaos.

    It doesn’t take more than a resentment for the world for a real person to be like the Legion, and that’s the horror they’re meant to invoke; everywhere you go, there could be someone like the Legion. Their broad character(s) and motives make them easily applicable to just about anyone. Someone like them could be all around you and you’d be none the wiser as, from a first glance, they are “ just normal people “.

    You’re afraid of something like The Unknown because it’s a mysterious and horrifying creature that hunts down those who try to make sense of it. You’re afraid of someone like The Trapper because he’s an imposing and infamous killer responsible for the death of a whole mine’s worth of people. But you’re afraid of The Legion because you never know when they are and aren’t there, nor who is and isn’t part of them.

  3. IMO Tiffany… cause she wants to NOT want to kill you!!!! Will definitely still kill you though and then look up AA to try to recover… lmao. For the Trickster would saying "Listened to millions of times" be more accurate?

  4. I beg to differ with Xenomorph considering that if you’ve played Alien: Isolation, you KNOW how terrifying running for your life is from the Xenomorphs and also the fact that one chestburster that grew into a Xeno doomed the entire Sevastopol Station with Ripley being the only survivor

  5. I am a fellow small DBD youtuber and I just love seeing people actually cover the lore of the characters, helps me to understand and love these characters more. Great video overall

  6. The unknown, because it is a sort of pseudo roko’s basilisk. Knowing about the existence of the unknown, would lead you to subconsciously define it. Causing your death.

  7. I feel like nemesis should be higher just because of the fact that he is designed to never stop coming for you until you die. Having that constant presence chasing you is what would scare me the most personally.

  8. Fun fact, the Minotaur and Billy are even more alike, as they were both meant to have names, but then raised as nameless monsters. I don't think Billy's real name was ever definitely confirmed, but the Minotaur's real name was Asterius.

  9. I have a hot take for scariest killer. Not going to lie, the Unknown as a whole is terrifying, but the goofy walk it does just ruined that for me. Therefore, the scariest killer in my opinion is Oni. It's already been addressed that he killed thousands and has been rumored to be a demon, but what I'd like to address is his Realm iteration. He has endless fury and rage coursing through his blood, feeding on the blood of survivors to channel it. Cosmetics like Cursed Fate add to it, turning rumor into reality. Lastly, I'd like to touch on his Mori. Many Moris are references to their personality or other pop culture. In the case of Kazan Yamaoka, aside from the lore reference, I don't think I've seen one that relies on brutality so much, and yet it pays off. Kazan easily and effortlessly ripping out your tongue before bashing your skull in gives a feeling of dread, like "Oh god, don't do that to me." That, therefore, is my case for scariest killer.

    TL;DR: Oni is scariest killer because I main him

  10. Good video. First things first, feedback. I agree somewhat with all of what you said though I was surprised by alot of the placements. This is probably pretty normal considering how fear is subjective. I'll just list what I was thinking.

    First thing that admittedly bugged me somewhat was the Alien being so low. The Xenomorph… I can understand why it was placed so low honestly. It's threat level on a planetary level is rather low compared to other entities of god levels of power such as dredge, pyramid head, and others and it seems like you were basing the fear ranking more so off the story and backstory/lore. Which the Xenomorph sorta lacks. Still I feel it should have been one level higher, and for mainly one reason. Having watched the first movie recently and being a avid alien isolation fan. Sure the Xenomorph isn't that scary on paper. But in practice. It's an nearly unstoppable killing machine. A organism is unrivaled hostility. Being hunted by it is undoubtedly terrifying and you can never really know when it'll strike or when your next. In most ways, the fear is nearly apocalyptical, as you really will find yourself feeling like there's nothing you can do against it. No matter how hard you try or what you die. It will kill, it will hunt, and you will find yourself dead or minutes away from death. That d*mn creature walking around with it's thudding footsteps and the sound of it's tail dragging against the ground… From experience, I'd atleast rank it as Extremely scary. Considering that the experience I had was in a game, I can't imagine how blood curdling and spine chilling seeing and facing that "thing" would feel in reality. I understand that's it's threat level is low compared to like the dredge or pyramid head… and other otherworldly entities. Still I'd atleast rank it as scarier than Birkin. Not because Birkin isn't scary, it's just if I had to compare my experiences with both from their respective games. Birkin felt like a threat… but that wasn't particularly scary even if he was disturbing. While the Xenomorph's Alien Isolation genuinely took me years of improving my fear resistance to even beat the game on it's recommenced difficulty. I had to do multiple playthroughs just to stomach it and beat it once.

    As for others, nothing else really came to mind except one who I thought was criminally low. The Cenobite. I don't know much about them admittedly. I do know they are all about torture and pain. (And pleasure? ugh…) Anyway, a creature that intentionally tortures you, just to inflict hellish pain on you. I don't understand how that isn't atleast at Extremely scary from that alone. And considering that if I recall directly, his mori is to send you directly to his realm… out of the entities realm… where he presumably proceeds to torture you for all eternity… It shows a higher level of threat than most other killers here and the prospect of suffering eternal suffering and agony… makes my blood run cold. I'd rank him as terrifying at bare minimum if not way higher. The idea of that would directly give me nightmares if it weren't for the fact that I don't get nightmares very easily. Anyway, other than finding these two to be way off, and others to be a little strange being so high or so low, I don't think I have any problems with those so good video again.

    Now, just to specify, I'm not complaining, after all, fear is subjective and I'd be stupid for me to consider everyone to think of this the same way I do. I'm just sharing what I think. Thanks for the video and have a great day. And if anybody else doesn't mind, considering you might have taken the time to read all of this, why don't you share what you think about the placements?

  11. No way a BTS band member isnt considered the least scarier, instead of being chased by Trickster, the most logical thing anyone would do is to bully him into submission, BH really did a stretch to force some Kpoper and justify it into the game just to cope into the the whole Kpop fever lol.


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