Who Do You Trust? | The Tragic Mahogany Jackson Case

Delve into the heart-wrenching tale of beytrayal and tragedy as I unravel the shocking details surrounding the murder of a young mother. Join me as I piece together the events that possibly led to this young womanโ€™s demise.


37 thoughts on “Who Do You Trust? | The Tragic Mahogany Jackson Case”

  1. RIP MAHOGANY ๐Ÿ˜ขโ€ฆ.. but on a side note, why all these conspirators look soooooo bad and rough??? Were they homeless-where they find them at? Now I can see why and how they accepted evil, because even though theyโ€™re all young I can clearly see and feel THEY DONโ€™T EVEN LOVE NOR VALUE THEMSELVESโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅโ€ผ๏ธ This is such an all around tragedy ๐Ÿฅบ she was sooo scared and tried sooo hard to save herself.

  2. Please, please let's do better, let's start speaking like we have so sense and a brain in our head. I hate to hear black people speaking like this. I hate that we are killing each other over nothing. Again, we have to do better. Why would anyone want to live like this. Other people think all black people act, speak and live like this and we don't. Some of us want more and raise our children better than this. Black people do better and learn to speak like educated people!!!!!!

  3. If you want to call those very evil people "Animals" then you must also look in the mirror and ask what were their parents, animals too! What black women raised them, what black men raised them, that they idolize the evil gang mentality, and hate good??

    Are both not on their way to hell!? Yes! For sure you and they are, because when a good man comes to teach you, you mock him, and don't want to change what you are doing to your family.

    Do you want to raise kids so bad that you have to murder them, in order so that parents who love and raise their kids to love good can live?

    Black people are so much more cruel and fearless of God evil to each other than to those who bought and sold them, then those who got them kicked out of school, got them fired, black people are taught to hate themselves, and for sure don't hate them who used to eat them, and wrote books on how to prepare black people as meals.

    I prayed for a black owned laundry store to be in our black neighborhood, and it happened, but when I went there, I found myself needing to use the internet connection for a job interview. Do you know that my very life was threatened, I never went back.

    Cops will murder all their friends, those same murderers of that girl, those type of black people will say nothing to them, not even so much as: "why?", They just cow tow at them and head down assume the positions.

    But, if one of their own Nubians accidently steps on one of their feet, or uses their internet without asking, or takes a drink of someone's water, or borrows $5.00 and doesn't repay back on time, or pays late, then these unraised Nubians will murder their own for such huge crimes as those.

    They will kill without an ounce of self identification with their victim, as a fellow human.
    0 decency, pure evil, hell bound, You black women have raised them to go to hell, as you will go there too, if you don't look in the mirror and ask what am I raising, what do I have to learn to teach them to be what pleases God, listen to a godly message for once in your lives, and teach them why that is important.

    Okay, my Nubian people, well now you wanted to know and to see what the result would be if you just lived for yourselves, and didn't raise your children right? If you fail to raise your children to be benefits to themselves and society?

    The answer is these children become ostracized from society, and more familiar with the demonic that captures their minds. They don't run from evil they embrace it ever more, getting more and more worthy of hell, till they go.

    You wanted to know what if you parents abandoned teaching your kids about good, truth, and holiness, and you don't judge your children on what's right and wrong? Well now you know, ladies, this is what they become, and what happens to those who happen to meet them, they have no reference to right and wrong, and their depth of evil knows no bounds.

    This evil depth that these completely unredeemable people abandon God, accountability, and refuse to raise your children to fear God, be truthful, and strive to be clean from the opinion of the racists who also hate you.

    No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher, students follow that, shame on them and their parents!


  5. 17:02 Mohogany was for some reason attracted to some of these people. I don't know what was missing in her or her life to want to be around any of them. What happened to her really probably boiled down to jealousy, envy, and payback for telling that girl Blue that Tasia wanted to rob her and about Tasia's boyfriend sending Mohogany money from jail. That's sad,very sad. Treachery is very real, but she didn't deserve to die over any of that mess. People, you can either choose God's way in life or Satan's. God's way leads to life through Jesus and what a wonderful life that can be if you submit to Him. Scipture says that Satan is a thief and came not but for to killl, to steal, and to destroy. Satan is real, and he hates mankind, and he uses his children along with drugs and alcohol to lure and keep people away from God and His way. Scripture says to choose this day whom you will serve. I don't believe that this would have happened to precious Mohogany if she had been on God's path.

  6. Look, my grandmother use to say everybody is not your friend. So, I remember that and now it is unfolding before my eyes. Plus, the Bible alone says, TRUST IN GOD AND NOT IN MAN. Do we understand now from this story and Shanquella's story?

  7. Sincerest condolences and prayers for the family. Rest in Paradise Mahogany! ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ
    New Subscriber here! I like your Logo. Reminds me of a dream God gave me a few years ago. In the dream, my daughter and I was a a house party when she got bit on her foot by a snake. When we tried to leave the party it was a snake camouflaged on the door handle.
    Prior to this dream, I had dreamt that there were snakes camouflaging in my rose bushes. I couldโ€™ve gotten bit if I hadnโ€™t realized it.
    Fast forward to the Summer of 2023. I went to go and walk my dog and a black snake had jumped off of my porch into the bush that I had dreamt about!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    God was trying to warn me about 2 individuals I know. Iโ€™m no longer friends with either of them.


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