White Sharks campaign: 7- The Vengeance (Submarine Titans – English, PC)

After last mission where the CSA 2nd Division Leader has stabbed a knife in our backs working alongside the Black Octopi secret services and taken from us the Silicon Artifacts, it’s vendetta time!!

The mission objectives are: a) build an InfoCenter and a Sonar in the southwestern part of the sector within 10 minutes, and b) find a half-ruined ASDIC “Big Ear 17” in the central part of the sector and capture it.

In this mission we fight against 2 BO AIs, violet on the central part of the map, right north from where we start the mission, and red, on the western part, behind a long canyon with a lot of defenses. We start with a Constructor, 4 TranSubs, 5 Sentinels, 2 Hunters and a Marauder, so, as always, we must begin the construction of our base setting our economy. After that, we can begin building multiple SubCenters to create a large enough force and outproduce violet. We must also complete the construction of a Sonar and a InfoCenter before time’s up.

We must also build multiple TechCenters, as there are several technologies we can acquire after a capture. Speaking of TechCenters, we have access to the “Portable Plasma Generator” technology, which unlocks the Terminator subs. With 20 of those and another 20 of the Heavy Cruisers we can create a death fleet. Alongside the PPG technology, we have access to the Cyberworms too, where we can create havoc on the enemy’s economy, as they steal resources (and destroy Silos too) starting from Gold until exhausted, then Corium, and finally, Metal giving us a bump up in our reserves.

For defending ourselves against the enemy, we can place some defenses on the hill south of us and a Psychotron: when a group of enemies appears, we can activate it an let them attack each other and, with a little bit of luck, destroy each other without damaging our defenses too much. We can do the same trick with the northwestern hill placing the Psychotron on the seabed and our defenses along the hill.

Before launching the attack towards violet’s base, we can weaken violet using the Cyberworms and build some RepCenters, as those Terminators are expensive (are they made from gold or what?!) and they are more fragile than Cruisers/Heavy Cruisers. Beware that violet might call for assistance from red’s fleet, so if things turn south, we can retreat to our base near the Psychotrons and activate them. Grab some popcorn too, it will be funny.

After deleting violet, we must prepare before capturing the ASDIC (it is located east form its base), because there will be enemy WS subs teleporting there. When the menace has been neutralized we have to carry those Artifacts back to our base, and then to the south part of the map, where we must construct a TranCenter to signal the arrival of the special squadron of the Security Forces. There is a Metal deposit near the south edge of the map and a Corium one a little bit north, before an opening to the canyon where red’s subs will be entering in the area. To defend that part, we can build multiple Magnetic Mine Launchers and some STOLPs to crush into dust any subs that enter there.

After the arrival of the special squadron, the Constructor “Hercules” will begin the construction of a TranCenter with a more powerful teleportation generator to send the RepSubs with the Artifacts to a secure place along other structures, so we must ensure they do not get destroyed. As soon as the construction of the special TranCenter completes, a Silicon strike fleet will teleport and after a little dialogue, we’ll be sent to the next mission.


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