White Armour So Easy, It's Cheating!

In this video, I will show you how to paint white armour so easily, it will feel like you are cheating! This apothecary Biologis is part …


33 thoughts on “White Armour So Easy, It's Cheating!”

  1. What i do is basecoat moletow petrol. Then I spray titanium white from a 45' a little bit then from above until the model reads as white. You get a really nice cold white. Then i panel line with paynes grey oil paint.

  2. Great video – thanks!

    One idea for potentially preventing you from accidentally painting on your crisp white armour; could you spray a layer or two of satin varnish over the model once the armour is complete but before you do anything else? This would seal in the white and, theoretically, act as a 'save' point to let you remove wayward paint splashes afterwards? What do you think?

  3. I was concerned painting cpt Messinius because I felt I couldn’t push up from the white scar spray. Your highlight here look very muted too. I was thinking of an all over of apothecary white to give me room to come in with a punchier highlight. Thoughts?

    Also, how does the oil paint compare to the enamel based panel liners? I used a Tamiya brown panel liner for Messinius and it was way more messy and didn’t flow into the recesses as well as I expected.

  4. Great video as always 👍 I've tried the oil wash before, however when I come to cleaning up the excess, I always end up stripping al thrl paint and going back to plastic. What am I doing wrong? Please help! 🙏

  5. Can you recommend a few brush sizes? I absolutely love the way your brushes hold form and snap, and want to get a few. Wanted to pick a few up for painting infantry sized models

  6. This is awesome! Three quick questions:

    1 – What was the blue undercoat spray you used?
    2 – How did you cleanup the few spillages you had on to the white armour? For example, the red from the apron
    3 – Would all the colours you used for the armour also work well for, say, sisters of battle?


  7. How do you feel about Tamiya Panel Liner…it’s enamel based so a clear coat may be required?

    I’m in that rabbit whole where I want to use multiple channels techniques but yours is pretty ace.

  8. I really like your content coach would like to know what ratio oil to odorless thinner did you use than you as i want to want to try it with some white armor and skull bits.


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