Whistleblower says CIA 'stonewalled' DOJ from interviewing Hunter Biden's business associate

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, discusses the latest developments as the House launches new government oversight probes into …


42 thoughts on “Whistleblower says CIA 'stonewalled' DOJ from interviewing Hunter Biden's business associate”

  1. Mr potato Head could be arrested right now for treason for the 2020 election. He could also be arrested for the border crisis. Add numerous other things. We the American people are tired of these f**** games.

  2. Trump and tucker and putin say America troops are suckers c.i.a losses and K.G.B wins go Russia America are already Russia people thank you Trump being Americans is the passed Russia policy are coming go Russia

  3. The only reason democrats can't see the truth is because they don't want to and what's sad is the country will pay for it the corruption is not good for a country it will just get worse it has to be handled.

  4. Im sorry to its no wonder why a good majority , cant trust our government when we the people see in there own eyes conspiracies , and connect the dots themselves . To notice if smells like a duck it must be a duck, scenario.

  5. When are we all going to face it !!! the Bidens …the Clintons and most liberals are all protected and you can bring them all to congress and yell and talk mean to them but you wont do anything to them . If you try you will fail. One thing the Dems do is they stick together and protect. The Rebs dont do that.

  6. When the same government that wants cameras in every house/ home and to spend your tax dollars to corporations for access to your information, turns a blind eye/opportunity to gather information is pretty damning in my opinion

  7. Even the FBI turned Corrupt. Hunter Biden's Laptop is real. It belonged to him and all the photos, videos, and conversations which were saved on that laptop belonged to him and his associates including the Big Guy who was given the Green light to do Corruption by the other Big Guy named Obama.


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