Whispers from Nibiru: Decoding Anunnaki Secrets and the Legends of the Sumerian Shining Ones BOXSET

Welcome, curious minds, to a realm shrouded in mystery and intrigue—the world of the #anunnaki . In this Documentary Boxset, we invite you to embark on a journey into the depths of ancient mythology, as we explore the enigmatic tales and secrets surrounding these celestial beings. Our, “Whispers from Nibiru: Decoding Anunnaki Secrets,” aims to unravel the ancient myths, unearth hidden truths, and shed light on the elusive civilization that is the Anunnaki Kingdom of #Sumeria

Episode 1: Unveiling the Anunnaki Legacy
In our inaugural episode, we delve into the origins of the Anunnaki. Who were they? Where did they come from? We trace their footsteps through the annals of #Mesopotamian mythology, exploring their connections to Nibiru, the mysterious planet of their alleged origin. Through ancient texts and archaeological discoveries, we piece together the puzzle of their presence on Earth.

Episode 2: The Divine Pantheon
The Anunnaki were not solitary beings but part of a complex divine pantheon. In this episode, we unravel the intricate web of gods and goddesses associated with the Anunnaki. From the powerful Enki and Enlil to the enigmatic Inanna, we explore their roles, relationships, and the myths surrounding their interactions with humanity.

Episode 3: Lost Technologies and Ancient Wonders
Were the Anunnaki masters of advanced technologies? In this episode, we delve into the intriguing theories that suggest the Anunnaki possessed knowledge far beyond the reach of ancient civilizations. We explore the concept of ancient astronauts, examine ancient artifacts and structures that defy conventional explanations, and contemplate the possibility of lost Anunnaki technologies that may still lie hidden beneath the sands of time.

Episode 4: Anunnaki and Human History
Did the Anunnaki have a profound influence on human history? We explore this question in our fourth episode. From the Sumerian civilization to other ancient cultures around the globe, we uncover the connections between the Anunnaki and the development of human civilization, language, art, and spirituality. Join us as we journey through the ages, seeking traces of the Anunnaki’s impact on our collective past.

Episode 5: The Great Flood and Beyond
One of the most captivating tales involving the Anunnaki is the story of the Great Flood. In this episode, we examine the flood mythologies from various cultures and their potential link to the Anunnaki. We explore the epic of Gilgamesh, delve into the biblical narrative of Noah’s Ark, and search for clues that may shed light on this cataclysmic event and its connection to the Anunnaki’s role in shaping humanity.

“Whispers of Nibiru: Decoding Anunnaki Secrets” is a Documentary dedicated to unraveling the mysteries surrounding the Anunnaki—an ancient civilization that has fascinated scholars and enthusiasts for centuries. With each episode, we dive deeper into the realms of mythology, archaeology, and alternative history, bringing you closer to the truth behind these celestial beings. Join us on this captivating journey as we explore the whispers of Nibiru and decode the secrets of the Anunnaki. Let the adventure begin!


16 thoughts on “Whispers from Nibiru: Decoding Anunnaki Secrets and the Legends of the Sumerian Shining Ones BOXSET”

  1. Thank you. I love the ancient stories filled with wisdom. I too wish to request of ANU the secret food of life, to be the companions of Utnapishtim to travel the bounds of Enki’s management to gaze upon Great Enlil to fish the seas of the world and view the gates of winds. I desire to never eat dirt or remove my seven garments to be locked behind the gates of the underworld around the Scorpionmen. I have searched and mapped out the paths of the lovers Westing, surely Fullcanelli needs a companion to enjoy and travel and await the return of Niburu.

  2. Thank you, I love these long form ancient history documentaries read in a calm voice. I hate the fake voice of most documentaries trying to make it engaging, when the content is already engaging. This way I can use it as educational and as a way to wind down before bed.

  3. Ishtar aka Ashteroth had 400 priest that she required to be men that she further required to dress, act and most of all surgically although not as sophisticatingly as todays surgical procedures to imitate women, sound familiar? It's also been told she's 3rd to Baal and Beelzebub to make up the trinity of Hell

  4. Now it’s a war for humanity…on one side an Alien race of Gods who created man …. I love when supposedly educated people call the God myth …the evidence is everywhere to and including their runway in Machu Picchu …real, the flood real, the ships real ….they want Gold ..to protect their atmosphere…and as of yet are not known for lies, on the other side ….you have the Lizards who came after, formed the Masonic Order and hybridized humanity…and now want the Gold, their National Parks people buffet deal, it’s the why of why are the Hybrid Elites in such a panic ? Could it be that Nibiru is almost here ? The timing is perfect …so is all the evidence…so it’s war …he said “Myth of a Great flood” wow Soros has his sticky hand shoved way up in there making his lips move …crazy ..how smart people can be so willfully stupid blind …it’s ok as the hybrids of the Masonic Order has their illegal immigrant Army chopping all he loves up with Machetes like France. Maybe he’ll have a minute to open his eyes and see before the illegals close them for good. Doubtful… it’s a shame really …


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