Whisper Mountain Outbreak Just Fielded an Intense Zombie Survival Demo

Whisper Mountain Outbreak gameplay with Splattercat! Let’s Play Whisper Mountain Outbreak and check out a game where you’ll take a team into derelict facilities to survive as long as possible against the undead.

Whisper Mountain Outbreak Download : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1953230/Whisper_Mountain_Outbreak/
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20 thoughts on “Whisper Mountain Outbreak Just Fielded an Intense Zombie Survival Demo”

  1. I know it's so dumb but in the first 20 seconds when you said Whister and then corrected yourself to Whisper my brain combined those and got Worcestershire and I was laughing so hard I had to pause xD

  2. 10:05 – The last Levitation Room With Benefits I had fell apart on me. They were keeping me as a side option to their Cabinet of Curiosities, and dumped me once I found out. I didn't even get any ammunition out of the business, just heartbreak. 😒


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