Which Stand ability is Stronger? #shorts #meme


39 thoughts on “Which Stand ability is Stronger? #shorts #meme”

  1. this is Objectively wrong sorry to disagree here but you got many stuff wrong ablut star platinum.

    first off Star Platinum is Far stronger than King Crimson, he can cause massive shock waves with his fists cause a small earthquake on the school, destroy massive boulders harder rhan diamonds with ease, he can practically fly by kicking the air, and was also shown to easily punch holes through characters far more durable than the average human like dio.
    he was able to pumch a car into the air as it fell off a cliff while he was still on it, and in the ova he literally threw a building, let's not even mention the Road Roller shit ain't king doing any shit like that the most he did was slice through Bruno who he caught with a sneak attack and damn near every stand in part 5 can sever limbs and shit with ease.

    Star platinum is So much faster it's not even funny.
    he could keep up and even outspeed a Silver chariot without armor on one side who dual wielded a 4 times amped anubis while holding back.
    silver chariot with armor on and casual is already faster than light by a long jump. and star platinum gets progressively stronger and faster as he gets angrier.
    not to mention time stop is also faster than light he can activate it in literal nanoseconds, the only limit to the speed is his long it takes him to think of activating it.
    king crimson has shown no real feats of speed other than matching sticky fingers and and reacting to Aerosmith which shouldn't even vount because rissoto literally told him and showed him the stand was there.

    next up, star platinum has no such thing as a range limit on his time stop, it's been clearly shown to stop the entire world, the supposed range you talk about is how far he is from the enemy because jotaro only had 2 seconds of timestop in that scene and he needed not to waste them by just running at kira he needed to be in punching range to not waste timestop since they were literally moments away from bites the dust.

    and lastly king crimson is Overhyped, it is a very good stand but since day one they show it's limits, it's not good in group fights fighting more than one enemy even if weak is too dangerous for him.

    he cannot attack within time erase essentially making it a purely defensive time stop like ability, and any Character wh is fast enough can react and counter diavolo's time jumps with ease, polnareff on a wheelchair could do it with fully armored chariot then so can jotaro who would literally just timestop the second he sees diavolo time erased and beat the fuck out of him.
    bruno also got the jump on diavolo despite bleeding out.
    diavolo is not very durable at all he gets folded immediately from one barrage and sticky fingers hurts him pretty fine, while jotaro could tank several full barrages form the world while having broken ribs and several stab wounds.

    the only reason diavolo doesn't get battered around or damaged by other stands is because his ability is constantly spammed to get out of harms way because he knows his durability is shit.
    diavolo is too scared to go toe to toe with literally anyone cause he knows that even if they are weak they could severely harm him.

    overall Star platinum has far better physical stats all around, feats to prove them, and his ability has no restrictions other than time limit which king crimson also has along with other limitations he has.
    time erase is purely defensive and for strategic positioning and future sight is way to limited only showing diavolo 10 seconds into the future which he can't change and is only a visual with no context which he requires to actively stop to look at it because it isn't passive.

    time stop is overall way more versatile and lacking any restrictions, the moment he pulls it off he wins and it's not like it's hard to time stop.
    star platinum got it by far.

  2. I mean, erasing a moment in time is cool, but an action in stopped time, at least by interpretation, works different than a “moment”. An action in “stopped time” is an action that happens instantly, with no precedent for an instance before. Essentially, erasing time would not stop the action from occurring, for the action itself occurs outside of time. Erego, I for one rank The World/Star Platinum, The World above sling Crimson.

  3. Nope it's star platinum that is the winner. It's not that king crimson isn't op as fuck but the only reason his stand is formidable is because it's almost never fighting a stand that deals with actual time. The minute second it fought another stand that dealt with actual time it got folded.

    Let's breakdown why it would lose to star platinum. In erased time which isn't really erased he just suppresses everyone's mental faculties for the time it's activated. You keep moving in your previous thoughts but counter attacking becomes impossible since your mind is essentially suppressed. It's like when a magician pulls off a trick or you have a lingering thought that you focused on but didn't hear what was going on around you. His other stand which is the actual time power allows him to effectively see the future. In it's various degrees of power he can perceive near plank levels of speeds. He doesn't affect them though. He doesn't stop time he just doesn't show up in the disadvantaged spot. His stand itself is naturally fast so he just like when jotaro was able to jump to high levels due to his stand his own stands natural speed would easily allow him to dodge gunfire. What it won't do is allow him to dodge something faster then light. His stand isn't that fast. He could suppress thought but he couldn't stop star platinum from punting his ass into the afterlife.

  4. Time stop > time skip/erasure by the time epitaph can start predicting itll be too late it cant simply predtict time stopping because at that point the future isnt certain if time isnt moving at all diavalo would be k.oed before he could react unfortunately anything that could essentially alter the future defeats king crimson ESPECIALLY star platinum when it acts on it's own to protect jotaro from an incoming attack did people forget that stand could immediately react to an attack before jotaro himself could will it? This ability was still present in part 4 in the first jotaro vs kira fight he was practically a human window yet star platinum still COUNTERED what would've been a finishing blow from Killer Queen.

  5. You are so wrong the reason why jotaro stands seem weaker than king crimson is because of plot and Star platinum is stronger even till the point of the end of golden wind before giorno's ascension star platinum is still the strongest stand in the world
    If king crimson looked into the future with epithet he would only see his death or see nothing because jotaro time stop is stronger king crimson can only skip time by erasing people perception of time exactly 10seconds but he can't erased anything when time is stopped and Star platinum is faster by keeping up with silver chariot who has MFT speed the only reason why diavolo beat silver chariot was because he sneaked him and polnareff was unaware of time skip and Star platinum is able to punch through diamonds while king crimson is only cement blocks
    Even their stand stats state star platinum is stronger

    So I'n conclusion star platinum mountain level AP
    MFTL speed
    And better durability

    Jotaro would clap
    But you won't still believe

  6. I love my man D, but IMO prime Jotaro would Dawg Diavolo. Jotaro was so strong in his prime that he just pulled time stop out of thin air like it was a skill. He literally reached a level higher than Dio in time stop(Dio is a Vampire who is nye-immortal and had his ability for a lot longer than Jotaro) mid fight while fighting the strongest guy he has ever faced. Dio seeing Jotaro move a little in the time stop made him shit bricks. Time stop works as a total time stop where no one except Jotaro can move freely(for 9secs) whereas Time skip works as a abnormal continuation in time, which means you can still do things that you intended to in that time(Bruno set up a trap before Diavolo could notice it in time skip). In addition Jotaro is more intellectual and doesn't fu¢k around in fighting, whereas Diavolo is cocky as hell.If Jotaro uses time stop as first Diavolo is sured done for or if Diavolo uses time skip first there is still a chance for Jotaro to survive it as he can still do his actions in the skipped time. Prime Jotaro slams and present Jotaro is a maybe, but Diavolo isn't winning that easy. No Hate 👍🏻

  7. My personal opinion is star platinum and tge world is way better jotaro chould do so much more with his stand if he trained his time stop like dio so kc wins

    Btw jotaro can spam time stop but his energy will go down faster than my hp bar when i fight the final boss as lvl 1

  8. also, if King Crimson would've done something in the time skipped, it will have happened, even despite Diavolo's intangibility during that period, so if Epitaph shows him trading killing blows with someone, he can skip that, and he'll take no damage, but his opponent will still drop dead.

  9. I genuinely don’t think King Crimson has a chance. If Jotaro were to cover himself in Star Platinum as a barrier theirs almost no way to damage him. It took The World to even be able to damage Star Platinum and if he can’t get to Jotaro now then he really can’t stop Star Platinum and he can’t skip time if their is no time to skip.

  10. UNLESS jotaro can stop time for 10 seconds he loses reason being diavolo activates his time erasure that's 10 seconds jotaro would then notice something is wrong and time stop AFTER time erasure was activated thuse diavolo will skip time to a point where it stands still and jotaro will kill him but I'm pretty sure that part 6 he can only stop it for 5 secs so he loses unless he knows about how the ability works in which case he will wait 6 seconds then time stop but if he mysteriously figures out how king crimson works so should king crimson and then he wins cause he can also see into the future for 0.5 secs

  11. What many people fail to grasp is King Crimson is a stand that takes advantage of a loophole. Diavolo has a split personality, and in the Jojo story that’s described as ‘two souls inhabiting one body’ a stand is a manifestation of your soul used for combat (or sometimes other purposes) King Crimson is so powerful because his ability to time skip and ability to see the future are supposed to be 2 abilities for 2 entirely different stands, but have instead manifested as one stand with the capability to use both powers in tandem


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