Which Farm Rescue Helps Pay The Bills

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44 thoughts on “Which Farm Rescue Helps Pay The Bills”

  1. Lenny doesn't look as good as he did even a month ago..
    Love how our animals are taken care of. When you say you give them their best life, your absolutely right, and I love you for that.
    I thought Ringo would have been second, maybe he would have a few years ago

  2. Can you please send me two eggs for my mom along with some feathers from the ostrich’s for my mom. She would get such a thrill to get them. Please. It would be cute if you could sign them. ❤.

  3. Why not sady/nellie heard the goats down the river? Ultimate job for her 🙂 we have seen she is great with baby goats. I think she will doing great living with the goats and makes her happy.

  4. I was quite surprised that Tex was a money maker. I came for the goats and donkeys. The rest of the animals grew on me. I’m just happy all the animals are well taken care of. I leave my tv on Morrow Hill videos anytime I leave the house. Morrow Hill keeps my doggies company when I can’t.

  5. Babies are nice until they are weaned and they have to be re-homed. Then I just feel sorry for them. Especially baby ostriches who may live another 50 years and we will have no idea what their quality of life will end up being. I am terrified for Susan and Chatlie right now. They will be expensive to feed and you can never predict how a person or family will treat an animal after the "newness" wears off. It doesn't matter how good of a worker someone is. I was hoping LHL's would be a sanctuary for them permanently, or as long as you were able. After all, ISS created them. It's not like rehoming puppies. Please don't abandon them to their uncertain future. Do you really think someone from that family is going to buy all the different bird seeds and meal worms and feed them every day for their long lives? I'm sorry to not be very cheerful on this comment, I just always thought you were a refuge for all your animals. I know you have rehomed a few who have caused problems but neither of these two have.

  6. Starting to get a little bit ** ** with YouTube stopping all my notifications from my YouTube channels that I watch in yours they stopped and I am a survivor sanctuary they stopped them too don't know why they're doing this but they're ticking me off

  7. One thing I do like about your channel is you never see you advertising those blue eddies and all the other stuff that they get for free they're making most 1/3 of their video is just commercials from them advertising the stuff that they get for free and then you gotta watch youtube's commercials so so anywhere from 1/3 of their video to half of their video is just all commercials so I'm just stopping and watching them

  8. If Carl is aggressive..I wouldn't put Debbie or any female with him anymore to bring out more aggression to you for your safely. Also having them next to each other where Debbie can peak across is just as dangerous. Besides you don't need any more babies. Poor Debbie's feathers look horrible from him sitting on her and you don't need more babies to try to figure how to separate.

  9. I love all the animals Carl is great and yes he has his moments but he doesn't do things with malice that is not an animals way only humans. Tex is lovely i have a soft spot for cows and although Tex could hurt you with those beautiful long horns i sometimes look at his face when you are near him and fussing on another animal and his look gets sad like why doesn't daddy pet me like that. He has such a lovely face I could smoosh him lol xx

  10. When we visit our local Cape May County zoo, we say Hey Carl to the the ostrich. They have a Holstein cow, Jilly, is 10 yrs old. Jilly has huge triangles on her hips, both sides. Leaves me worrisome. She is in the petting zoo, and she generates income by drawing guests to buy feed pellets and feed her. She is in such a small pen w no where to graze naturally. Hurts our hearts bc we know better bc Lester has such healthy cattle🌞💖🌞

  11. It's not an ostrich but if you want to watch a Bird thats just as lovable as Carl Go to @uselessfarm and you'll see an Emu named Karen and kinds of adorable animals there's a rooster as cute as nate if not cuter. There is also a really adorable alpaca.

    Not saying one to stop watching Lester or Jamie. Ima fan of both pages. Im just saying this woman is amazing with her animals

  12. ***🌺Lester, you always talk about how much you just ramble on about things. Do you realize, that a lot of the rambling that you do, does make a lot of sense. I have been following you for a long time now & yes you can talk a lot but at least you make sense. Stop taking hits on yourself, your doing alright. 🐂🐐🐖🐕🦃🌌🌌🌠**

  13. Lester, I have follow you for good few year's. I have seen you put your $$$ where your mouth is. Yes it's one of them silly saying.. You and your family are all about your animals. You bought a block of samething for your service LH because it said it was good for them, them, you also got a bag of grain for your LH because it said it would help them to keep there weight and keep them in good condition. You did that Lester because you LOVE AND CARE ABOUT THE ANIMAL IN YOUR CARE.

    I Love all the animals at both place. They all have there very own + and -, that what make them special to each of us…


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