'Where is your humanity?': US Representative Ilhan Omar calls for Gaza ceasefire

“Where is your humanity?”

US Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar gave a recent speech outside the Capitol building where she, along with a group of other Democrats, called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

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34 thoughts on “'Where is your humanity?': US Representative Ilhan Omar calls for Gaza ceasefire”

  1. You can say what you want about this woman, by politicizing her speech as being “anti-Semitic:” what has merely become nothing more than a blanket pass for the Apartheid State of Israel to ethnically cleanse Palestinians, but HER COURAGE is what’s missing from world politics. Christians who support Israel through some misguided sense of demonic Zionism, are all cowards, afraid to stand truly apart in advocating for the humanity of a people slaughtered at will for the selfish gain of unlawful occupancy and political expediency shared by supporting forces of the same criminal mindset. Bravo to those truly willing to stand on the right side of history by saying no to genocide.

  2. It is possible because we every day american citizens say that is the way we want it! She and the Palestinian people for some reason can't see the difference of full grown men entering babies bedrooms with automatic weapons at point blank range and pulling the trigger, and the other side is loss of life due to war that was started by baby killing and hostage taking! And if she is a American representative her oath requires her to first and foremost work on getting american hostages free and all Americans out! If she can't represent Americans she needs to go to Gaza and enter the government there!

  3. I thanked Allah جل جلاله that he saved me and then I ran away from there. When Dajjal woke up again then

    he thought that he had killed me. MuhammadQasimDreams

  4. Where is her outrage for October 7th. Its very clear to me that the IDF have no choice but to destroy Hamas totally. You. I feel so sad for any civilians that are caught up in this conflict but nobody can live a stones throw away from a terror group like this.

  5. Ms. Omar I am sure you know a declaration of war was declared. Without sounding insincere, I am sure you know that the Palestinians were given warning after warning to clear out of an area. Many did heed the warning but many to their detriment decided to stay. Ms. Omar you know exactly where Prime Minister Netanyahu stands. FREE the hostages then we will talk ceasefire. That is why the US is working on freeing the hostages.

  6. (baca) jangan dukung penjajah Israel, bagi anda yang mendukung Israel suatu saat nanti, bersiaplah negara anda juga akan dijajah, dan jika tidak ingin hal itu terjadi, yuk semangat semuanya, goyang hati kalian untuk mendukung dan memerdekakan Palestina. dari penjajahan dan kekejaman ini, karena jika kita mempunyai rumah dan negara yang damai, kemudian kita dijajah, tanah kita dirampas dan kita dibunuh tanpa berbuat salah, kita semua tidak ingin hal itu terjadi, agar Palestina merdeka.

  7. I hope Ilhan Omar and everyone else takes the time to listen to Mosab Hassan Yousef who is the son of Hamas Co-Founder describing what it is like growing up as a young boy and the process of being indoctrinated into the Hamas leanings. He is brutally honest in his speech and it is really a must watch program. If you had any doubts what this war is about and what Israel is fighting, this clip is for you. It is about 30 minutes long. Look it up here on YouTube.


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