Where her company is found, there is an outbreak/Why the outbreak in China lasted for 3 years?

#Chinainsights #Chinaeconomy #Chinaoutbreak

The two pillars of the harsh zero-Covid policy of the CCP over the past three years are the full-scale nucleic acid testing and the city lockdowns. For ordinary Chinese, 7 to 10 nucleic acid tests a week is the norm, and for a large city with tens of millions of people, a city-wide nucleic acid test completed in just 2 to 3 days is not uncommon.

In late November 2022, a white paper revolution took place in over 20 cities in China, with “No Nucleic Acid Test, Yes Freedom” as one of the slogans of the movement. In parallel with the white paper revolution, Chinese netizens are searching for an individual named “Zhang Shanshan. ” This person has revealed to the public the shocking truth of the CCP’s nucleic acid testing.

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41 thoughts on “Where her company is found, there is an outbreak/Why the outbreak in China lasted for 3 years?”

  1. There was a lab in Wolverhampton, England that messed up some test results. We alsohad go ernment members partying 'hard' while the rest of us were in lockdown, a directive not to aspirate jabs, covid positive people sent into care homes for the elderly (we know old peoples immune system is rubbish), we spent taxpayers money subsidising people eating out in restraunts and PPE and test equipment was made by donors to our government party.

    The UK is just as much of a mess, and i'd say more corrupt.

  2. Wtf is that video of the woman handing out money all about? So fake, but why? Forget the nucleic acid testing, its a dead end, focus on the vaccine. Why would they keep you locked down so long? Does the vaccine not work?

  3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣,Am not going to lie, I have to clap for the CCp on this one 👏👏👏.They are the biggest hustlers/finessers that I have heard of so far . Am in awe in there decisiveness,🤣🤣

  4. Who can you trust in China? Looks like all these fraudulent companies are tied to local or high ranking officials. Poor Chinese people used like lab rats with no recourse to any decent judicial services.

  5. Im confused?they(china)first gave the vaccine.they mee their own vaccine? Why outbreak is still present? Is the vaccine not effective? All around the world is going back to normalcy.china is still in chaos about the virus.

  6. It is very rare that a brand new company that's been open for less than a year wins a government contract especially when it has to do with medical testing, that's usually awarded to a experience company with a good reputation that doesn't has a bunch of fines and some of them are for giving out false testing.
    But since the CCP is involved here the company that pays the most wins the contract, and I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of CCP members are involved in all this.

  7. 上小学4年级的女儿13日被判定为阳性,在家吃退烧药接受治疗,4天后的17日死亡。 但是,贺州疾病控制中心方面表示:"没有在医院接受治疗,也没有进行尸检,因此无法确认准确的死亡原因。"



  8. Two crimes are being committed and both party profit from it. Now it's time someone takes the fall for both bandits. This missing or never existed daughter (Zhang Shanshan) in real time is taking the wrap. Now, I don't have to tell YouTubers who these 2 bandits group is, but it is simple to figure it out. We know who only is allowed to make money in China, and you can find the bandits who now create a smoke screen of a (Zhang) missing girl. Haha

    China have quite a few plans they are holding on to, to execute when one mature. Same time they're acting up China is under attack before they lounge the next one. Look everyone how dirty China is playing. we're not waking up to see we are being fooled for 2+ yrs.

    Creating this unique story the CCP bandits get to cover their arse and look for a person never existed.


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