when you get caught stealing a $300,000 animatronic from disney world | dreading

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42 thoughts on “when you get caught stealing a $300,000 animatronic from disney world | dreading”

  1. Clearly, this is a kid that was never put in check by his Parents, for childhood lies, fibs, stories, fables, fantasies whatever you want to call them. This is what happens when kids are raised thinking anything in their imagination is Real, and their feelings are more important than reality.

  2. Little narcissistic psychopathโ€ฆit ainโ€™t on tax payers back you gonna pay for it๐Ÿ˜‚his ego is as large as his big water head

  3. Disney is SUPER fkโ€™d upโ€ฆ u ever look at the number of children that go missing there every year? ITS ASTONISHINGโ€ฆ and never talked aboutโ€ฆ combo that with the amount of CONVICTED S/A and Child S/A employees and โ€ฆ. Well, u do the mathโ€ฆ

  4. im not sure why we need to know all about EPCOT. here was me thinking that we were here to hear about someone getting "caught stealing a $300,000 animatronic from disney world." but instead you put this filler section in, which so far (im at 6:12 right now) means nothing to me.

  5. They violated his rights the second they grabbed him. As far as he was told, he was there of his own free will and could leave when he wanted, they had not produced a warrant for his phone, so he could easily assume he could pick up his property and leave. After that , he should have remained silent , and let his lawyers get him a nice payout.

  6. You have so much detest in your voice for this dude. He stole some stupid stuff from a multi billon dollar company, yeah its dumb. But you have more detest in your voice for this guy than you do for some of the murderers you cover. Sorta weird.

  7. The video footage from the Wonders of Life building is interesting. In the early 2010s that was like "Epcot's junk room". The Body Wars ride was partially dismantled with danger tape on the doors that used to go to the cars and if someone went through the doors they'd go down two stories to the floor of where the cars had been. The ride where you watched the child's vision was also mostly abandoned, with the animatronic kid just sitting there with one eye open looking all screwed up. The electric room there was pretty cool, it could be lit by black lights and had three separate projector rooms which could also be lit by normal or black lights. The film reels were just laying in boxes. We had to setup power for events there a couple of times per year and I always loved to explore that building. I wonder what they do in there now.

    Edit: I once put a note in one of Buzzy's hands that said he would get revenge on the people who abandoned him like that. When I was back there several months later to run cords for the next expo the note was gone. That was about 5 years before it sounds like any of this happened.

  8. I had to stop watching true crime stories about murder for the sake of my mental health so I really appreciate videos like this. Not just interesting but a good laugh on top of it all ๐Ÿคฃ

  9. So โ€ฆ he steals from Disney, his employer. Heโ€™s now pretty unemployable; but his family owns a grocery store. So, they put him to work there. And he steals from them!

  10. I went to Florida for my Chorus trip one year. We fund-raised selling fruit, I raised enough money (I came from a relatively poor background, so trips like that to Disneyworld were a HUGE deal) to go on the bus with my Chorus classes. We performed at Disneyworld, for three shows for the 5 days we stayed there, and went to all the theme parks, including Epcot Center. I have never been to a more boring place for teenagers in my life. Everything was drab, lifeless, and for someone who couldn't afford a cell phone (this was when the Moto Razor first came out, circa 1999-2000), the attempt to connect to kids in general seemed very disconnected and out of touch. They tried really hard to make it interactive and enjoyable, but it fell short. Everything there was something you had to pay for, for something that was being sponsored, there was a lot of money they were trying to make off the wrong kind of guests.


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