When Doctrine Determines Your Destiny Part 1

The Reformation upset centuries of accumulated religious tradition. The church in Martin Luther’s day was resistant to change, going after him with a vengeance. In this message, Pastor Lutzer paints a picture of Luther’s trial at the Diet of Worms. Martin Luther is known for his Ninety-Five Theses, but he also planted the seeds for religious freedom.

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2 thoughts on “When Doctrine Determines Your Destiny Part 1”

  1. Since then your majesty and lordships desire a simple reply,
    I will answer without horns and without teeth.

    Unless I am convicted by scripture and plain reason, because I do not accept the authority of popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other.

    My conscience is captive by the word of God.

    I cannot and I will not recant anything.

    For to go against conscience is neither right nor safe.

    So help me God.

    Here I stand. I can do no other. s
    So help me God. Amen.

  2. Philippians 1:21
    [21]For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

    I believe this was Martin Luther's attitude. If he had to die, it would be an honor, because it was for the sake of the Gospel. And he would gain. But ultimately God would gain because God would be glorified at Martin Luther's expense.

    But if he remained alive, his very existence was because of Christ both in body and in conscience. So to go against conscience was to go against Christ. And to go against Christ is a contradiction and a huge mistake. Martin Luther did the right thing for sure.

    My only question is how did he come to that point? And will we come to that point today? How far away are we from coming to that point? Or should we just give up? I don't think we should give up. That is not the answer. The answer is to keep believing God's promises.

    That's why I'm so thankful for the running to win ministry. It not only helped me to start believing God's promises but also it is teaching me to continue going on believing God's promises no matter what!

    Praise the Lord!


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