When Children Unleash Their Inner Powers With The Occult | TRIPLE EPISODE! | A Haunting

0:00:00 Black Magic
0:43:52 Face Of Evil
1:26:47 Ghostly Voices

Seasons 6 & 9, Episodes 3,5 & 12

These are the true stories of the innocent and the unimaginable.

A Haunting is an American paranormal anthology that provides insight into the real-life experiences of individuals who have been victims of paranormal incidents and ghostly encounters.

Some scenes in this program have been reenacted, due to the sensitive nature of the show, viewer discretion is advised.

#AHaunting #Paranormal #Ghosts


35 thoughts on “When Children Unleash Their Inner Powers With The Occult | TRIPLE EPISODE! | A Haunting”

  1. when a medium tells you your daughter has "the gift", tell them to get out. the bible says " Do not consult a medium" You would think a priest would know that but that should tell you how much of Gods word they actually know

  2. That kid should have been out of the house the third time he lied and went against their rules. Playing with demons is no better than dealing drugs out of the house your family lives in. Amazing what a cute girl can get a guy in to.

  3. Okay I just paused at 9:07 of the video and here we go the young teens are not playing with a Ouija board of all the dangerous things, then they couldn't get rid of the it, because it kept returning be means of demonic teleportation. Now these shows are interesting but I'm not going to wager on how much truth there is in them because some of it bares some similarity to what's in movies, because in the second video some of it's content is kind of reminiscent of the movie "Trilogy Of Terror" staring Karen Black where she was trapped in a house with a little possessed African doll that came to life. Now I am a believer is unexplained phenomenon's, but I also keep an open mind and also have my doubts to the content of these kinds of reenactment shows of peoples run in's with forces from the other side.

  4. I sacrifice these attention seeking , money thieving, liars to the lake of fire as payment to the hells for the Good Demons Fallen Holy Angels to Enter into me Possess me Take me captive Live in me as they wish

  5. I've always loved this show. So many paranormal themed TV shows are just a bunch of nitwits in an all green screen and it's tired and boring. A Haunting is always head and shoulders above the rest. ๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ–ค

  6. Overall I enjoyed watching, but always bothers me when Wicca is cofused with Santanic worship. Wicca is a spiritual belief, a religion. That does practice white withcraft. The upside-down pentagram is not part of the Wiccan faith but is Satanic. Just like Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Wicca is recognized as a religion by our government. Once again an upside down pentagram with black candles is Satanic not Wiccan.

  7. Several times I caught the both the black female pastor & the priest at the end intentionally leaving out Jesus' name in ending their prayers! One even said , "in Joy's name we pray"… you approach the Father in JESUS' HOLY NAME ! that really bothers me they did that !!!

  8. Some of these episodes are soo frustrating- in the first video they knew the house was haunted but when the daughter saw a ghost they totally dismissed it??


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