When A Psychopath Realizes He's Been Caught

In today’s true crime documentary, we’re covering the case of Thayne Ormsby.

This is an educational documentary and authoritative news piece based on actual police documents and case files. Our team of psychology professionals analyze the interrogation footage from an educational perspective with a focus on red flags and prevention. Our goal is to educate the public, inform our audience, and raise awareness.


36 thoughts on “When A Psychopath Realizes He's Been Caught”

  1. I’ve lived in Maine my entire life still do, I remember when this happened. I lived less than 30 minutes from where this happened. & I’m familiar with Tamara Strout aswell. That story is still shocking. Prob one of the worst cases from Maine.

  2. I think that the patience with these interrogators comes simply from just being so interested in what u do and just love it knowing that ur gonna go home that night with one less psycho on the streets

  3. Is there anywhere EWU posts the raw interrogations? I’m one of those weirdos that really just wants to watch the full interrogation, dead spots and all, no interruption. Would love to watch this one start to finish.

  4. I have a feeling bob didn’t like his daughter being w Jeff especially since he had a kid w another woman or maybe just the fact that Jeff “stole” his lil girl and therefore he ranted about wanting the fucker dead or some shit and that’s why he helped get rid of evidence and what not. I have 13mins left of the video but that’d be guess.

  5. I don’t mean to be a downer but during the detective work in the holding cells it would be nice to see small pictures of the victims in some corners to remember them more and not give these psychopaths a platform and reason to keep doing these horrific things. Please try to show more of the victims

  6. It always amazes me how as long as it incriminates someone, they'll believe anything a psychopathic criminal liar says like it's gold and true and honest, but spend the whole (in this case) video explaining how everything he says is self-serving, untrustworthy and dishonest. Like suddenly the criminal got a halo for a split second in order to tell the truth about someone and convict someone else.

  7. If they hit me w that beer bottle question my first response would have been I may have touched more then one bottle when I went to grab my beer out of the fridge. Maybe they cleaned up after their “party” but I’m sure they didn’t clean out the fridge. You’ve got nothing buddy n we both know it *stretches out and leans back leans back leans back leans back*🎉

  8. psychopaths and sociopaths always make the mistake of thinking they're smart enough to talk their way out, never realising they're simply gonna talk their way into admitting guilt. All they need to do is say "lawyer" and half the case is up in the air. Lets all share a small victory for their daft decisions in incriminating themselves.

  9. You kind of missed the boat on so much of here. Just about every scenario he made up as he went along was a performance of great fiction, not honest to what happened. If you can't see that performance, you thought it was his actual retelling of events??? 'Tis a shame.

  10. This guy is dumb af and the detectives are getting way too much credit. These kids always fail to realise that the detectives will say ANYTHING to get you to talk. The sympathy card “ we know you’re a good guy” “help us we can help you” and the kids confess then end up in prison for life lol

  11. These interrogators go to special training and experience for their work!

    Even if I was bigger, I would NOT get in the ring with an MMA champion welterweight (156 to 170 lb)!!

    History is loaded by arrogant "smarter" losers!!

    Better just to politely refuse to spar!!

  12. This is something that has been commented on pretty much every single single true crime/suspect interrogation video – if I learned just ONE THING from the countless hours of watching YouTube videos just like this one, it is… Can you guess? Yes. Correct. GET A LAWYER!!! Right away. Don't say a damn word to the cops without one. Whether you are innocent or guilty, doesn't matter! (Well, I suppose if you are guilty but are truly remorseful for the crime you committed and want to confess and pay your debt to society, then that's probably the one and only instance when you DON'T need a lawyer.) If you're innocent and are afraid it will "make you look guilty" – doesn't matter! If you're GUILTY and are afraid it will make you look guilty" – doesn't matter! LAWYER. That is literally the one and ONLY word that needs to escape your lips if you end up in a police department interview room.

    It is a sad, well-known fact that "justice" can almost always be bought – the price tag is going to depend on just how much lipstick the pig needs to look even remotely attractive.


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