What's Your "I Told You" Moment ?

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What’s Your “I Told You” Moment ?
This video is filled with crazy stories. Be sure to watch the entire video 😉

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39 thoughts on “What's Your "I Told You" Moment ?”

  1. So the story regarding the woman's painful period. The significant other said they made the woman seek medical attention after they got married. So did the wife not see a gynecologist prior to marriage? That's how I took it anyway. Because if she would've been having her yearly gyno exams she surely would've been diagnosed with endometriosis prior. If she hadn't been to a gyno prior to marriage I'm completely flabbergasted, shocked even. How old was this woman when she got married? Did she wait until marriage to have intercourse? How long had she been active, how many partners did she have? Regardless, females should start seeing a gyno as soon as possible…like the later teen years. Female reproductive health checkups can be done little to no cost at the health department.

  2. This was back in 2018, i was walking my mom's dog, when i felt really dizzy and odd. I told my mom, she didn't believe me until the next day, when i almost fainted. Turns out i got some weird ass sickness. I forgot what it was called, but it wasn't covid. My mom still doubts me, to this day.

  3. that first one with the cat getting murdered by the dog absolutely enrages me, Why would you ever keep the second dog after it showed such aggression? poor kitty.. It had no choice.
    Try not to mix your dogs and your cats if you aren't professional, I can't stop hugging and kissing my cat now, the cruel bastards.

  4. For pregnant women, it's often pee but to be sure its a simple ph test. Urine is acidic and the amniotic fluid is alkaline. Stick it in and look at the color. There's no need to put people at risk over it because if it could be known by looking then there'd be no need for the test.

  5. Preeclampsia is extremely common and the most BASIC thing they ask is if they are having vision issues in their eyes, after testing blood pressure. The nurses should know that and be asking as well. I think the patient would be mentioning vision loss for hours. If someone is a labor and delivery doctor/nurse they MUST know that. It's not something that they easily forget because it's extremely common and life endangering. Unrecognized the patient can become eclamptic which means they will start seizing.

  6. And to add onto the Mainly Facts Guy's comment that says to give the doctors the benefit of the doubt, all the stories to that point were about doctors that were trained to treat humans, A SINGLE SPECIES. Now multiply that by a conservative estimate of a dozen, and you've got the training that veterinarians need to go through because they have dogs, cats, various rodents, farm animals, and countless other species that they need to learn and remember completely different facts, such as biochemically safe drugs and applicable conditions in order to treat them effectively.

  7. Most people don't know how to train or really understand an animal especially dogs. So even if they were to get reported they wouldn't even chocolate up to anything because in the end the owners didn't really do anything abusive. Unless the owners are legitimately amusing them there's nothing that they're going to do. It's basically the same thing as an owner training their dog up in the backyard and just giving them food and water and free reign of the backyard. Technically no animal services are going to come out and take your dog away because technically as long as the dog has food water and shelter there's no reason to worry about it.

    That's what the law states you can Google it and you can't help what a dog kills sometimes especially if you're not home. That would be the same situation as saying well we had mice in the kitchen in my cat killed it. I'm proud of my cat but all you have to do is tell somebody who's a big animal activist and next thing you know you could lose your cat because you should have safely caught them out and released it outside. You don't really know what's going to happen until it happens

  8. Story time for my side even though I left a comment already:
    So there is a place down here in my city, I've been there several times unfortunately they closed down. I missed that they were open but at the same time they sort of deserved it. The owners were halfway decent people but ultimately one of them had to be kicked out towards the end of it and then after that the store just sort of closed. So as many people probably figure out if you go to my YouTube channel or even look at my profile picture here I'm a furry. No 99% of you here probably don't give a fuck that I'm referring you might just give me some shit because you can. You don't essentially care about me or what happens.

    So to start with before the furry stuff the problem with this store is that they were trying to hard to be a game store. And all around game store if you will. Basically what that means is that they were trying so hard to figure out the best direction to have video games, card games, board games, and then they would do other specific things or you could just hang out with them. They weren't a bad store in the owners weren't essentially bad they were just bad business men.

    Over the last year I kept telling them what they need to do to make sales into how to make this store better. Personally, I've been to about 10 to 15 different comic book stores and places that sell TCG and other type of board games and collectibles. I go around to these stores all the time

  9. I actually have a legitimate story :
    There was a gaming bar downtown in my local city that I had gotten to know rather well but unfortunately they had shut I told you so moment happened when I told them what they need to be doing to make their business better and to attract more attention. However they never listen to me because to them I was the nerdy furry gaming bro that live with his mom situation. Now I don't have the money to have my own card shop if I did I would. I would more than likely have a target demographic that I would do something with say my fellow furries or just nerds in general and work around it. I would say everybody is including. One day I told the owners that what they need to do is have certain nights dedicated to certain people considering there was a decent amount of high schoolers there that played video games but they would be there all the time not spending money maybe buying a drink here or there.

    When I say drink I mean like Coca-Cola. Yes this was a legitimate gaming bar as well and you never saw the kids in the back half the time unless they just wanted to come play the Xbox. They did a yearly pass and they did a monthly pass but I think even they knew that at some point this place was going to crash and burn.

    The biggest problem that they were having is that they wouldn't listen to anybody about anything we told them over and over what they need to fix. The first thing they needed to listen to me about is they needed the advertise more and they did so little advertising that people would be surprised when they found out that the place existed. Think of your stereotypical bar mixed with gaming apparatus like a VR headset and a bunch of shitty $150 cabinets get from Walmart in the electronics section. It's those and you know which ones I'm talking about. Their main target demographic was the everyday normal nine to five person who would get off work and come have a beer or something and then leave. But they didn't realize that their nerds and their attracting nerds. Don't get me wrong, that should be their target audience however they don't realize that commonly most nerds are broke and they're broke because of their hobbies.

    I tried to explain to them what they need to work on and work with but they kept shrugging me off saying that they haven't under control. But let me explain a situation that actually made a lot of people look at them and go really bro? So I decided to make them a discord. It's been very useful for some businesses and a lot of card shops have gotten into it so that way they can talk to their target demographic faster because that's pretty much all gamers are at this point. My intention wasn't to make it a furry discord it just turned into one because that's just the direction everything went.

    I found out that we had a lot more furries in Georgia and people started joining and I was like this is pretty cool. Apparently one day the owner gets wind of how many furries have collected in the server and I had made us a dedicated channel for all the first to go hang out and post art. It wasn't like anything was gross or not safe for work cuz I made sure to keep that out of it. I even offered to basically hand the keys to the server over to the owners but they said it's fine that I can control it and they will come in and post once in a while. They never really did. They never even used the discord.

    Well apparently they had got wind about all that and when they did they had talked to me about it and said that they're going to start up their own discord it's not that they don't want the furries there it's just that people feel uncomfortable and I told them that no matter what they do they're going to get more and more furries and there's nothing you can do about that. It had nothing to do with me being a furry they just happened to find them and I tried to make a safe haven for them. Unfortunately the owners didn't understand this.

    So you're probably wondering where the hell is the I told you so? They basically thought it was a good idea to not listen to anybody and they essentially shut down after some time due to lack of funds because nobody wanted to buy their yearly pass and ultimately got shut down because of it. They were trying to sell these yearly passes to teenagers who more than likely had Xboxes and stuff and they had like three or four Nintendo switches and people could come in and play them for like $10 for a day but nobody wanted to do that. I told them that they needed to include a bunch of other stuff. So the owners didn't listen to me and ultimately fucked themselves over because they thought they knew what they were doing but they essentially wouldn't listen to anybody.

    Also minor fact behind it is that I was trying to be useful and helpful and clean up their cords and make things a lot easier hell I even bought them an HDMI coupler to attach to HDMI cords and have the Nintendo switch dock sit closer to where people were sitting because several of us would have our switch docks with us and it just made it easier so that ways some of us who had different games we could put up on the main screen.

    One of the owners got mad at me one day when I kept playing games without paying and everybody was actually on my side for the simple fact that I'm the only one that's basically keeping the games cleaned up, I am cleaning up cords, I'm re-wrapping certain things that I'm trying to make sure that the back room stays nice. If you were to go into this back room you'd wonder if this was a 12-year-old that was hanging out back here.

    Owners didn't listen to me or anybody else and thought they knew what they were doing; sunk money into a store that ultimately went under; basically low-key said that they didn't like furries without saying they didn't like furries; treated their own store like a bunch of 12-year-olds trying to play house.

    That's where the I told you so came in

  10. hey man your videos saved my love for youtube videos of reddit posts. because all the other people i used to subscribe too, i used to listen to with my ex who i was 1 week off of proposing to before she dumped me thank you for helping me enjoy your type of content

  11. I've always thought home births by choice were dangerous, risky, and stupid but seeing how many pregnant women voice concerns only to be told "go fuck yourself, that'll be $10k please" (or for those of you with universal healthcare, "this is what my taxes are paying for?!") I'm starting to see why they do it.

  12. 13:32 "they discharged me with a diagnosis of 'facial numbness'. That's not a diagnosis, that's the symptom that made me go to the er!"
    Damn, I got the neurology version of this. If you go looking for info on migraines, you'll generally encounter the little advice blurb of ☆seek immediate medical attention for any migraine that lasts longer than 72 hours or that doesn't respond to usual treatment!☆
    I saw this when i was looking for info on why i had such long, relentless migraines. Of course, i brought this up when I next saw my neurologist. That's when i was diagnosed with "status migrainosus".
    You might be wondering, hey! What is status migrainosus? Well…♡♡
    ☆its the term for a migraine that lasts over 72 hours and doesn't respond to usual treatment.☆

  13. Story 18: I don't get people like that.
    I am an ex mechanic, and the symptoms of a dead clutch are so obvious, that it's next to impossible for any ex mechanic to mess this up. All that it takes is just to test it, in less than 10sec.
    How can anyone be willing to spent someone else's money on nothing, because they didn't spend 10sec testing the obvious?

  14. I kept telling my mom and sister I smelled rusting metal in the kitchen, but neither of them believed me. Two months after that first incident, our old cast iron pan is almost rusted through and the area under the sink is flooded and full of maggots. Our garbage disposal hadn't been installed properly for our kind of sink, so the vibrations had knocked the pipe loose, causing a leak. Of course, I had to do most of the clean-up, then we couldn't use the disposal until Mom finally got someone to fix it. My sister also made us throw out/replace everything that had been under there "because maggots touched it!", and it was therefore permanently contaminated in her mind. Mom's birthday gift that year was a plumber bill and a whole new set of cleaning supplies in a cheap plastic bin.

  15. My cousin would speed down the road with his mom's dog running on the side like it was a race. Told my cousin that if he doesnt slow down, hes gonna end up hitting her with the car. Couple drives later, he hits her with the car and kills her. judas christ, man.

  16. My sister was dealing with severe stomach cramps over a few months. She went to the doctor multiple times and every time the doctor told her that she had a muscle infection and gave her a training program, even though the doctor didn't take any blood test or anything. A few weeks later she calls my parents crying in pain (my sister is not a cry baby by any means so this was very alarming), my dad drives to pick her up (she lived 3 hours away by car) and he took her to the hospital. She was immediately taken in and took a scan and found out that she had an abscess with half a liter (16.9oz) of pus, that was about to burst and leak into her bloodstream. The only place in the entire country where they had the equipment to treat it was in the city she lives in. So they had to pack her into an ambulance and take the 3 hour trip back again where she had to be put into a coma on the way there. They arrive and she is taken to the emergency room, but the abscess had already collapsed, so they had to keep her in a coma for 10 days while they where filtering out all her blood. 10 days goes by and she wakes up from the coma and she starts on rehab, and before you know it she's able to take care of her self again. A few weeks later she has to go to her doctor for a check up (the same doctor that send her home and said it was a muscle infection). My sister tells her what had happened, and the doctor dismissed everything and tells her the next time someone comes in with the same symptoms she would still do the exact same thing she did to her…

  17. Story 9.. hey your brothers trying to lock them in before they really get to know him. Once married they realise how he is and run. Sure they may not be the peak of human excellence, but really a woman or man who is worth a damn is not rushing into marriage. If two people are rushing to marriage there are red flags for BOTH people not just one side.


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