What's The Worst ADULT TANTRUM You've Ever SEEN?

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12 thoughts on “What's The Worst ADULT TANTRUM You've Ever SEEN?”

  1. People get really finicky about their name/phone number for some reason

    At My old job working at Wendy's our boss was a real stickler about getting every single customer's name for some reason typed into the system I think he didn't trust us to just memorize people's orders or something idk?

    But regardless a lot of people just straight up refuse to get their name and would just kind of stare at you refusing to budge so eventually I would just usually put something like guy in red shirt or lady with curly hair because I didn't know what else to do

    Almost every single time I manager caught it and came to lecture me until I pointed out that I indeed attempted to obtain their name but that they just completely refuse to give it to me

    Just kind of always confused me like bro I'm not a cop or anything I'm literally just some minimum wage loser tapping like the same four buttons on the screen most of the day, I'm not trying to sell anything to you or sign you up for anything My boss just wants your name so I can shout it out when your order is done

  2. I actually witnessed my own Story 6. Mind you, I was not involved in it, at least not as it went down.

    To preface, I had just moved overseas for university studies, so I was living in a dorm. One of my dormmates said that he was having car trouble. Because I often did maintenance work on my parents' cars, I offered to take a look. It did not take long to find what was wrong, but fortunately, it was easy enough to fix at home, and I knew how to. He said he could not spare the time to get the part, so I offered to get it and fix it for him. He agreed to it, along with paying me back for the part (which he did when I finally got back with it).

    Fast forward to me waiting in line with the part. I am not really paying attention to much as I was focused on what I needed to do. For the record, another dormmate cycled around and had his toolkit for maintaining his bike, and it had the tools I would need, so I was thinking about how exactly I would handle the fixing.

    That is when some guy in front of me started his screaming. I do not know what it was about, but it was easy enough to tell that he was just being an @$$hole. Well, the guy behind him was not going to let this continue – nor should he have – and he confronted the guy, very calmly saying:

    "Sir, I own the garage next door, and I am also the head mechanic there. Right now, you are costing me and especially my customers a lot of time and money. So you have three choices: 1) give your information, pay for the items, and then leave with them, 2) leave the items here without paying for them and walk out the door, or 3) leave the items here without paying for them and be carried out the door. Choose now."

    The first guy did not exactly spend any time thinking, and I immediately got the sense of what was about to happen, so I prepared to rush in to help the mechanic – I was the second person behind the mechanic, and I had been practicing karate for nearly 15 years at this point. Well, it turned out the mechanic did not need my help at all. I was not able to clearly see what happened, but I did see the bottom of the back of the first man's head (around where it meets his neck) slam into the edge of the counter, and he just dropped upon the impact.

    Evidently, the @$$hole chose Option 3.

    The mechanic calmly went on to pay for his own items, and as he passed by me, I briefly stopped him and said, "Sir, once I get my own car, I know who I'm entrusting to fix it now. Also, if the police need to speak to witnesses, I will testify that you acted in self-defense."

    The mechanic turned out to be an aikido master, and I have been training at his classes for the three years since that day.

  3. My stepfather does stuff like this multiple times a week bro. When I used to stay with them, he would rage just because my mum wanted to use the bathroom first. He’s been thrown out of supermarkets for flying into a rage because the queue was too long, throwing shit down the aisles and swearing at whoever. The dude just has a screw loose, say a prayer for my mother.

  4. Story 8 is that the same lady, who’s dog made a doo and refuses to clean up saying “there is people working for that”, and lied to by another passenger “they move to another gate you better hurry!”. Got swindled !
    Story 16 she is one Pepsi fan!

  5. I was working on the till and the till next to me had a customer who was very difficult. He was trying to get a refund for something but it couldn't, can't remember why, and he went ballistic yelling at my coworker (Who was taking it like a saint) saying things like "This is why company is going downhill" and "Is this a Tori run company?" so as per our policy for when crazy customers appear at the till, the duty manager was called over and he repeated what she said but nut case wasn't having it another coworker came over and turned on her body cam and told him he was being recorded and he was like "Go on, record me, post it on YouTube!". Another customer came over to politely tell him to stop and he goes "Oh don't worry I'm leaving and I'm never coming here again!" with me thinking "Good, means one less jerk to deal with." whilst also wondering why people think that behaviour will ever work in their favour.A few times he said "I'm not gonna swear." as if that made his attitude any better. Whilst this was going on I was serving a customer and doing a certain process where I needed his details and we had to talk quite loudly and repeat ourselves a few times, I apologized that he had to witness that afterwards but thankfully he was fine with it. I hate people sometimes.


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