What's the Truth About Aliens & UFOs? (MUST WATCH!)

This is a must-watch video that provides the truth about what Aliens and UFOs are.

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We believe that the Bible is true & can be put to the test for validity. We obviously know that the Bible has parables, allegories, poems, laws, short stories, genealogy, proverbs, sermons, prayers, prophecy, proverbial text, epistles, etc. But most importantly history. What we do is test the history spoken of in the Bible with science & let the evidence speak for itself. We discovered that the evidence is in favor of Creation which just so happens to falsify evolution theory. This is why they know we are a threat & must remove Creation science from the education system at any cost.

Evolution theory is nothing but an attempt to rule out God that mixes truth with lies. Hutton’s Book “Theory of the Earth” was published in 1795, it was designed to make the population doubt the Earth was 6,000 years old. Then Lyell’s (a lawyer) book “Principles of Geology” published in 1830, was designed to make the population doubt the Flood. Even in his words, it was to “rid the science of Moses”. Then in 1859 Darwin’s book “Origin of Species” was published which made people doubt Creation. Darwin said He murdered God. He used a step by step process to use secularism as the new religion.

I once believed in Evolution like most, but after I really began to uncover the evidence all that changed. Now I am here to unveil the deception we were all told was the truth. Let me give you a few examples of how the theory has already been falsified yet remains.

Head to Head Comparison
Genetic similarity vs No genetic similarity
Creation ✅Evolution ❌
Fast Mutation rates vs Slow Mutation rates over Deep Time
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Few mutations in Mitochondria vs Mitochondrial Mutation Saturation
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Rapid diversification via Punctuated Equilibrium vs Slow Deep time Gradualism
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Global Bottleneck Founder effect vs Evolutionary no bottleneck
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Genomic decay and loss vs Evolutionary Genome Increase
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Genetic boundaries vs Evolution no restrictions
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Taxonomically restricted DNA elements vs Evolutionary non-restricted differences
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
No Junk DNA vs Junk DNA
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
All one people vs Different Races
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Human/Chimp – Different chromosome numbers vs Same number of chromosomes
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
No Chromosome Fusion vs Chromosome Fusion
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Expect to find pre-flood creatures alive (Living fossils) vs Nothing ancient living
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Designed functional different anatomy Vs evolutionary remnant degenerate vestigial body parts
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Rapid speciation vs Slow Gradual speciation
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Disease Increase vs Disease Decrease
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Grass before dinosaurs vs Grass After dinosaurs
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
A single supercontinent vs Continents and oceans were permanently fixed features.
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Plate tectonics vs Continental Fixation
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Rapid Plate subduction vs Slow uniformitarianism subduction
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Dinosaur Soft Tissue vs No biological material
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
KT Boundary from volcanism vs KT boundary from Meteor Impact
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
Neanderthals totally human vs Neanderthals a different species, primitive
Creation ✅ Evolution ❌
The list goes on and on and on… Check out my video proving this https://youtu.be/CZZaIjAKDQU?si=Cv0v5VzwhhEyf20b.


17 thoughts on “What's the Truth About Aliens & UFOs? (MUST WATCH!)”

  1. I've seen a UFO. The thing is, UFO stands for UNidentified flying object. There is near 100% chance it was some logical thing that frankly has so low priority I didn't bother looking into it. Something that bothers me is that anytime there is a UFO it is assumed to be alien even though 99% are quickly shown to be explained etc. The other 1% are a mixture of explainable and frankly if we are going to be honest unexplainable because we generally get evidence that is shockingly low quality. Why, after so many supposed thousands of "sightings" do we never get quality evidence. With the number of phones and other cameras out there you would think that by now there would be at least one measly high quality video somewhere yet none. Always super low quality, even from the government cameras that are really high quality. If they are real we should have something much better by now.

  2. Why do people assume that a signal from an intelligent source would be a repeating pattern? Speech is not a repeating pattern. Speech is quite irregular. Music is also irregular (at least good music is).

  3. Modern witches do not usually believe that Satan exists and do not consciously believe they are following the devil. They believe in "elemental spirits." They are pagans, not satanists.

  4. I do believe there are actual vehicles chariots sais in Bible itself they don't travel linearly they warp space or create some type of gravity field they have been seen coming in and out of water these craft are surrounded in some type of field for sure particles wouldn't affect the craft at those speeds nothing would this guy talking like his knows everything lol how would you know that traveling this way isn't possible we as humans know nothing to do with the laws of the universe we don't even know how gravity works or even if it's a thing we haven't mastered everything as humans no where near sorry to burst your bubble I do believe in Christ and I am a Christian but you talk like you know everything and you definitely do not

  5. Im at the 45:00 mark and im EXHAUSTED by this man… he makes fine points.. but the game he plays by NOT REVEALING HIS OPINION UP FRONT is silly… up to this point, he is selectively sharing data and facts… Now we are talking about how "impossible" interstellar travel is and all the data he could find to support this…

    EXCEPT… I can provide plenty of "science" that says otherwise… that it IS POSSIBLE to REDUCE MASS DURING TRAVEL, hence being able to achieve this type of travel in spite of our CURRENT understanding of physics…

    If he was unbiased and thorough, he would present this data also.

    I cant stick around another 75 minutes to find out if this guy decides to balance out his arguments or not. Sorry.

    Hes also arguing that ALL alleged alien ET abduction cases are spiritual DESPITE MANY MANY whistleblowers coming forward to disclose the existence of a WORLDWIDE CIA PROGRAM that simulated ET abductions on unwilling participants using NOW CONFIRMED electro-gravitic (antigravity) craft and probably various drugs and other unknown technology to alter victim memories…

    These victims have had IMPLANTS removed from them, all found to be encased in an unknown organic shell that SOMEHOW caused the body to accept the implant 100%…

    This doesnt sound SPIRITUAL OR ALIEN TO ME. It sounds like black budget technology thats 40+ YEARS ahead of our time (as is ALL cutting edge technology first hoarded by gov/mil entites before they become obsolete and are eventually released to the public as the newest thing..

    Dont get me wrong – this man is most likely VERY CORRECT about most of what he's promoting. I agree with MOST OF IT. But hes ignoring SO MUCH and when you do that, you lose credibility with anyone whos aware of the contradicting data (like what ive mentioned here).

    He needs to come full circle with his whole spiel here by including ALL the data and acknowledging that these crimes against humanity ARE OCCURRING and NOT ALL these events are of biblical proportions..

    I could continue on for an hour on all the technology that we now know exists that does ALL THE THINGS these "ET CRAFT" can do. There is ABSOLUTELY a human element to this phenomenon and hes flat out dismissing it. Not good.

  6. The true is all of this is media manipulation there is No evidence of Aliens ships or Aliens , all the videos have a rational and very comon explanation like birds , arplains , wrong driaframa cameras , etc,etc

  7. I am still skeptical about UFOs being tech from other species out there just because its far fetched to think that someone came hundreds of thousands of light years here just to show off. People keep saying these might be demons or spirits but that makes no sense given that if you're not tied to gravity our planet would be spinning around and away from you.

  8. 1:29:15
    Yes, the pilot said that they were doing things beyond the laws of physics, but could he be inaccurate in his assessments, or subconsciously using hyperbole?

    FYI – I am in total agreement with Helmut about the true nature of these sightings.

  9. 1:38:25

    On magnetic reversals using energy in order to flip

    Magnetic reversals during the flood could be the mechanism employed to drain energy from the then Earth’s magnetic field. Perhaps this points towards a much, much stronger field before the deluge. If so, how would such a field (being even stronger than if we didn’t factor in this reversal decay) affect life on Earth?


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